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Didn't Write It

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"Mabel Clare" writcs us tho following flattcring inquiry: "Are you the author of that tender little bailad, 'Darling, KÍ88 My Eyelids Down ?' " We ? Wc write Bucb stuff ae that ? " Kisa onr eyelkls down?" Mnbel, tliou art haaide thyself; mach reading hath made theo mad. "Darliug, kiss onr syclids clown?" Now, isu't tluit a nice tliiüg to acense us of i-aying? Are we tbat devoid of intelligence ! Mabol, don't yon troublo our eyelids -when you havo a faney to perform any operation of that delicate and tender nature. We have a large, comfortable, roomy, flesible gash just below our nose that ha bought county rights forall bu8iuüES of that nature thatcomes withiu the limits of our faeo, and auy eyelid found interferiug or infringing will be prosecuted to the extreme limit oí the law. No, we didn't write it. - fíitrhiyf ni ll(Ut'k-Ec. ■ Massachusetts ha temper;ince societies whoso members are pledged not to totally abstaiu from strong drink, and never to'get drunk.


Old News
Michigan Argus