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Nominating A President

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A new method for nomiuating candidateti for President and Vice President by tlie national political parties is propoeed. It is thuB outlined by the Cincinnati Enquirer, a Democratie paper, wliieli recomrnends it to its party in 1880: ' ' Let the National Oommittee meet at Baltimore, say, on the day fixed for nominating candidates for Presideiit and Vice President; each State delegation meet in its o wn State, at a place in telegraphic communication with Baltimore, or wkerevertlie National Committee may meet, and send the result oi its ballot to the National Committee. When all the States shall have sent in their votes, the National Uommittee shall count the same, and announce the result immediately to eaeh State Oonvention. If there shall be no election on the first ballot, the voting to proceed until a nomiuatiou shall be made." It is claimed, and very plansibly, too, that, by the adoption of this plan, bargaining, manipulation of delegations, or carrying ncminations by hurrahs, would be done away with, and that the result would be the cool, delibérate work of oach State Convention, expressing the party will and the choico of the State.


Old News
Michigan Argus