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The recular meeting ot the CommonCouncii was held on Monday eveninp, all the members being present, and the follnwing business ! transacted : I'KTITIOyS AXD COMMUNICATIONS. Of E. I!. Lntson atid others, for plank sidewulk on east side ot Maynurd Street, between Liberty and Williatn streets. 'l'o Sidewalk Committeo. ui C. Mack aiul others, fot building of etone bridge over Allen' creek, tull width oí ntreet, on South Muin streot. To Street Committee. Of Edward Duffy and other merchMlts, that a license tax of t' per day be fixed to be paid by alt non-resident merchants and vonders who sell or canvasK the city tor mies of tlieir goods. To License Gommittee. Frora Chiet' Elimineer, reporting th hst of mi'inbors of the Firo Depttrtmeiit who are ontltted to pay aa Hremen. Filed, Htid wurran ft ordered drawn in tavor ot' the persons named. From Dr. Geo. L. Stone and Dr. E. Baruum, de:Iiuiug to accept tlieir appointmeut 88 laambers of the Board of Health. Filed. FBOM CITY OFFICEKR. Marshal Johnsou reported eight arniats during month of April : Vagrancy, 1 ; disturbmg peace, 1 ; making threatfl, 1 ; drunk and disorderly, 1 keeping saloon open on Sumlay, l. Aïso, that he bad disbnretl ÍÍ 12 83 amoiig the city poor during month of April, divided among the sereral wardR : Firnt w.-mi, $lï.2(j ; Second, 14.69 ; Third, Í36.9S ; Fourth, 130.25 ; Flfth, 123 84 ; Sixth, $3.92. Filed. B Vhe bond of John Schunmcher, City Treasurer, in the sum of $80,000, with Rica A. Beal, Thomas M. Cooley, Charles Spoor, A. J. Sawyert iïansuo Sessiouat Wm. Noble, John W. Thompson, B. P, Cocker, H. D. Benuett, Beuj. Brown, and Franklin Cate, a sureties, was presentad and approved. The bomls of the toltowing Constables were appruvnd: John G. Johnson, Jasper Imus, Thos. Clarken, l'eter Long, Eli S. Alanly and E. B. Gidley. City Attorney repurted to the conectneso of the sa (ion bond ot' Johu Kiiigch, with L. Gruner and F. Staebler as sureties. Approved. The reports of James McMahon and Ivivvunt Clark, juHticeB ot the peace, were reterred to a special committee consisting ot' A)d. WoodrutV, (}ott, and Besimer. r.ioroii noKDs. Tlie followmg Iwnds of liquor dealers were pr8eited for approval, aud were referred to City Attorney lor examination : George F. Lutz, stiretios Louis Frit and Chris. Schmidt ; Johu Goei, & Soit sureties i'. ii;io)i und A. A. 'Verry ; CIikh. Binder, sureties Chris. Walker and l'Ved. Schmid ; Uüore Ardner, sureties Johu Kiev Htid l'uut Uhnstiitan ; B. J. Biliiugs, tiureties W. II. Bestaier nnd A. 1). licsitner; Nicholas Piaber, surañea l'hihp F. Vissel aud M. .iedele ; Uiricli Schiiible, sureties Johfl Huinzumuii aii'l M. JeJele ; John M. Gould, suretien John Ümitil nnd John Lytich ; Henry Binder, sureties Freii. Schmid und J. Luubengayer; Charles Kitson, .-sureties 11. Kit.tridge aui Win. Humphrtjy ; Fred. ]'■ "i i, sureties D. ün-i-y auii M. Seabolt ; Cieorge Clarkuu, sureties J. Chiis. üchiuid and Fris I. Sotg; X. H. Diake, sureties 1'. li.icli and B. Beuder ; (ieorge A. Waidelieli, sureties F. Weitbrucht lteury Wesch ; Gottlieb Schottl ■, sureties Auj ton Eisele and G. Kutt. ; Cari iiuuser, sureties Ji'lni G Crdll and Henty ilorii : (Jhristian 8anzi sureties Chris. Schmid and M. Brodbeck ; .foseph Dunnelly, uretiee I). Xiiusey aud M. Sealiull ; August Her., nur.-tn-s Johu Hagen and Krank H. Ortinmi ; Michnel .Stoet), suretien John C. Ijutz and Jchu 8teeb ; Louis Walz, tmreties Uenry l'aul and Fred Wngner; Jacob Hoffstetter, sureties C. Hoft'stetter nnd John i'rey ; Audrew 1'feifle, sureties Johu Frey and L. Gruner ; John D. Heiunch, sur#ties L. Gruner and A. D. Seyler ; Albrecht Gwinner, sureties &. Luick and M. Weinman; : Henrika Lodhol, sureties A. Gwinuer aud Al. Weünmsn; Oscar Wehner, sureties F. fclhnis and J. G. Lnubeugayer ; Besimer Bros., suretis Heury Matthews and Johu I'. Buiieigh ; Arthur 8. 1'olheuius. Also the followiug druggists' bouds: Eberbach & Son, sureties A. Hutzel and L. Gruner ; L. S. Leren, sureties Theodore Taylor and A. W. Ames ; Etnanuel Manu, sureties C. Mack and F. Schmid ; H. A. Tresn&ine ifc Co., snreties Jus. J. Parshsll and D. L. Godfrey. BEPOKTS OF COMMITTEKS. Finance- Aid. Woodruiï subinitted a liat of bül exammed by the cointnittee, iccommeuding their llowance at tums stated in report. Accepted, and warrant ordered drawn on the several funds tor the following amomtts : General fund, $509 42 ; General Street, $-18 94 . i'irst ward, $7 00 ; Third ward, f80 95 ; Sixth' ward, $7 50 ; Contingent, $241 41. Also, that they had examined the booka and accouuta of ex-Treaaurer ïerry, and found the same correct. The followiug ainounts being found ia his hundí belonging to the saveral fnuds : General fund, il.OJö 60 ; Gen. Street, $118 97; Contingent, $1,637 86; Cemetary, 120 88 : First ward, $60 66 ; Se-ond ward, $375 72 ; Thinl ward, $82 81 ; Fourth ward, $108 75; Fifth ward, $203 30; SUth wrd, $108 51. Filed. Also, submitting a resolutiou directin the cancelling and delivery of the bond of Treasurer Terry, upou the delirery of the funds and books to hia successor ; also for the canceliing anil rfiturn of the bond of ex-Rscoider Seyler. Ailopted. Streets -In tavor cif a brick sewer, five feet in diamottr, over créele croasuig Maun street, near Mineral Springa IIouso. ürdered built. Als ', in favor of brick sewor, four feet in diameter, over ureek croasing Miller avenue, west of Mann atreet. Ordered built. Also, in favor of brick sewer, five feet in diamoter, over creek crossing Second street. Urdered built. Alsn, in tavor of a 22-inch tile sower over creek crossing North Maiu street, near Edwar:! Torrey's. Ordered built. Also, relative to the conditiou of the Hurou iiver bridge, naar Sinclair') Mili, recomueiuiiug tliat the samo be rebuilt, and tliat a tax-payers' meeting be called to vute tho ueoessary funds. Laid ou table till next meotiug, aud committeo authorized to raake such tmorary repairs as may seem necessary. Also, that the owuers of tho mili race crossng Miller avenue be notitieJ to put the bridge horeon in proper condition immediately. Adoptad. Sidewalka - lu favur of building siduwalkn n north side of Ann.streot, betwee Maiu and ''irnt. HtrootH, and on we&t side oí Seoond street, etweeu Aun and North streets. Adopted, ud walks ordered huilt. Special-ln favor of buildiug uidewalk aud rosswalk between Huron liiver bridge and Cxchauge block, on Broudwav, aud that saine '■ paid tor from I'iïth w&rd tund. Adopted. MICliI,Li.VE0U8. liy Aid. Gutt, the followiug reaylutioii, tvhich was adopted : Resolved, Thitt tho General Fuud Oommittee be authorued to contract lot tlie lighliug siul Bupplies of the street oil lampa oí the city tor the coinin year, auü that, it they doem uecessary and proper, thoy shall contract for the whole to b let to the lowest bidder. By Aid. Besimer, that the Sidewalk Coramittus be directed to give special atteutiou to the uncotuplettid sidewalk on east uide of West Third atroet, betwoea Liborty and VVillmm street8. Agreed to. By Aid. Bower, that Street Couunittee be authorized to receive bids for reiuovinj{ gararge trom ntrouts, mul to lot the cuiitraut to ie lowest bidder. Agrsed to. By Aid. Besimer, that Street Uouimittee be ïrected to coul'er with the Anu Arbor and jodi Piank Koad Cu. relativo to the building a stone bridge over Allen's creek, on South ain street. Agreed to. By Aid. Bower, that City Attorney be ruested to iustruct the Treaaurer how to proeed to collect the tax due for the construction t the sidewulk iu Iruut of property of M. H. oodricb, on Fourth street. Agreed to. By Aid. tSpraguo, Unit the Marshal be directed to collect copie oF the KeTtsed Charter and Ordmances in the hands of ex-officials, for the njo oi the memhrs of the Council and ofïï'-mls. Afreed to. By Aid. Bower, thnt the City Attorney be dírectel to prepare and report an ordiuance, requirin{ the doding of aII Haloons bet ween the hom? ot 10 p. in. and ( a. m. To which Aid Hill offered mi amondmeat substituting lip. m in place of 10 p. m. The ameudment was adopted by the fuliowing vote: YOas - Aldermen 'iott, Hndy, I'esimer, Hutzel, De Forcst, McOonali!, Tiemain, Itill, and the Recorder ; nays - Aid, Bower, Spraue, Matthewflon, o lid Woodruff. The motíon ;i mnded .'. i-i aiopted. By Aid. Spr&gue, tfaat Newton Felch 4e appointed uoimnissioner of the Oity Cemntery, in place ot .ï. W. Juhuston, ducliued. Areeii to. By Aid. Bower, thnt Ja. A. Jack be üuensed to kenp a huckstor utaud uu the (iregory Houne corner. The utotion was amended, leferriug tho matter to the Licenso Commtttee. lïy Aid. Gott, that Jusepii Mutiim ry be appointed special poliooman for the Union School and vicinitVi to serve without expense to the city. Afreed to. By Aid. ïlut.el, tltat Johu ('ook te appoïnt1 ed special policetnnn tor Forest HÜ1 Cemetery, to nerve without expeuse to city. Afreed to. By Atd. Bower, that the matter of license to the Italian peanut veudera be reterred to License Committee for investigation. Agreed to. The Council proceaded to the election of two mom ben of the Board of Health, &ud Dr. J. Kapp and Dr. C. Georg were elected. By Aid. Bower, that Recorder Clark be directed to present bis bond for approval at uext meeting, in the sum of $500. Agreed to. Adjourned to next Monday veiling.


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