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In the abaeuce of official informatiou touching the plans of Ciov. Ashley we extract the following trom a recent number ot the Toledo Commercial : "The Aun Arl)or Road is being rapidly pushed to completion. Xt will be oponed for business ahout the löth of Muy, with as good au equipment as auy road has, aud with a most excellent proapect of busiuoss. The road caniiot but be profitable to the compauy, aud of lts beueh't to Toledo ther can be no quesI tion. It runs throujih the richest part of i Mu inclín, and it opens a largo extent of couni try that heretoiore could nut et to Toledo. The road, short as it is, will add niaterially to oui husineaa, iminedialely, and then it hus a future. Within a year it will be exteuded to Lhvosso, and a line to Lansing is a certainty. The load-bed in as good an there ia is the country, aud the bridge have been built to atay. The road. as a whole, is all that could be desireil. Too mucb. credit canuot be awarded to Govornor Ashley, lor his persisteucy aud pluck 10 punhiiig forwarrt this importaut euterprise. He took hold of it in the darkest days ot the j durkest year the country has ever seen, aud in the lace of discouragemeuts that would have ditnnted a leus resolute man, has built the road aud built it well, and in seven nionths lea tune than he promised. He denerves more credit tor this achieTeruent than he will ever Also this trom the Adriau Times, which seem8 to intímate 1hat "h crook" will be made in the Toledo and Aun Arbor Hüilroad at this poiul, with a view to a couuection with tba Grand Trunk at Pontiac or thoreabouU, crosaing the Flint aud Fere Marquette at Wixora . " Xotwithslandiii"; the most strenuous oppomtion, the Grand Trunk bas, witbill a few dn vs, Kecured au eutrance iuto Chicago. Toledo is anxiouB tu have a branch of this road there, and we hear ïrom information which we deern reliable, that the Toledo, Aun Arbor ' Northern road is likelv to be run in tbe Uraud Trunk interest It this 19 ao, Adrián has a line surveyed, graded, to n great extent bridged and tied, withiu a very few miles ot a junction with this road. A uarrow gauge road cnuld be built 011 the line of the Adrián & Detroit railroad very clieaply, and a very little expeuditure would close the gap betweeu our line and the Toledo & Aun Arbor road, in the town ot York, Washtuuaw couuty. Adrián aud Tecumseh could, it they would, make this connection, and hardly realize tbat they had expended any money. Both places would Uien have cunuectiou with the gigautic railroad system coutrolled by the Urand Trunk L2mEï5X! ?:!..!i0.uoldpif?TInz'i?eï'piict 313 '.[ii.-i1M.. ti.nn any other places nor so i!esaed, manufactures would spring up, trade revire, aud this city and her beautitul little sister just north, would enter upon a career of prosperitv, to which their most prospernus past history would be a mere bagatelle. But all this good fortune is predicated on compíetiní the rdilroad spoken of, aud we don't believe there is public spirit euough to do it. If the Commercial and Times are both correct Anu Arbor may yet be a railroad center.


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