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NEVADVERTISEMENTS To those who Subscrlbed to ald in building the Toledo and Aun Ardor Kailrotul. Toledo Ax. Abboh Railhuah Coih-any ) Tolsdo, O., May 8, 1878. ' j I takc pleasure a announcing, that 011 or beíbre the first day of June, our road will be completed from Toledo to Ann Arbor, and rcady for busiuesd. This is seven months carlier than promised. Our open winter, and the unprecedented rain fall in the monthi of March íand April, grcatly rctarded our work and cauaed the rieim-.s largely to eiccod the estímate, so that 1 now need erery dollar I can command. It' thoíc whoHe ooligations we hold "payable thirty dayfl after the can are regularly running," cito, without aerious ioconvenience, pay them earlier, thcy wlll placedme under additloual obligations. Thosc whose nots are now due [I mean the "oíd notes," which are payable in installuients, mi the aying of each eight miles of irou[, are respectfully requested to pay theui at thejr etrlicstconvenlcnce. .1. M. Ashley, Jr., of A. W. HamilUm, Secrctary of the Conipany, are authorized to receive the mont'y for both the new aud the oíd note.i, and to li-liver thetn up on paymcnt. JAMK-i M. ASIfLEY. SherifTs Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of 'W'ashtenaw, J Bfl. The Wardenu and Vestryraen of St. Anrew's Church of Ann Arbor ts. Fannie Thatcher mi Kriwtus Thatcher : By rirtue of a writ of erí facias, isBuod out of and under the seal oí the Supreme Court of the State of Michigan, in the bove eutftled cause, and to me directed and delivrcd, I did on the scventeenth day December, a. d. 877, aeize and levy upon the following described eal estcte, lauda and premises, nituated withln the aid county of Washtenaw, to wit : The land and rcmines situated in the city of Ann Arbor county f Wnshtenaw, Michigan, and known and designated asloti number niimfOj aud twelve(12),in block nunihor three south in range number nine eaat which ahove described property I shall cell to the' highest bidder, at the north door of the Court House, In the city of Ann Arbor, county and Slat Hforesaid (that heilig the place where the Circuit Court forsaid county of WaithtenawiH held) on tba Twkni y-Skod.nd at ot Jukb, A. D. U78, at throe o'clock in the afternoon of said dav. l)ated, May 10, 1878. 1686 JOSIAJl S. CASE, Sheriff. Real Estáte for Salo. UTATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, as. In the matter uf the eatate of I'atrick Hnghea, deceaaed. Notice il hereby giren tbat in )ursuance uf nn order granted to the undersigned, adminlstrator with the will annexed of the etate of said deceased, tbs Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Waahtonav, on the fourth day ol May, A. I). 1S7S, ihere will be ■oíd at public vendue, to the higheat bidder, at the late reaic ence of said deceaaed. in the town hip of Scio, in tbe Uountr of Waahtenaw, in aaid Btate, on Tuksdat, the twentt-fii-th dat op Junk, A. D. 1878, at ten o'clwk in the forenoon of that day (aubject to all encumbrancea by mortgage or otherwioe exiitin at tbe time of tbe death of Raid deceaaed) the following deacribed real estáte, towit: AU the riht, title and Internat of aaid deceaaed, at, m and to the followmg deaeribed real eawte: Bloeks numberlS, 19,20, 21, SS, 23, 24, 45,26 i' , 28, 3"j, 30, 31, and all of blotk a)x (6) lying toutb' of the Michigan Central Kailroad, all ana every of auid black beiog in Foeter'e platof Scio Tillare, in Wiirthti'iiiiw County, Michigan ; and a picce of land known and deaorihed aa followa: Nuuiber 1, ' and 3, bounded noitb partly by the Michigan Central Küüroad and the village of 8cio, weat by the í?cio Mili property,aouth audeaat by the Hurun Kiyer, aaid land bein on aection 10, township of Scio, Washtenaw County, State of Michiiran Dated May 4, 1878. 1686 JOHN HUGHES, Adminittrator with the will annexeiof aaid Mtate. New Goods GRAND OPENING -OF- SPRING CLÖTHII! --ATWm. Wagner's. SPRING STYLES AND WORST to be maile to order at 21 South Main Street. COATS and VESTS FOE. LAEGE MEN. JOE T. JACOBS. 1N8HANGR CQHPANT. Capital, - - $3.000,000. Assuts Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Lomes Paid in 50 Yeara, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includiug Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86Net Surplus over Liabilities, iueluding Ku-Insurnuce and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. ('. MACK, Alfeut, AmiArbor. D. CRAMEE, Ali.nif) and (ounulur al Lav. Will attend to collecttons and settlementa of EdtAts. Makea it a to ktMj posted oo a]l busineM nintters. Will borrow or loan moitey t any time or buy (rood paper. Office opposite Gregory Houie, Ana Albor, Mich. 1667 6m COATS and VESTS F0R YOUTHS. JOE T. JACOBS. Tbe oiit-i'rlt r Clotbir. i A DOLLAR SAVED i IS A DOLLAR KAK 3 til) ! NEW GOODS! And pricw U)WEI( ÏHA.N' KVER. ! I have purchaaed ín Xew York, fur cash, aud I ara now dnily receivinc ooe of the largeat and most select stoelt of GiooeriM in Wsahtenaw County, cousiating of a luí! nJ weil selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new crop-includiug , üliupoH der, ImperialK, louus II): sous. 11 sous. jrpans, Ooions. gr. , 111011, onkuis. Nou. l.oiis. ;,,.4,i 'l'tvanknys, ! Togetherwllh full line ofUOFFEKS, fim..islidí; of the followias brande: MOCH . OLÜ OOVT JAVA.MAKACAIBO, I.AGUAYUÈ.SANTOSandRIO, both roasted mid ground ; a fuli and well selected stock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Topether with everythinpr in the Hne cf rre Spices, Canned fruiw, and Vegetables. We have ft full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hoeiery. Also, a choice assortment of Ludiee' Hnd Oentlemen's Underwoar Cali and examine Goods and Price and we will insure satisfaction. KDWARD DIÏFFÏ. " M:iyn!ird'K cor. Main and Ann ti n! Ann Arbor, Mich. 9"Hi;hefit cash price puid for all farm produce.-B FURNITURE! J. KECK & CO., iiANUFACTURERS OF 'i 1 FUKXITUKK OF ALL DESCRIFTIOXS, Are nw Ollrrinc reat IiidutcmeiilN lo I'iirehasers. BUTERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BÜYING ÏHEIR FÜRNITURE Direct of llie Maniifaetiirers. Manufactory, corner of AVilliam and West Fourth Streets. Salesrooms, 52 South Main and 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1665 RAILROADS. MinUMV.N KMKAI, RAILRÓAÜi XOV. 11, 1ÍTT. nóura wirr. V - ' fc M g . k i a ! L :ëL - f f P_ ?__ 3 5 ï- A. M. A. M P. M. j. pu Detroit, leave, 7 0f 8 33 4 49 g'jj i' o,', ;".- O. T. Junclion. 7 15 !i SS 00 :; ■ , ,; u ,' ;' 7 4ti 10 17 5 82 :; .y 7 l(, „ " Vpsilanti, s 10 10 36 0 00 4 ií ; o , fAan Arfonr, 9 SO 10 53 fi 30 t ;' S lu n Delhi, 9 H 6 43 . " 2I Dexter, s 56 n "..; .-, n s ■■] Cbelnen, 9 17 - 7 l .-, 1 1 ü ',; " Qrèu Lake, li 51 7 :v. :, ;;4 g ., p. Jieknn, 10 '20 12 15 8 00 6 20 il 40 w -' ilbion, 11 04 12 3 7 1íl0i Mnrlill. 11 5(1 Ui-o 7 10 11 os ! 7r. H. Si ■ Buttle O.t-fk, 12 21 1 18 T ■! s 15 11 35 ., , ialet.burg. U i5 8 52 12 (17 _ A. M. a.m K'.-ilinii'i'i... 1 1.) 2 4(1 4 lm 9 Is IJ -}' ., . Lawton. 1 ö 4 4" 1 i"k Decatur, 2 10. , ö 0 1 j ' I)ow!,'i;.-, 2 41 5 26 1 Jj Niles, 3 11 I 07 6 10 2 S8 77, liu' h;m:in, ;; j:; t; 25 2 54 Three (uk 3 52 7 V'Z :, öl ' New Bufiftlo, 1 OS 4 -, 7 20 ;; 45 Michiguu City, 4 40 U 20 7 -.o 4 {$ 7Z Lke, .') 23 ü 02 (1 41' 5 04 c 31 Kenin(;ton, 6 08 6 50 'J 10 5 05 - f; Cbkuo, arrivc, 6 56 7 4u lu ;h, i; 45 Jl ' OO ING KAMT. _f_ _1 -L " 5 A.M. A. M. P. :.!. p. K r" Chicafro, leuve, 7 00 ;: 00 :; 45 5 15 s ïi Keosington, 7 40 9 50 4 35 c rp, S Lake, S 4 ld 28 5 23 6 48 2 Michienn City, 9 11 '0 a 2:: 7 n i, .. NewBuftaio, '.14.1126 C 48 - Three Oak. 10 03 -- - 7 07 _ Buclmnan, 10 Ü3 - - - 7 10 Nilcs, 10 45 12 IS 8 11 9 011 Ij ii Dowagiac. 1 1 16 8 42 JÍ Uecatnr. 11 39 08 iS Lftwton, 11 57 ■ ■ n 24 a. m. 1 Killlimazoo, 12 S5 1 04 10 00 7 Oo 10 26 } p (íaletíburg, 12 55 . 7 23 - - i Battle CreeV. I 32 2 II i K 8 03 11 08 ë - „ Marshall, 2 25 3 00 f 8 40 il S7 3 Albion, 2 Vi :i 21 a.m. 9 10 f: 4 ir, Jackson, 3 45: 4 05 5 20 10 ir. 12 50 4 , Ornes Lakc, ) "8 5 lö 1 38 Chelsea, 4 4 - 6 ir 11 00 Dexter, S 00 - 6 30 1 1 15 Dliii, S 10' 6 '48 Ann Arbor, ■■ 20 5 l- 7 CO 11 33 ie 65 Geddee, 5 28 7 05 _ Ypsilanli. 5 38 5 24 7 IS 11 -ïö 2 27 8 Si WayneJuno., 6 OS 6 4.'. 7 ■)■' 12 15 2 48 ; li G. T. June., ( SS 6 15 85 12 5 3 20 ; Detroit, Ar., . B 4.i 6 "A . S 40 1 00 3 3; 8 0 #.SuDdftv exceptcd. iBatui-day and ei. oeptd. ÍDaily. H. B. LETJYARD, Gen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Westwohth, (ien. Pasa. At., Chicago. DETEOIT, HILLSDAT.l-, AND SOUTHWE8TERN RAILKOAD. To take effect Nov. U, 1817. OOING WKST. rtOINQ EAFT. 8TATIOSB. ilai;. Exp. 8TATIONB. ; ) A. M. P. M. Ypsiilantl.... 8:10 ü:05 M. f.. Saline '.':05 li:4S Bunkons 8-.C6 fc BridgewatiT.. 9:26 6:58 llillmiulr ... S:M li Manche&ter. 10:05 7:20 ManpheBter..l(i:(i.' 4:1; r. m. Bridgewatér 10.30 4;s Hilllale 12.55 9:95 Saline 11:10 4: Bunkers 1:07 9:35 Ypeilanti.... 11:45 5:20 TrainB run t;y Chicago time. V. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. , THE NEEDHAM Musical Cabinet 'T'HIS new and wonderful Instrument JL cnables any one, whether undersianding music or not, 10 play any desired melody or liarmony, sacred or secular, from the most plaintive dirge to ihe most liveiy danco music. It possesses a mechanism of marvelous sirapücity, requiring but the intelligence of a child to manipúlate, yet c.pableofrcproducing, without limitation, tlie musical compositions of the past, present and l'UTURE. The cxecution is faultless, :trict in melody, harmony aml rhythm, nnd the instrument is cmincntly adapted for Sunday Schools, prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases -.vhere good, correct music is required, and no musician isat hand to perlorm. Address, E. F. XroSDHAXtt ól SOSÍ, MANÜFACTURERS, 143, 115 & 147 E. 23d St, ITeir 7orL INSLKK TOUR PttOPEKTï Vith tuk or.r Insurance Agency OF C. H. HILLEN. Home liisiiraiu-c Vu. f Assets. . ï., G,OOO,000 Continental Ins. Vo., N. Y., 3.000,000 Mugara Pire Ins. Co., 1,400,000 Ulrard, or Phila., 1,000,000 Oriënt, oi Hartford, 700,000 linies at low as any reliable Insurunce CoiQPI1J'Losaes promptly aud honorably udjuated. 1 THE GIIEAT ENGLISH KEMEDT: BEAf'S SPEC1FIC MEDICLMÏ TRDEMARK.l8 espEci„Uj. rc(.. TRADE _ JL uofailingciirefor ÊbL J SS-gk (-'ases ttmi f'oltow B.k Before TakingH! oKUMKo-fter Takiaf KV, 1'NlVKltSAL IVSsiTlTiK, P.US IN THE BACK, P11" NKHS Oï VlSTON, I'KKMATUKK OhD AOB, ail lDDÏ' otber 'Hseiiees tliíit teadto Insanity, (,'onunipíJon and a Vremrttnre Cirnvtï, aIÏ oí which ft8 a r'e & lirstcauHed V oevirttinK Irom thepath of DfttQf6 and over ïmïulu'emv. Tlie .S(eciHc Medicine IJ WJ rpsult of ft lifd tudy and maay yeara of exprl' encc in treatin theee special diseitys. , I ■' u 1 1 particulartt in our pmuphtcts, whiöb weö Sire t send free bv mail to every one. , The Spedfic Medicine in eold by all Prugi"-" " $1 p?r packne, ir six pacWnpcR for $5, r wiU sent by mail on recept of the moncy y addrvi6 THE üIÏAY MEDICINÉ ("O., 1(74 No 10 Mechanica' Block. Detroit Miío?olflin Ann Albor by Eberbach ft Soo, w" by ali druggists evcrywhere. SCHOOL SUITS. JOE T. JACOBS. TpARM FOK SALE. RARE CHANCE. The under:iened ha for sale (arm o 304 rt well improved, and with on acres of üie beet ore; ardinj in the county. LooAtod within half a 'ini of a railroad depot, with uno! her depot aoon ? ' located near. The íarm cao be essily dividen ■" oneof 186 acres and snother of 118 acres. "'" having buildings and orchurds. A'! PJ' ment down and balance on Ion? time. Ann Arbor, February 7, 1878. „ 1G73 CHAS. II. EICHMOM1 Children's Stiits, JOE T. JACOBS.


Old News
Michigan Argus