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- The anuual meeting of the association of Baptist Charche9 for this county is to be held at Manchester May 22-24. - Xeit Sunday morning Bev. W. H. Ryder, of the Congregational Church, will preach a sermou to the children of his congregation. - Rev. Dr. Haskell, of this city, was oue of the speakers at the meetiug of the new Baptist Social Union in Datroit on Monday evaning. - Quarterly .meeting at the M. E. Church next Sunday. Love-feast at 9 1-2 a. m., and the sacrament ot the I.ord's Supper at 10 1 -2 o'clock. - The Rev. H. V. Clark, of Detroit, ofliciated in St. Paui's Church, Ypsilanti, on Sunday last, the rector, Rev. John A. Wilson, being inchsposed. - " Solomon " in the moruiug, and M The Religión of Humanity " in the evening, will be the subjects of Rev. J. H. Allen next Sunday, at the Unitarias Church. - Kev. James M. Arnold, of Detroit, anïiounced to preach iu the M. E. Church on Sunday morning last, furnished Prof. McLouth, of Ypsilanti, as a substituto. -At the recent meeting of the Dioce6au Conference of the Diocese of Western Michigan, held at Marshall, Prof. Morris, of this city, read a paper on "Uubelief Among Young Men." - Kev. Samiiül VV. Duffield, who went from the Presbyterian Churuh, of thii city, to Chicago, aud frora Chicago to the Central Church, Auburn, N. Y., has resignad the pastorate of the last named church. - Services were not held last Sunday ovoning in the Baptist, Congregational or Presbyterian churches, been use of the sermón of Kev. Dr. Cocker, at the M. E Church, before the Christian Association of the High School. - A Post and Tribune Deiter item : "Bishop Borgess held services Sunday morning in the Catholic Church, in this vil lage, and confirmad 44 persons. The church was crowded to lts utmost capacity, and those present speak very highly of the Bishop's discoureo. All of those confirmed promised Father Slattery on the previous day thal they would abstain from tho use of lutoxicating beverages until '21 years of age." - Confumation services took place at St. Thomas' Ghurch on Friday forenoon last. Father Van Erp officiated at High Mass, and the sci'iiion, re]orted a very able one, vu preaohed by Rev. Father O'Riley, of St. Patrick's Church, Detroit. Visitiug clergymen were present from Northfleld, Ypnlanti, Jacksou, aud Dearborn. Bishop Borgess, assisted by the attending priests, administered the right of confirination to a clasa of 93. The occasion was one of great interest. - Tho General Association of the CongreSRtional Churches of this State will commeuce its 37tli aunual session at East Saginaw on Tuesday evening, May 21. Prof. Estabrook, of Ypsilanti, will preach the opening sermón. On Thursday, at 9:30 a. m., Rev. W. H. Ryder, of this city, vrill read ft paper on "The need of Pastoral care ïu our Churches;" and at 9 ;i in. on Friday, the repoit of the committee on "The Legal lïiglits of Church aud Society" - JudgB Gooiey, chairuian- will be read. The Michigan branch of the Woman's Board oi Mmsious will hold its titth animal meeting at the same plaee, commeuciug May 22, at 9 a. u. -Ou Thuisday eveuiug, May 2, a coininitte of St. Thomas' Churo'u, Messrs. Duffy, Eisele, aud O'Hearn, visited Bishop Borgess, at tha residence of Father Van Erp, with a view to discovering in a diplomatic way whether a serenade would be agreeable or at least not obuoxious to the venerable prelate ; but wliile hesitating, because of a combinatiou of delicacy and doubt about the weather, tlie band came opOtl the ground and the Bishop' ears were greeted with weet sounds in advauc of the comiuittee's anuouucemeut. A I very brief explanatiou was in order, lifter which Mr. Duffy, ia bebalt oí the committee and the ohurch, made au appropriate address ot welcome to the Bishop, which was ■ ed to m a few feeling and affeotiouate wonis. It was a pleasant ocrasion, despite the ram. - Rev. Mr. Ryder has marte the close ot hw lirst year'a labor with the (Jongregatioiml Ohuruu of tlus city the occasiou lor a pastoral latter, trom whiou w guther .the following facts : Number of families in parish, 121; of inerabers of ehurth, 191 ; udmitted duriug Uie yeiir, 22,-7 upou confession of iaith ami 15 hv letter ; 3 members have died duriug year and 6 have been dismissed to otlier ehurches. Contributions : to Foreign Missions, Y84-20 ; to Home Missions, f 204.04 ; to the American Missionary Association, $45.95. The Suuday School numberá 2.30, organized into 15 cla89C8, aud contributed ?82. " Under the efficieut leadership of Prof. D'Ooge it has enjoyed a piosperous year." The brauoh of the Ladies' Foreigu Missiouary conuected with the chnrch numbera 60 memUera and contributed f98 during the year.


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Michigan Argus