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- That irrepressible and unupproacha-ble sliowman, P. T. Baruum, has a grievance The Methodist ministers of Delaware having pitched into his " Greatest Show od Earth," retused his offer of "complimentary tickets," uud advised their floclcs not to defile themselves by touching pitch, ho addressed them a characteri8tic letter tlirough the Wilmiiigton lïcpubhcan, in which he talks promiscuousty ot "profane giraffes," "drunken nea-lions," "swindüng camela." "gamblinf; rhinoceros," "thieving moueys," "diïbauched antelopos aud llamas," "degraded lions, tigeis and leopards," ''slanderoufl O8triclie6,' "hypocritical vulturee,' "heretical golden pigoonp," "irreligious parrota and cantmikeruiM cockatoos," "lioly Methodist clergymsn," "lteTerend friends," "moleeyed, eelf-ngliteous pharisaism," etc, aud offers Íorgiveuen8 and another chance to see his show aud to learn that he " has neither horna nor hoofs." - We remember reading in a somewhat o!dfashioned book : "That kkewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and uiue just persons which ueed no repentanue M : a inaxim which seoms to ba reversed in this day and generation, tor iioht when one poor, degraded toper, who bas for inonths or a year forsaken his cuya, lived a temperutu and iudustrious Iife, and furnishod lus family with necessities and comforts as never bcfore, is reportad to have violated hiB solemii pledge and " gone on a spree," high carnival is held iii the saloons aud aniong the froquenters and ciappers of such places. Kepeutance and refonuation , or quitting drinking, is the one uupardonable sin in the eyes of the liquor seller and his uuregenerate customers, aud so they unite in celebratiug a man's lapse from sobriety. Our city has not been without illwtrations of this ruling principie. - The clook atruck the hour of 12 at midnight of Mouday laat before Mayor Smith was permitted to declare the sessiou of the Common Couucil adjournod. And during the four or more long hours that body had been in seBsion what an infínite amount of wind had been expended, what gema of oratory had been listened to, what solid chunks of wisdom had been Bcattered around profusely, what model legislatura and careful and competent financiers had been exhibited to an astonished and enthusiastic audience. But the subject grows uiider our lead pencil. To be appreciated by an intelligent and taxpaying public the members of the Council - or some of them - must be aeen "on their native heatli," must be heard in the counoil room. - A "special" from Washington to the Free Press says that several professors in the University signed a petition praying the re-aDpointment of Postinaster Clark and then "made haate to write letters to gentlemen here, urging them to use their iufluence to prevent Clark's nommation." Isn't this following & little too closely in the footsteps of the regular political broker or bummer. The "professor iu politics" ought to set a better example : or keep out of politics. - The pupila in the printiug office of the Deaf-Mute Mirror (the paper pubhshed at the Instituto for the deaf, dunib and blind at Flint) have started a neat little paper of their own, called Leisure Momenis : to be published semï-occasionally, with a change of editors with ench number. 'J'erms : " Yonr Good Will." - The Free I'ress supplemeut of Monda; last had a rery eutertaiuing letter froni VV. D. Wilkiiif, uketching Faris and the Expositiou grounds. Mr. Wilkins is a ahrewd and intelligent observer and seizes hokt of just the topics that interest the general reailing public. - The Detroit papers say that Bishop McGoskry has withürawu his resignatiou, retained Alfred líusfell, and proposes to face aud light tha scandal. May the riyht tiiumph. - Mayor Higby is evideutly a 'womuu's lihtei" as well a a greenbacker : witness the .■ippointmentjui Mnry Seary to be poundmaster. - Now that the subject of Southern ulftiius has beuotue an " issue," it ruay be well to cali attention to the fact that most of such claims whioh have beeu issed upoii and nllowed during the last ■pii yettrs have been advocated by " carpe t-bag " itepublieans frotu the South. The largest singlo Southern claim on the Sánate calendar at ibis moment, is leported by Milchell, of Oregou, a thorough radical. - Biiffulo Courier. - When President Hayes appointed a i'oruier rebel to his cabinet with a aala-y of $8,000 a year for the sole purpose til " uouciliating " the South and uiaking his administration popular, a. few Republioans protested very mildly. But when the Democrats elected one of Key's compatriots to a $2,400 subordínate poeition iu the House, the whole Eepubücan party went into violent spasins. - Madison Democrat. - It appears to be a settled fact that the Florida developments were started by anti-Hayes Republicans, and that their agen ts sel ected the Demócrata to whoin documenta were to be consignad. Copies of some of the documenta are known to be in the possession of Republicana, and the statement of McLin, which was refused to the press by the Demócrata who held it last night, waa given to Republican papers Ea8t and West by a prominent


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