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Tuesday, April 30. - Skkate. - Tho Senate devoted the entire day to tho cineideratíon of the bilí to repeal the Bankrupt law. IIoüsk. - The Houfle conaumed the day ín cHecueb ing the Legislativo, Executive and Judicial Appropriation bilí. Weine6day, May 1.- Senate.- The Senate devoted another day to the diecuseion of tho bilí to repeal the Bankrupt law, and finally referred it to the Judiciary Cominittee, with the un de rs tan ding tbat it bc reported back without dday Therc was an intorepting debate npon tho subject of the tariff, growlng out of an attempt by Mr. Blaine to cal! upbitt reolutiondeclarÍDg any radical chango in our tariff at thls time to bc inopportune. ObjecÜon was marie to tho callíng up oí ihe resol ution. . . . Mr. Garïnnd fütroduccd a bilí providiiig for a commispion to examine into the subject of the tariff, with a view to facilitating leginlaticm relativo thereto. Iteferred. ROUBX. - Mr. Ohit tendea introduced a bül providing for the exchan#e of fractional ilver coinfor United States xiütes. lleferred Mr. Robertson, Clialnnan of the Committee on tho Hlflslflslppl Levees, reported a bilí appropnatiiig $3,871,574 lor cloHing crsVMSeB and BfreDgtheDtxig tho leveea on the MistiiBBippI rlver. Irinted and reconimitted. . . . Mr. Vanee, Oiainium of the Comniittre on PatontB, rrported a biil amending the Patent lawa. Printed and recommittcd . . . .Mr. Th rock morton introduced a bilí liniiting the ratee íor tranaportütion, freight and paafiengors over the Pacific railroad bridge at Omaha. lïeferred. . . .The Legislatíve, Ex ''utive and Judicial Appropriatiun bill waa di8CllHhfJ. Fhiday, May 3. - Senate. - Not iu seesion. HorsE.- Tho Hoxise devoted tho day to the conalderation of üio LejiiölativO Apyropriatiou bil! whicU was conjplftcd in oojittett of tho whol wh ti long aeblö' ver the moDd ÜÜOnr of Agricultura from $;i,0o0 to $4,600. he amcndiuont was flually adoptêd Mr. Cutler ntiodnctd a bill relativo to the transportaron of uiinalR, and Mr. 'NVliitthorne pretented ono to euouruKO ehipping. Satuhdaï, May i. - Senate. - Not in session. House. - Mr. Stephens, from the Conmiittee on oinngc. reported a biïï to retire the 5 and iï-cnt llver ploceo, nd toetop thoir farther ooinage; ïi O, provlding Ihnt fraetional or Bubridiary zilver .1 ti hlnll bc ; legal tcuder to tbo amouot of $20, nd Hhuil bc oxcAwogoable at the tro a-surv for other egal tender luoney when presented in mime of 50 or over. Ordrred printed and rrrommitti'd . . . 'he Houso complcted and paywd the lycgifllative, xecutive and Judicial Appropriation bill. Ah il ame from thft c:mmittco of tb o wbolo the approïrlatïoiïs roeoinmended by tho Appropriation Comolttefl wrre lOOFOUAd by over $i.7 OOI). Ab the bill LnaUy pasted tbe Houtje tbeao wcro increaBed by $231.028, luakinc tno aggregate appropiiation contained in tbc bill amount o $14,i5(ï,f98. In the amonst of increaee s metuded an additiotial appropriation df $173,188 fi-r rcopeiiiDc the New Orleanu miut A mimber of personal pensioD büla vete paBued. Aniönji ti'in vrareponeions to the widoweiif Oen. Rabort Andernou. (Jen. Charles L. Lovoll, aud Adiuiml JliArlo WilkfH. Monday, May G. - Senate. - Tho House bill to forbid tho f urther retirement of United States legal-tender noten was bronght before the Seunte, and temporarily laid sside The Pensión and ludia 11 Aï'propriation lill wero reported from the respective oommltteofl aud piace-d on tbc e&lendar. . . .The bill to repeal the Ilanlírnpt law xru before the Senate, but was laid anide aml the bill to repeal the Specie Resumption act was taken up. Mr. Oordon, of Georgia, 6poke at Icueth in favor of repealiug the law Mr, McDonald preieotefl a petition mtíiied by a large uiuuber of pcrBons pra.ving that Gen. Johu C. Treniont be ílc'.iuKhI in th bill now pending to place Ge-n. Janiefl Sbiclda oa tho retired liet of llie ariuy. lleferred. HoueK. - An effort was made in tbc Ilousoto euepend the rules and paea the bill rcducing the tax oü tobáceo from 24 to 16 cents, but it failed. The yc as were 120 to 115 naya - not two-thlrds Mr. ïbompfion iutroduced a resolution declaring that all propot-itions to chango or modify the Tariff law are injurious aud detrimental to ihe Keneral wolfaro of the people, aud that It is nnwiae to wat-te Un:r at present in the disenmion of tho Wood Tariff Bfll. lttferred to tho couunitteo of the wbole on the of the Union .... Mr. Joueö introduced a bill providing for the nppointment of a conmilsbion to have charge of the investigation of the contagioiiR diseases of farm stock, thelr causes, meare of prevention,cure,fctc The foJlowlngbillB warcnlfo introducid and rnferred: ByMr.Fort. to indenmify IilSuois aud oUier Staten in regard to swamp landt ; by Mr. Pnlllipe, to onable soldiers of the late war to preempt land to tho extent of J60 acres; by Mr. Morrieott, to amend the law relativo to a to.% on nat i ve wiaes .... The House spent much timo on tho bill OBtablinhing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia.


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