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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS COURT hoi si LOAN. NOTICE is hcreby given that propnsals will be recetvvd M niy oftiee up to May 27, at noun, for 'J.di'ii of GotUt House coupuü bonds, drawing 6 percent, interest, payable the tint day of February in eaeli year. Said bonds to be pa hl, S4(000 Febrnary 1, lfiRO; S4.0 0 February 1, 1SSI ; $4,000 FebruHry I, lS'J. I'rnposals -IkmiUI le in soalcU enveliijH1-, endorsed "Oourt House Loan "on tfao outside. The righl to rejecl any and nll feMfc rPKTïiUTflTi:, Í1..,-it. Anti Arbor, May II, 1878. The CBOWNING GLOftY I the only Cookinjf Stovc in the world with the HukMiu ovn rini]Hip Rearwurd, und over the rear extensión u J'ok"i a hm: I'iamsií ■, : Vvpvbtl lÍESFBVoiR. It 18 manufacturad only by SHERMAN S. JEWETX & CO., líuflnlo and Detroit. None but the prenuine arhclej have the name "Crowning (lory." t'or aale by one nnterprising dealer in every place. It i the only fjtove in the world with a WArmio? Oren under the ETirebOX, nnd front doorü opening ovr a delachuble Rhelf in front. Buy the only CoofciDg Stovc ever miii. oTBPtly nltiiblfl for the Fwnuor'H use. IC87M6 Kstate of CUrifitopber Douegan. TATfiOF MICHIGAN, Coonty of WaflhbffnaWjBSO At n Bession of tht: Irohat Cpurt for the uouuty of Washtcüftw, holden at the Probate Office, in (he city of Arm Arbor, ou Weduo-diiy, tb tit'tceuth diiy of May, in tho year oue thousainl eight hundred ai)d sovcuty-eiht. Present, William ï. rlarriiuan. Judge of Prolwte, In tbc niatLer of the estáte oí Chruftopher loaegau, deooaaed. John H. Conlen, administrator rf satil etate, comes into oouii and representa thnt lic i.i oöw prepúed to reinier bis tinal accouut a BUch mlrainistrator. Thpreupon it isorderedjthat'l'uomlay.tbooloventh tïay of' June noxt, at ten o'eloek in" the foreuoon be asslgDed for exsmioioA and allowiue nuch aceountj and that. the Iteírs at law of said dectase4, and all nther persons interratwl in said estáte, are rtiqutñfcl to apirear at asaaaloo of s:iid coarti then to le holden at th#) Probuto #tfiue in the city of Aim Arbor tn said euunty, and 8how.'OUtBft íf any ther h why the said account kuuuM not be a Ho wed : And it h iurtln-r ordered, that said administrator give DOtlCötothe persous Iritereated i said éstate, óf the pendency of saitl account and the hearing thereof, )y e&USttlg a copy of this order to be puoHshed in the Michigan AVfftM, h tiew.spaper printed and ciroulatinji ín said county, (bree succcssivc weeks previou-i to sid day of hearing. WILLIAM I). HAUniMAN, (Atrue copy.) JodgeöJ1 lrobat.p. Wm. ;. DotYi Probate Register. lGn" Estáte of Peter E. Trim. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw, hs, Atasesalon of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probato Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thuroduy, the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eiirht üundred and eventy-eibt. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Peter f!. Trim, deoeaaed. Augiistu'1 Rond, administrator of naid estáte, comes tnto court und representa that he ia now prepnred to render his flual account h such v.lministrator. Thoreupon it ia ordered, that Wednesday, the twelfth day of June next, at ten n vloek in the foronoon, bc ttssined for examining and allowing auch account, and that the heirs at law of tmi( deceaHed, and all other persons interested in snid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor in aid county, and show cause, if any tbexe be, why the aaid account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said ad ministra tor give notice to the persons interested ia Haid entate, of the pendenoy of said ac coiint and the hearing thereof, by OKiifjing a copy of this order to be pubhuhed in the Michigan Argtu, a newtípaper printed and oirculating in auid couniy, three suH!OHrtive weeks previous to tiald day of hearing. WI1JJAM L). HARKIMAN, {A true copy). .hulif ol Probate. Wm. G. Dott, ProbHtf Rpgiwt.r 16k; TJ EPORT of tho conditiou of Uit) First National Bank of Ann Arbor At Ann Arbor, in tho State of Mh-nijcHii, :it LTie dH)è f business, Uay 1, 1878. BBSOVKCKS. jouns and Iiècouuts, - - 9L4&,297.03 virdrafts, - .... 418.K8 ' 8. Bomls to seenre circulation, - 1115,000.00 Ither stocks, bonds and ïnortetgcs, - Ji,.oo.t'o uc froin approved Reserve Asents, - 0.02S.90 )ue froiu otht'r National Banks, - 127.50 )ue froin State Hanks nnd [ï;mkii ■-,, - l17ti,01 teal Kstat, furniture and flxtupès, - 10,0iu.00 Currniit expenses and taxespakl, - 2,060.83 hecks and othrr casi tcniR, - - l,181.9:j iills of other National lïauks, - 1,282.00 'ractional currency (includinji nickcNi, 43.51 pecie (includiug gold Trcasury notos), 1,098.75 íOgal tender notes, ... V(í,:7.00 linloiuption Kiinil wilh U. S. Trcasurcr, (.3 per cent, ot'circulatioui, - - 4,725.00 Total, Í442.713.63 MAUrWTIKS. upital stock pnid u, ... f ,w,non.00 urplus fund, .... so.wki.ou ttlier uüdivided prortts, - - 24t024.Ó2 lational lank note outsUndiDg, - 04,000,00 ndlrÚ ual deposits mi bjei-t tocheok, ?O5,(iö4.7l )pmani ('rtíluit'1 ol' deposlt, 25,o:'.i.:td ■ 120,889.01 Votes and bilis re-di.icountcd, - - 4,00.00 Total, ,718.68 TATK OF Mlí'llUiAN, CoUDtyof Wa.sbtenaw, ss. T, J. AV. Kni'bt, Ca.shior nt tlio above named ïank, do soleuiuly swear that the above Btetemenl true, to the of mi kuowledue and belief. J. W. KNIGUT, Cashier. Subacribed and sworu to before mo thi.s líth dKl f May, 1H78. W. A. Toi.riiART, N.itary PAblie. Correct- Altesi, E. WKLLS, 1 C. 11. MILLKS, I Director. II. ARNOLD, J vtotice: The anuual woeling of lbo iStwkholders o!' tbc 'nledo and Aiiu Arbor Kailroad Company tor the eotion of Directora of the company, will hv held t the office of the coinpauy, ovor the Bavipgs ank, in the city of Aon Arbor, Mfchijan, at 10 clock a. nt ou WedneHdsy, the 22d dáy of May, .. D. 1878. ThO polls will be kept open two hours. 'he Btoik bookH wíll he elosud on thu t'vinth of May preccdinR. Also for the traiinacon of surh other jmataww as uiay properly coiutH'fore that meeting. Duu , April 16, 1878. JAMES M. ASHLEY, President. Ai.E3Ca.nder W. Hamii.ton, Seoretary. MB.Iwl New Goods grand OPi:ií:(; SPBII CLöTMfi! - AT Wm. Wagner's. SPRINC STYLES AM) to be made to onler at 21 South Main Street. COATS and VESTS FOE LAEGE MEN. m JOE T. JACOBS. J]TN A. IllMM WIT. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Aasuts Jan 1, 1870, $ 6, 792, 649. 98. Loases Paid iu 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus ovor all Liabüitius, inoluding Ke-Iusuriinoe Iieserve, $4,735,092.36. "int Surplus ovyr Liabilitios, including Ke-Insuranoo and Capital Stouk, $1,735,092.36. '. M.VCK, Att'Uti A uu Arbor. I. OJRAMER, Miuuu' anti Counselor at ruw. Will attentl to oollectiuns and settlenients of KtnteN. Maken it a ape;inlty to keep poeted on rt)lbusinenB umttT. Will borrow or ln money at itny time or buy s-nxl papor. Dffloe oppboité (iregory Huiise, Anu Ailv, Mi:h. 1607 Hm COATS and VBSTS FOR YOUTHS. JOE ï. JACOBS. i in iim-i'rii i Clotbler. I A DOLLAR SAVED i IS A BOLLAR KARNE1 ! ÍNEW GOODS ! ii.i jirr-s l.UVVl:l: 'I KAN KVEK. i I have pqjrahoaed in New York, for cnsli. rad I iim now duily reet'ivinu' 0110 oí the larges! am! mn.-tt select stocks of irot:Hiïi in WRBbtepHW County, consistinj," f h ful] and well Kelected LINE OF TEAS, All öt tile !U:w crup - iiKíludinj; Uuuiwlrs, Iniperiul. Yotuig; IIsinis, IIj'Nons, J:iians. Oolong:, I orluaiiin, Coupons, Som lionu. Hi:d '1'lViiliKityv, Tofthvr n-ith a full linv of (."UFFK1ÍK, éenkúting of tho followiDg branda: HO;H.V, VLD GOV'TJAVA.MAUACAIBO, LAGl'A VKK.HANTO3nd itIO, both ronsted and iround ; h full and well itelected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everjthlng in tlie line cf l'ure Spices'unned fruit, and Vr-tnbl. We hwve a full aud complet line of BOOTS & SÏÏ0ES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And HoBierv. AIsu, 11 dioica assortment of i.h.íi.., and Gentlemen's T.'nderwear. (all and examine ood and Trice and we will usure satigfactlun. KDWAKD DÜFFÏ. "Uuynard'e Block,'' cor. Main and Ann atícete Ann Arbor, Mich. , fe"Htgnw( cash luice raid for all fnrm produce. "ï .. FURNITURE! J. KECK&CO., iWAXUKACTrUNKS ! FURMTURK OF ALL DtiSCRH'TIONS, Are immv Otlcrliijf Krent Iiiiliireineiits t Pnroliasers. BUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THEIR FURNITURE Direct f tbe Maliufactiirers. M&uufáctoiy, corner of Wil]iam and West Fourtli Streets. Salesrooms, 52 South Main aud 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arbor, Micli. lM3 RAILROADS. MHIHUAN ÈNÏBAL RA1LRÍa MAY 12, 17S. .:■ - ■i 3 1 S KTAVinrc. S .:_ = ■=.■ I : l -: li ♦ . e 14 -- A. f. A. M l'.M. p j, p M Detroit, lea-re, ; mi o .;: 4 i , ,; 1( ,,'"; '. O. X, JuncIHUí, ; 13 LO im 5 00 : si ,, ■"- WráeÍUD(!tíoa IWI0 28 i '"i1 Ypsilunti, 8 10 10 4} 6 "i ;:. - Qeddeí 15 r. i.v ■ i 1 ÍU H belhi, - ! : 6 u ' ___ " 'I Clwlíea, - - 7 C8 SM - - Orarn. l.nke, :i 17 7 :-i .-, ;)1 s „. - 1 M : Jaekrnn, 12 15 8 00 i; i g .,. . Albipn, II 0) 12 18 d ; 03 10 ffl ÍS Hsnball, II SO I 31) ; ,,j h BatUeCreek, lj 19 I .v. '? so:{]13j.)I( Qidebburg, lï M s :-.s j o; A.-M. ("j Enlamnzoo, i 13 si 4 :;u ijjj , . Lawton, i ... ■■ ít ■■ 05 [ m ■ " Decatúr, . i. s 20 i , - ' Dowaifinr, 2 :: .'■ Ir. i '■■ Nilss, I 07 6 80 Hiichnnnn, ;; 10' 6 i. Three in:.; a : i.; ■ S!"Ncw Hull'.ili), 1 u3 t ■■.: 7 2s Uiobtgitn i'y, i 10 o ; M ( ,■ T-; I'ukt"' " ' a Keoaingto, 6 Oí fi so :i tu Chicago, nrrive, '- :;. 7 IO!lO3u S2 aonto at. d " „ & í H - I_. . L Ü =r 5 a. m. . m. i', m. p.M r Chicago, leavc, ' 7 (Mi ;i no iui j U t KenHinjjton, 7 50 'l 90 4 50 f, k Ï Lnke, 8 4 10 30 6 15 (Muí; Michigan City. 1 M 11 10 t ti Ï 40 lí New Buttain, !i 47 1 1 87 i, 67 - .4 Three Oak, 10 2 ín jg Buohanan, 10 82 7 i:i Niles, 18 44 13 15 x r. 0lll Dowiiríiic, U 15 - - 8 411 - . Decatur. II M ! 9 05 - _ !! Lawtnn, 1157 : "j: .,. M. ---_! KiilHmiiz.x), 12 88 1 4 10 00 8 5" Id ■( ■ Oaleabnrg, 12 ;'.' . 7 o;i or Bultle Cmk, I 27 í 13 1 M 7 (.i 11 u Uunhxll, - 26 ■: 00 p 8 10 il Alliion, 2 82 :i 21 a.m. 8 Si 12 05 (111 Jurken. rt 4S 1 09 í id ■' 30 ] Orase I.nVi-, 108 l 1-7 9 47 1_ (Jholoi'.'i, I 1(1 - - 0 :1 10 05 llextcr, S (Wi f. 47 10 18 Delhi, G 1" 7 00 Ann Arhnr, 6 10 ñ 1" 7 1(1 10 33 J 0! i rjeddee, 9 28 720 _ Ypnilanti. 6 24 7 27 10 45 i 20 i H'ayne Juno., ( "2 ó 46 7 52 11 (t.i 2 44 í'j Ö. T. June, 6 83 6 15 ÍF11 SO .; Detroit, Ai., 6 ' ■' 30 8 111 11 4.1 3 35 K Siindayrt excepfM. tBatuidHy Hnd bnnOftyex. oepted. tüaíly, H.B. LBOTASD, Qeni Sapt., Dttuil H. (J. Westwokth, (jen. l'ass. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLS.DALE AMi s'M iu E8TERN BAILROAD. To takoeHect Hay It, [8}8. QOING WEST. OOIÜ8 un, TATION8. Mfti;. Bxp. ST1TIOKK. . J u[ YpBilnuti . . . . 8:15 7--KI ■■ . r.ü. Hnline 9:25 s:l" Banken 5:1510 Bridgewntor.. 9:47 8:28 Hillsdale .. ■ tí Manchester. i:j; .-: ÍS Mncheater.. :35 tu p. h. Hridgewatet 9 Hillstlnlp 1:(h i(i:öii Siiline 9-Ít tí Bunkers 1:10 10:40 Ypsilunti.... IWÍ fa Traiim rnn by Chicuito limr. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Yiita:. , THE NEEDHAM Musical CaMnet TUIS ncw and wondcrful Insttumem enables any one, whcther understanding music or nol, to playanydesired melody or harmony, sacred or secular, from the most plaintivedirgcto tlic niostlivcly danco music. It possesses a mechanism of marvelous simplicity, requiring but the intclligence ol a clikl to manipúlate, jet capable of reproducing, without limttation, the musical i coinpositions of the PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE. The execulion is fauliless, Mrict in melody, harmony and rhythm. ;md the instrument is eminentlv adapted for Sunday Schools, praycr and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases where good, correct music is required, and no musician isat hand to perform. Address, B. V. NEEDHAM & SOM, MANUIACIURERS, 113, 145 & 147 E. 23d St., New Tori. INSbRE YOUR PROPERTÏ wi'l'H rui: "i i Insurance Agency OF (. H. MILLKN. Home Ill8tiraiice ('. ( Asseü K, Y., ,(M0,000 Coutinculal lus. 4 ii.. . V.. :'.,O00,0W Xiagrtra Pire In. Co., 1,400,000 (ilraid, oí1 I'liila., l,(M)0,00H Oriënt, of itartrord, 700,000 Rutenas lowns any rclinble Inaarance Comp'1 LoHeei promptly and honorably adjusted. W THE OREAT ENGLISH REMEDÉ KAYS SPECIt'IC MEDICINE f'-'gf si Mivi. 3ÉL5Sr '7 ■ J Nï'.hS BiS! "iJf Ou KRHEA, luro I TUf ■jjiJk arWk -Hit"" Unit t'(li(w dEaf BefbreTakmgS-;;;í;lS2S :y, f MVT. ns.M. LAftBrfVDKf I' UN IXTHP ÜA"Kf I"M' SK8HOF Vision, Pkekatubb OtD Aoe, "' ""."J itherdiscaaecUiat leadto Insnnitf, Consumption ind a Promatnre Orave, iül f whieh as a rule are irstcnused by fioviatinj; from the düMi of n"'" od over utdulgence. T]i SpeciSo Medicine " '" retmlt of h liie atudy nn m;niy yeurs of oxPen' ence in treïitiiï th68Q sp oi&I disoAB66 . l'iill pürticuliirH in onv piimjdiitt, wliith vul irv to ?ond free by mail lo -very one. . t The Sjx-i-itic Mi-dicinc ia oíd by all l " "k'-:",." " tl 'per paélcage, or sis packujiiK for Í"), r 'lVpwnt by ïiiail on recipt of money hy adoieB THE UiíA Ml ÜII ÍNK CO., 1674 No 10 Mechatfios' Block, Detroit Mío"-, -HoW in Ann Ail.r by Eberbach Soiii "■ y ali druggiota verywhere. SCHOOL ST7XTS. JOE 'J JACOBS. rpAKM FOK SALE. RARE CHANCE. The UTidersisned hn ior anlc a fHrm o 30-1 ."".' well improved, and witli .10 acres of the best oix;nHrcliii' in the Locnted within hsll a n"J of b railroüd depot,' with auolhsr depot sood J loonted near. The farm m be enMy divided "'" oue of ISO acres und lier ol 118 ncres, '"" having buildings and orcliards. A reMOn" Vincnl. down and tiulaDce un lons tüue Aim Avticii, Fehriiarr 7, I.S78. .„vu ÏMS CIÍAS. H. RICHMOM' Children's Snits JOE T. JACOBS.


Old News
Michigan Argus