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Bach & Abel

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Are now prepared to offer an extraordinary LARGE assortment of Novelties and Staples in every department at extremely low prices. p k Wi' nvo showing an eluguut issorünont i)f IPQQQ liOOfiQ noveltios in Bourrettes and Qrenadií fIII U33 UUUUO febts, in single and doublé widtha, colored Alpacas and De Beiges. lUack Alpacas and Jiiilliantinei-, i'iom 20 cents iqiward. Henriotta Cloths, Dhe most desirable dréss goods i Ajneriea. Best niakos of Black Casbmores iruported, from 50 i ■n(s upward. Special oüerings ín lilack Silks - the largost and choapust line ever showu in the West - 50 per cent lower tlian ever before known. We cali particular attontion to our Black Silks at 81. 00, which we jiositively affirin ti be of richor color anl finer Cabrio than any $1.50 silk to be fonnd elswhere. 3 pieces al si. 25; formér price, $1.75. 2 " 1.70; '■ " 2v25. ■ " 1.90; " li -J.40. 52.00 Silks; formeí price, $2.50! $2.25 Silks; li " BjOO. $-2.50 Silks; " 3:50. No oue eonsulting their oven interest will buy one dollar's worth of Silí until they have seen our line and learned our prices. We can savf yon money. AVo aro doing a largo business in Silks, luit still want more. Haviug removed our Shawl Departineut up stairs, we intend in the Altare to be headquarters for this deservedly popular article of wearing apparel. AVe have Shawls of n 11 styles qualities, and prices. .0 Paisley Shawls, from 86.00 upward. Great barga ius in all kinds of llouse-Funiisliing Goods. MjaSfilles Cmilts, íi-oni S5 cts. to #6.OO. ZW Largvst stoek of PARASOLS and SUN UMBRELLAS i'vcr sliown in tlic State. Tjíirge assortment of Oloths and Oassitneces for men and boys wear. DOMESTICS : Ín our .Domestie Departvnent we offer bargains never heanl of before. 2 bales of Brown Sheeting at 4c. per yard ; '1 bales Bleached Sheeting at 5o. per yard ; Amoskeag Cheviots 12c. per yard ; 5 casos Prints at 5c and Ql{ cts.; Tickings, Deninis, Shirtings, Stripe Oinghajns. FUL1; LINE OF SOOTCH GÖNG-HAMS, eqaally eheip Vr ('asli Onl.v. REMEMBER OUR PEARL SHIRT. THE BEST I N THE WORLD FOR $1. ('OATS' SPOOL GOTTON furnislied to h-:h ;if 57" pr Ay.n. I.ive CS-eee FKAJ'HKRW aiways n lisviul. ÍSgF In asking youv attentíon to the above we wish to state that ií low figures, unliuiitod assortmont, latost designs, and satisfaction in evory respect, will receivp businoss, wb propose tu hT the LÁBG-E8T in thie line in this connhv. Éospecftfúlljr, BACH ól ABEL.


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