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- The Oracle editora were photographeu by Küveuaugh uu Tueaday. - Jenuey, of Fuut, grouped tba ueuiots iu frout of tUa oeutral buildiugjtm Sutiirilay last, and photographed thetn. - ür. Cocker lias cowmenced Iu coiirse of lectures ou " The Eideui8 nt Christiauity." They ie given at !);30 a. ui. - A seuior reception s tobu held on Tuesdny eveniug of comnieiiceinent week, - witli a dmiee utnier a teut un ttó campus. - TLe juiior oiimeers :ire eoon to go itito camp at Uuaüüla, 10 miles uortu of Clielae. Tliy w.l! run a i-ailrortd, Ulftke :i topographical survry oí tliu town, ;i ui do other field work. - Couimittoea oí (lie faoiilty of the Literary Department are mnkiiij; their anaua! visitations of the High Schools pi the State which desire the admission of their grjduatea on diplomas. -George 1'. Wanty, ot tuis city, whogiaduated trom the Law Department at the last coinuieaceuient, is manager of the collecting dopanmeiit of Messia Stuait vfc Sweet at Grand Kapids. - Edward Donovan, a son of Patnck Douoyan 01 the Fifth ward, and a gradúate of both the Literary aud Law Departmeuts of the Uuiversity, is goiug to Kansas City, Mo., to " hang out bis shiugle." - Oa Friday afternoon last the Uuiversity lioys played a " practica " game of baae-bail with the Three Riveis Club, the score standing l(i to 16. A "match" game was played ou Saturday afteruoon betweeu the same clubs. Score : Uuiversity niue, 31 ; Three Rivera (Jlub, l. We eau scarcely teli which club should be dubbed the " Chauipious." - Dr. Vaughau iu lecturiug to the medical studeuta on alcohol, laat Wednesday eveuing, said be did uotthiuk even the sraalleit aniount could properly be regarded as food, for, while it atimulated digestión and irnparted sorae force to the system, it at the sume time pre Tentad assiniulatiou of digested lood to such a degree as to leave the body mncU weaker. It las bueu proved by experimenta that one can do more work without alcohol thau with it. And he gave it as his opinión that oue drop taken by a healthy person would be just one drop too mucb. O'OMMON COUXCII,.- Au adjourued meeting of the Counoil was held Mouday eveniug. A petion was presonted asking the chaoge of the name of Grove street to Packard streot, which was referred to Street Commitree. l'enuission was grauted the Ladiea' Oecoratiou Society to use the engine house in Fifth ward to huid a iop, for the beueiit of the society. ïhe inviatton hom tlie above society for the Couucil o attend and particípate in the exercises of Jemorial Uay was accepted. The Street UoruDiittee repoi ted that Johu Kittridge was the owest bidier for reinoving the garbaga from he business stieets duriug the aoüson, being 138 ; the contract was awarded to hiin. They also reportad that bid had been received for )uildiug the brick sewer bndges ordered at ist meeting, oue on Miller avenue and one on Manu street, and that W. E. Walker was he lowest bidder therefor- the former for 176.3Ü and the latter for Í2Ó9 ; the contracts were onlered awarded to him on giviug necesary bonds. Also, that Bome question httd ariBen relativa to the sufticient capacity of the brick sewer bridge ordered built aereas Wost Liberty and First atreots ; tlie eomraittee were authorized to change size of sawer or to buüd rame bridge, and to receive bids and let conract for building the same. The boud of the Recorder, in the sum of .300, with Wm. Allay and O. Eberbaeh as sureties, was approyed and ordered deposited with the Treasurer. ;'ne General l'uud (Jomniittee were intrusted with tbs matter of erocting a street lamp in ront of the engine house iu the i'ifth warJ. L'he Street Cowmittee were authoried to employ a eurveyor to determine the liue of street adjoiuiug property of Hugh McGuiro aod D. liscoele, 011 Xorth Muiu street, and the City ttoruey waa directed to take the neuesaary teps to compel the reinuval of feucea to 8uch stablished Unes. The General Fuud Committee made au informal report relativa to the uraiBüiiig suppliea and ltghting the oil street amps; that they had received aeveral bids therofor, the loweet of which, for suppljinand lig&ting 99 lamps, was made by L. Dutïy for f OjO, and tlmt alter careiul eatimates and cousideratiou the diiï'orouce in expenso would bo i favor of the old method- the city buying oil and employiug lightera- by soma Ó3 cents per lamp por yenr. Xhe aeveral liquor bouds oí druggists and saloon keepers presented at last meeting, togather with those of John Cinir, Frederika Haas, and Francia Kpp, since presented, ere approved.


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