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l'uotograpbB aro SI per dozen at Stark's car. FABHIOXABLK HOSIERY.-Now ou cxhibitionat BACH 4 ABEL'S. A superb stock of all qlwlttlea. Trices and goodi will be found vevy attractive. Kdwabi) DuFFy has in store a large stock of Cuoice Family Gkocekies,- Sugars, Tes, Coffees, etc. With the best oí' gnods and lowest price he guáranteos aatisfactlon to doM-buyiDK customers. Cali and sec bia ííoods. Xotice i hereliy given that n meeting of fruit. growers of Washtenaw Coiinty wlll bc held nt ïïremeu's Hall, Ann Arbor, on the first day of June noxt, st 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of consultatlon in regard to tbe fruit interests, and if thought best to organize a County Poinological Society, to forwsrd sitid object. It is boped tbat all fnut-gruwer.i of tbe county will be present. J. AUSTIN SCOTT, VicePreaideut, Wasbteuaw County, of State Pomological Society. A printer made a youug poetéis say "Oh for n heart fuil of sweet yearllngi." The poetess wrote to the editor that she meant yearniugs, and tbat the editor was a calf. Mauy housewives have had heart yearnings over poor biscuits which could hare bceu avoidod by usiui; Smith's saleratus uiade by the ncw procesa. Use only % tbe quantity you have lxen iiig of other lirands. Manufactura! by HKNRY S. SMITH 4 CO., Grand Hapids, Mich. reat sliingUHr of Hardware. At h. C. UiMlon's oíd stand. So says J. F. Schuh who ha purchaBcd Ilisdon's pntire stock, and pro. poses to solí the same for the next 30 day al less than cost for Cash. Now is the time to buy. Old Congbess, fino cut, is made from the most choice scleetion of leaf and is the best. Try lt For sale by Edward Duffy tod J. W. Ilangsterfer ■ Co. 1695m3 ■' 1uery : "Why will men smoke common tobáceo when tbcy can buy Marburg Bros. ' Seal of Norlh Carolina,' at the same price?" 16M " IT IS A FACT ' That yon can buy the BE8T AND CHBAPEST BL4.CK SILK8 in the city at MACK 4 BCHMID'S Try theuj aud be convinced. A RemurkaUe Reault. It niakea no diQerenco how many Physicians, or how much medicine you have tried it is now au estabüsüed fact that Germau Syrup is the only remedy which has giren complcte'satisfaction in several canes of Lung Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands of prsons who aro predisposed to Throat ind Luug Affectlona, Consumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Severe Colds settlcd on the Breast, Pneumonía, Whooping Cough, 4c, who have no personal kuowledgeof Boschee's Germán Syrup. To such we would ay that 50,000 dozen werc sold last year without oue complalnt. Consumptive try just one bottle. Regular size 75 cents. Sold hy all DruLg9t in America. Soldicrs of the war of 1812, by an act of Slarch 1, 1878, are estillad to a pension by proviug fouren daya service, or who werc engaged in any batl and were honorably diachargcd, or the survivng widowa of Buch soldicrs. March 21, 1878. JOHN N. GOTT, Pension Agent, Ann Arbor, Mlch. ÜVERYBODY KNOWS THAT Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware are generally bought on lonp time, but tLe cash buyer as au advantage over the long-time purchaser of frora 15 to 26 per oent. As all of our goods are bought and sold for cash, we give our custoniers the benoflt of it. Also bear in mind that goods in this hne Have fallen fully 25 per cent. during the past year, but as our goods are all of recent pnrchase yon get all the beneflts of it. You would be aetoniehedto Beehow cheapwe are selling Watches, Jewelry and Silver "Ware, but the way to find out is to cali in aud take a look at them. Kemeuiber we keep The Largest Stock of Spectacles in the Connty. Also a large stook of Silver Plated Knives selling at bargains. KT" Repairing, as usual, neatly and piomptly none ut reasonable ratbs at the old stand, No. 11 South Main Street. C. BLISS & SON. Agents. 1684mS ÜINSEY & 8EAB0LTS BAKERY, OROCERY -ASDFL.OUK At FKEÜ STORE. V'e keep constan tly on naud, BREAl), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., FOR WHOLESALE and RETAIL TBADE. Wn shall alio keep u supply of DELHI F'L.OU.R,, ! J. M. SWIFT Sc CO'S BEST WHITE WHÏAT FLOUR, RYE F.LQUB, BUOKWWHKAÏ FLOUK, CORNMEAL, FFET, fco., tcc. At wholejule aua retail. A goueral stock of GROCERIKS AJÍD l'ROVISIONS constantly on hand, whioh will be sold on as reaunuble teraia a at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Hggs, and Country Prolace generally. WST Goods delivcr( 'o any pnrt of the city with. out extra charge. BWSEÏ Jk 8CABOLT. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1, 1870. ise4 YOÜTHS' SUITS. ! TOE T. JACOBS. f wo yaHeïis FOR SALE, The property beloning to the WELLES ESTÁTE, Bitiiated on DIV1SIOÍ5 STREET, at the head of ANN STREET, and the property lately owned and now ociuplcd by A. WIDEKMANN, wül l,e soltl at a VERY LOVV PKICE, AND ON LONG TIMIÏ IF DESIKEI). Apply to S. H. DOÜGLAS. OOATS and VESTS FOR SMALL MENJOE T. JACOBS. 50,000 Letter and Note Heads Just reoelved at th AROUS Offloe. Xow i tha time to hand in your orders. MR. M. GOLDMAN, Wishes to átate that he is now looated at No. 171) Michigan Avenue, Detroit, yihere can alway-i be Faund a i'ull and complete slock oi' HUMAN HA IR U0ÜÜ8, of alldeaeriptions, to which thé altention oí ihe ladies iá especially invíted. " Combings rooted and worked up in erery style, by a new and superior proeesi. for 50 cents per ottnee. Ladies' and nts' wigs made to order on hhort notice. Orders by mail Bolicited and will receive prompt atteution. Ladies' and Keuls' cast ott" garnients and weaiing apparel taken in exebauge. My Motto: Satisfaetion in pricc and quality or 110 pny. M. OiOLDMAN, 170 lliebigan ATenue, Detroit. - - itr. Goldman has had unlimiicd experienee m the linman hair business lor over IS reara. OIVE IlIM A TRIAL. MENS' SUITS. JOE T. JACOBS. THE DINGEE & CONARD CO'S Beautiful and Evri-.-Bloomiko ROSES. Wc deliver STRO1VK POT ROSES, Hiiitnblo lor iinmediate floweriug, afely by mail, at all yostofftce. I ivc !'1 nili.l varieties, yvur clioice, all labeled, for Si; 12for2; lilfor 3: lilorS.1; 3 5(irii; T..torl(): 1O0 lar S13. "ícml lar onr NEW t.V.Mnt: TO IitM. CUliTtJKK, and 'Iiooaie froui over 5OU liniol sorts. Our Ureat Specialty ia irrouiuc aud ltinir Honen. THK IMM.i I. t 'OAKIt CO., Kus. -.r„ii. r-.. West irote, Chestcr Vo , Pa. Ifi77-eow BOYS' SUITST JOE T. JACOBS. ïï OÜSB AND LOT FOK SALE. Located in a desirablo part of the oity, and in good repair. Also s house to rent ou 'favorable term. Inquire at the Argüí office, er 22 THOMtJON STREET. Ann Arbor, Maroh 14, 1878. 1676tf. A FULL LINF OF H ATS and G APS, JOE T. JACOBS. BSTRAOTS OF T1TLES. ü AU parties who are dfitous oí attcertuinin(f tho eondition of the title to their lands, or partiea who wish lo loan money on real estáte will do well to cali at the Kegister'a office and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Said books aie o far advanced that the Register 'iin luriuiiu on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any parcel of land In Washtenaw County as shown by the original recoxds. C. H. MANLY, RegUter. OICUI.K VOCE LETTÍr.HEADSÍ Noto-Heads, WU-Headi aad Stmement at th" Abbüs Offic ICE! ICE! ICE! We will furnish ice for the season of 187S at th foUowing príces : ■ Tliroe limes atvcek, per mouili sí2.H rowr 4k " " 2.50 Six ♦ " 3,00 As we hnve an oppartunity to sclï all the ico not needed by my customcra in this city, we will only receive ordera for ioe untll June 15, 1S78. Contractín parties nced not oommencc 1 akiiiír until thej defliro to, but must contract for it before the nbove date. .1. WM. HANG8TERFEH & CO. 1C8ÖW3 A lot of CHROMOS for sale for what they will bring! W1NSL0W & 3IcMTLLAN l'lnnri'i, I 'raines, Brackcts, A c, V ioIíiik, (uitars, and Strin. Hcroll Síiwiug, turniog, and general repítiring Jom; oh short notice. 30 East Hurón St., Aun Arbor. 1685tf. To thotte u lio SiiIs'i'1Im-I to :iiii in building the Toledo and Ann Arbor Kuil road. Toledo & Ann Arbob Kailroad Comimnï, ) Toledo, O., May 8, 1876T. j I takepleasure ia nnnounclng, that on or before the ti day of June, our road will be corapleted from Toledo to Anu Arbor, and reaily for business. This is seven months earlier than promised. Our open winter, and the unprecedented rain fall in the months of March land April, greatly retarded our work and caused the expenses largely to exceed the optimates, so that I now neod every dollar I can command. If those whose obligations we hold " payable thhty daya after thecars are regularly running," ean, without serious inconvenience, pay theni earlier, they will place'me under additional obligations. Tliose whose notes are now ilue [I mean tlie "old uote.i," whieh aro payabli; in iuakülments, on the Ittying ot' etich eight milos ot' iron[, are respectfully retjuewted to pay (hem Ht their earliest conven ience. J. M. Ashley, Jr., of A. W. Hamilton, Secretary of the Conipany, are authorized to reoeive the money ibr both the new and the oM nol!S, and to delivev them tip on payment. JAMES M. A3IILEY. University Letter and Note lieads, wltl and wlthont Cata, in Hoddei's Patent Ith.t. tlng Pad Covers- 100 and 130 sheets in a book- sale at the ARUIS Office. Sheriff's Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAK, Connty of WasbtenaWj k5 sa. Tlie Wardens and Vestryuien oí Si. Andrew's Churcïi of Ann Arlnir va. f'anuie Thatcher and Ernstits Thatolier : liy virtuc of a writ of tieri lacias, issuwl oiil of auil uiiüct the scal of the Supreme Couit of the State ot' Michigan, in the abofe eutitled eauae, aud t.. in.' direetcd and delifered, I did on the rievciueenth day Decsmber, a. d. S7T, spizennd levy upon the foljowlng deseribed real eli te, lands and premises, situnted withiii the said eouuty of Washtenaw, to wit: The laml and reinis(.M siluatctl in ihe city of Ann Arbor, i-ounty of Washtenaw, Michigan, and known and uesignaed aslots miniber nlne(9;and twelve (ii), in hlcck nuuiher three south in range nuniher Bast, which above deseribed property I shall sell to tbe lighest bidder, at the north door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, coumy and State aforesajd (that being the place where the (in mi Court forsaid county of Washtenaw is licid), on the riVKNTÏ-SF.CONI) DAÏ OF Jl.'NK, A. Ü. 1S78, at three o'clock in the jifternoon nt suid iav. Hatel, May 10, 187S. 1';% ' JOSIAH S. CASIC, Bhiriff. Estáte of Henry De Pew.. STATE OF MICHIGAN", County of Uai-litennw, sa. Notioe ís hereby given, that by an or der of the Probate Court tor the County of Washtejiaw, made on the thirtieth day ol April, A i). 1878, 3ix montUa hom that date wero allowed forcreditors to pieeent their claims ayaiiist the ejtate ot lleory De Pew, late of eaid county, deoeaaed , and tliat uil ereditora ot' said deceased avtjrenuirod to present their elaiui3 to said Probate Court, at the Probate Olfieo in tliu city c-f Anu Arbor, for exatniuation and allow;iiiee, uu or before the thirtieth day of October uext, and tbat uch claims will be heiird before said Court, on Tuesdar, the thirtieth dny of -July, and on WedLesday the thirtieth day ot' Uctoüer next, it ten o'cïocii in the forenoou of each oí eaid dn --. Iated, Ann Arbor, April ÖO, A. I). 1878 W1LLIAM J),HARBIMAN, I88n4 Judge ot i'robate. Estáte of Evlin Hhepard. STATE OF MICHIGAN1, Connty oí Washtenaw, ss. Atasession oí" the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in tho-cityof Ann Arbor, on Thnrsday, the seeond day of May, ín the year i hoiisand tftffhi hundr.'d and sevenlv-eiftht. í'resrnt, Williarn ï. Hanímau, Jmlgc i Prohaíe. In tlic mattpr pf esfate pf KvJin Shopard Oa readin and Qlltig tiwi pniiiiun, -iulv v;iitiíj, oí Lovatus C. Allf-n, pravlng; ihat be "niav 1 oensoct to seU the real Asíate whert'of sald cíeceasec díed HPÍzed. pTbefeupOQ íl ísordennl, that Snturtlay, the flrl dñy -f June next, ai, f en o'clock in rhe tbieno' assigiiHl i'or theheariiii; of nh politlón, and tbftt the devisef-, legaU1, ftnd heírs ai law of áaid dfceased, and nii other peraons íaterested in said estáte, ;i re i-'fMiired lo appfar at ■j, hHiun oi' s;ül f-ouit, 'i hen to be holden at i he ProbatR Office, n tho oiiy o Aun Arbor, and show caihr, Ü' nny there b6, why the prayer of Mip potiSímer should oot be granted : And ít la further oráeréd, that said petltionej give notice to the Brsons intereated m said estáte, oft he iif-iidfiíoy ut said petition and the hearing threoí", ír causins1 a copy of this order lo be pnbliahed in the Michigan "Aryus, a newspaper i.rinted and círculntcd In saíd county, íbur successive weeks previous to said day of heming. WIIXIAM O. HA1ÏRIMAN, l'A truc copy.l Jttdgeotf Probate. Wm. (i. Potv, Probate Register. Í685t4 Estáte of Abram üavenport. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw as. At a session of the i'robate f'ourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at tUe Probate office in the eity of Aun Arbor, on llonday, the twentynintn day of April, in the year One thousand eisht hundred and seventy-eight. Present, William I), iiarriman, Jude of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Abra'iu Da venport, deceased. Alfred Davtnport, administialor ut snid estáte, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to render hia tlnal account as such adminietrator. Thereupon it Is ordered, tbatSatnrday, the twentyflfthday of May next, at ten o'clock in the foi'onoon, be assigned for examininsand ailowing such account, and that the heirs at luw of snid dteoeased, and all other persons latorested in said ostate, are reqnired to appear at a scssion of said Court, (hen to be holden at the Probate Office in th city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause if any there be, why the said account shoulcl not be ailowed : And it is further ordered that said adnüi)istrator giye notice to the persons interostcd in said estáte, of the pendency oí' said account and the hearing thereoí, by causáis a copy oí thi.s order to bo published in the Miciiihan Argos, a neispaper printeíí and circulatiugin said oouruy, three successive weeks previous to said dav of hearina. n-II.I,IAMD.jtAERI.lA (A true copy.) Juáge of Probate. W. (i. Doty, Probate Registor. 168SM Estáte cf John Avery. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ts. At a aesgion of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Oftioe in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueadayt the thirtieth day of April, in the year one thouoand oiht hundred and seventy-eight. Present, U'illiam I. Hm riman, Judgeot Probate. In the mattor of the estáte of John Avery, deeeased. On reading and filing the petition duly verilied of (ieorge Avery, praying that partition muy be made of the real estáte whereof said deceased died aeized, among the heii'Bat law of said deceased. Thereupon it i ordered, that ïuesday, the twennty-eighth day of May next, at tn o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the hei rs at law of Hid decensed, and all other perxms interested ia said estáte, me required to appear at a setwion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the pruyer of the petitioner should uot be granted : And it is iurther ordered that said petitiouer give notice to the persona interested in said estáte, of the pendenoy of said petition and the hearin(f thereof, by uausins a cojjy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argvs, a newspaper printed and circulated in said oounty, thrte successive weeks previous to said duyof hearinir. W1LLIAM D HAIUU1LAN, fA true copy.) Jude of Probate Wm. G. Doty. Probate Koeislor. 168S Bátate of Sarah Ingalls. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wiu-htunnw es. At a seseion of tbe Probate Court for tbe County of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Otüce in the city of Ann Arbor on Tuesday, the thirtieth day of April, in the year oue thousand eiftht hundred and seventy-eiitlit. Present, WilliamD.Harriman, Judge of Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Sarah Ingalls, deoeased. On reading and flline the petiüon, duly verifted, of John N. Gott, praying that he nmy be Mceneed to aell the real estáte whereof said doceaned dietl beiwd. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the Srat day of June next, at ten o'clock In the torenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legatees, and heirs a law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in Baid estáte, are rtquired to appear at a session oí said Court, then to be holden at the Probate otflee, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there, why the ?rayer of the petitioner should not be graiited : And it ia further ordered that said petitioner give lotice to the persons Interested in said estáte', of ihe pendency ot said petition, and the hearing hereof , by eausinu a copy of this order to be pubuhed in the Michigan Argüe, a newípaper printed and circulated ia said county, tour sucoessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAHRIMAN, (A trae oopy.) Juige of Probate Wii-liam G Doty, Probate Reyister. lesitJ Estáte ot John George Lehmaiin. OTATE ÖF MICHItiAÑ, Couníy of Washtenaw, Ö as. Al a sossiou ol" the Probate Court for thc Coimty oí Wawiiteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the íñty oí' Anu Arbor, on Momlay. the tirantysecoud day of April, in the year onu thousaiid eigtit hundred and seventy-eight. Present, Williaiñ J. Har riman, Judgeof Probate. Tu the matter of the estáte of John Geor#e L-hui;tnii, deeeased. On reading and filing the petition, dnly verified, of Johá George Seliunaacher, prayin that a eeríain ÍDBtrument nowon tile in tma oourt, purporting It lit: the last will uuú testament of said deceased, maj he admittëd to probate, and that he and Frediick Aiv.t iuiy Ín apuointod sxeontors tbereof, Thereupon it ia orde red, ÜjaJ Munday, the twentiet h !ay of Ma , uext., at ten o'cloek i u the foienoon, be nssigiud for the hearing of saiil petition, and that the cterisees, tegatueft, ' and lieir.s at luw of enid deceasí-d, and all other persons interestetl in s;iid estáte, are rtquired to appear at a session oí' said oourt, then to be holde-n at tiie Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbof, and show eauae, if any there he, why ihe prayer oí" the petitioner should not be xrañted : ' And it Ís further ordered tliat said petitioner fgive üotlee to the persons interested in said estae, of the pándese? of said petition and ie he&ring thereof, by cimgiog a oopy of tiúa eider t be publtshed in the Michigan Argua, a newspaper printed and circiilated Ín said county, i reo s u (■"■ sl vp weefcfl DrOTiouB to said dav of heaing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, ;A trne oopy) Judge of Probat. 'm.í'u Donf, Pronète Register. Ifi84td Estáte oí' Williani Schulte. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa&htenaw, to sa. At a seasion oí tbe Probate Court lor the flounty of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office iu tliecity oí Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the twentylifth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundied and seventy-eight. Present, Williaia t). Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí William Schulte, deceased, Ou readiug and filing thepetitjon, duly verified, of Willium F. Buhk, praying that a certain instrument now ou file in this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deeoasod. may bo admitted to probate, and thut he may be appoinred exeeutor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Honday. tbc tweutioth day of May uext, at ton o'cJock iu the foienoou, be astsigned for the hearing oí said petition, and tbat the devisees, leñatees, and heirs at Iíiw ot 8nd deceased, and all other poraoafc interested in said estáte, are rcquired to appear at a sesaion of fiaid Court, then to be holden at the í 'róbate Othce in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cnuse, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grantd: And it ia further ordered that said petitioner fiive notice to the persons iaterested iu said estáte, of tlie pendency of said petitioi!, and the hearing thereof, by causing a eopy of thia order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in saideounty, three successive weeks previous to aid lïüy of hearing'. WILLIAM B. HARRIMAN, fA true copy ) Judpe of Frobaie. Wm. Ü. Üotv, Probate Efrisier. 1684td Estáte oí Henry Bowers. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw, 93. At a session of the Probate Court for the County Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Avbor, on öatm-day, the twentietfa day ot April, in the year one ihousand eisiht huu ired and &eventy-eight. Pt -.Bent, Wilüam D. Harriraan, Judge of Probate. In the matter oí t!ie estáte of Henry Bowers, deceased . On readiug aud flUng the petition, duly verified, of Hudson Boweis, prayin that John tí. Bowers and Louis S. Warner may be appointed ad mi ma tra tor of the estáte of siud deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twentieth day of May next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, be assigri ed for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said eatate, are required lo appear at a eeasion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in. the city of Ann Arbor, and show eauee, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should net be granted: And it is further ordered. that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing1 a eopy of tbis order to be pnblished in the Michigan Árgm, a newspaper printed and eirculated iu said county, three succesive week pre vioua to aaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, IA true copy.) Jude of Probate. 1 Wm. Gr. üotï. Probate Register. 1684td - 1 Eeal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couiity of Washtenaw, l 33. In the matter uf the estáte of Patrick Hughes, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuanee of an ordei granted to the undersigned, adminïstrator with the will snnexed of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the fourth diiy of May, A. D. 187S, there will be sold ut public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late resic'ence of said deceased. íd the town sbip of Seio, in the County of Washtenaw, ia aaid State, on Tuksday, the twenty-iiith dat of June. A. IX 1878, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbranceg by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time oí tlie death of said deceased) the following described real estáte, to wit : All the right, title and interest of said deceased, at, in and to the iollowing described real estáte: Blocks numberlS, 19,20, 21, 22,23,24, 25,26, 27, 28, 2U, 30, 31, and all of block six (6) lying soutb' of the Michigan Central Railroad, all and every of said blocks being in Foster platof Scio village, in Washtenaw County, Michigan ; and a picce of land known and described as folldws: Nuniber 1, '2 and .;, bouudod noith partly by the Michigan Central JUilroad and the village of Scio, weet by the Scio Mili property,south and naat by the Huron River, said land being on section 10, township of Scio, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan. Dated May 4, 1878. 1G8G JOHN HUGHES, Administrator witb. the wiil annexel of said estáte. Keal Estáte for Sale. OTATE 01' MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, O ss. In the matter of the estáte of Fidelus Sekinger, deceased. Notice is hereby jiiven, that iu pursuanee of an order grauted to 'the undersigned administratorof the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judfteof Probate for the County ot Washtenaw, on the eighth day of April, A. D. 1S78, there will be sold at. pub ie veudue, to the highest bidder, at the late remenee of Baid deneaaed, on tne preuises to be öoli, in the townshii oí íreedom, in the County of Washteuaw, in said State, on 'IYesdat, THE TWENTY-EKÍHTH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1878, at oneo'elock in the aftornoonof that day (subject ;o all encumbrancos by mortgage or otherwisu exsting at the time of the death of said deceased), ;he following desenbed retl estáte, to wit: The soutbeaat quarter of the southeast quarter of sec.ioiï number twenty-two (22), 111 town three (o) south range four (4) cast, (Fieedoio) Washtenaw County, Michigan, except one acre off from the northeaBt corner of snid pareel above described Dated, AprilS, 1S7S. 1682 .MICIIAEL FOSTEIt, Administrator. Chancery Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in chancery. Christttu Hack and I'rekenck Sphmid, complai'uanU, va tohn W. Cowau, Dorcas H. Cowan, William Kent] lud Evelina Kent, defeudunts. Iu pursuanee and' )y virtue of a decreö made and entered iu the above eotiüed eau&e, on the thirtielh day of November, A.. D. 1S77, the undersigDod, ouc of the Circuit Court Commissioners in and for the aid County ot Washtenaw, will sell at public vendue, o the highest bidder, at the north door of the Court House, iu the city of Ann Arbor, in said ounty, on Monday tbe twentieth day of May, A. D. '878, at ten o'clock in the forer.oon of that ,ay, the lands and tenements desonbed as foilows, ;o wit : Block number twelve (12J, lots uumber ive(5), six(i;j, seven f7), eightfsj, uiue (9i, ten 10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteer. (13), and foureen (14j, in block number flfteen fl5j ; aleo lots nuruberone (1), two Í2), three Cu), (4), and flve(f), n block number thirteen (13); and lots number welve (12), thirteen (IS), and fourteeu (14), in lock number eleven (11), all in .Tohn W. Cowan's econd addition to tho village of Manchester, acordmg to the plat thereof as the same is reeorded n the oüloe of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw ; ulso the north hali of the northeast fractionol quarter of eectiou number wo, in town four south of range three cast, being he township of Manchester, County of Washteaw and State of Michigan. Dated, April 5, A. D. 1878. FRANK EMERICIC, 1881 Circuit Court Commlssioner. Euobne K. Fhueauff, Complaiuant's Solicitor. Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw. Inchancery. Chriatian Mack and Frederick Sohmid, comphiinants, va. Míírgaret Conway, defendant. In pursuance and by virtue of a decree made aud euteied in the above entitled cause, on the twenty-ninth day of Match, A. D. 1878, the undersigued, one of the Circuit Court Commissioiiera in and for Baid County of Washteniiw, will sell at public vendue, to the hlgheet bidder, at tho north door ot the Court Houne in the city of Ann Arbor. in Baid county, 011 Satuhdaï the twentt-fifth day of May, A. D. 1878, at ten o'cloek in thu lorenoon of thatdüy.all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the city of Ann Arbor, County oí Wushtenaw. Michigan, and deseribed as follows, namely iiituated in the norinwest corner of lot number two, in bloek number four north oí liuron streel in range number six east in aaid city, lronting ilireerods on Fifth slreet and eïtending eaat oí the .same width ninety feet, being the saine premiges deeded and lately occupied fcy Mrs. Eliiabelt ('onway. Ilalc-d, April li, A. D. 1878. frank: emerick, Circuit Coort Commlssionef . H. J. Iífakkh, Complainant'B Solicitor. Chancery Sale. ÖTATB OP MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court far f the County of Washünaw, in chancery Silai H. Douglan, complainaut, vs. James McMabori, Fanny McMahou, William C. Hughes, Harriet W. (irnyt John T. Bradlee and (eorge O. Sears, and also Elizabeth Hutchinson, Edwin Packard. and Charles Louis F:ncke, executors ui' Samuel Hutehinson, deceased, defendants. In pursuance and by virtue of adecreemade and entered in theabuvt) entitled cause, on the twenty-third day of March, A. D. 1878, the undersigned, one of the Circuit C'ouit Comraisaioners in and lor said County oí Washtenaw, will seil at public veudue, to the liighest bidder, at the north door ot the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, in said countv, OU JtOKDAT, IIIE TWENTIETH T)AY OF Maï, A. L. 1S78, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, all those traets or purcels of land altuated in the town of Aan Albor, in the County of Washtenaw and Stite of Michigan, towit: The east half of the northeaat quarter of eection echteen, in town two fioulh and rauge six east, and aleo a triangular piece of land orí the weet half of the eame quarter Kection lying east of the Comwell road, commenoiog at the southeaet corner of the west half ot the narthwevt quarter of said section, and runmrg northcrly on the east side of Ihe Cornwell road twelve rodd ; and aibo the southwst fractiLnal quarter of the northwest fractional quarter of section eeventeen, containing sixiy-six and ninety hundredthsof an acre; and also that other tract or parcel of land being part of the northeast qutirter of section seventeen, in eaid towuahip, commencing at a stake e ud stones in the center line A section Bevenieen, and running tüence easterly forty-one rods to a Btuke and stones, thence north erly flfty rods to a stake and tones, theoce west iu theHuronRirer, thence ulong eaid river to tha place of beginning; arjd also a certain and permanent right of fiowinland on the rortheast quaz ter of the east part of the northwest fraotionai quarter of section seventeen. not to exceed tvrenty acres; and aiso the right of diKing and oonstructing a mil] -race on the most eligible place or prouiid on the northeast fraction oí tfce southwest I'ra2tiünal quarter of section seventeon , and at all times of repaínng and keeping in repair for ttu u&e I tbe fiouring and grist mili wlth other neof6sar j maehinery; and also that other piece or parcel oi land on said seetion seventeen, to wit : all úie land between said race and the Hurou Eiver; and also ali the land on said 9outhwest fraeüonal quarter of section seventeen betweeu the south line oi the road ruuning easterly iroru said river on the quarter line and a line parallel thereto, eigl't roda distant on the south side of Bald road and quarter line, and nlso the right of znaking ana keeping in repair at all times a tail-race, so called, from the mili on the premiies above deseribed into the rivti it auy point on the saia southwest fractional of section seventeen, intending to convey the nill and exclusive water power to run the same mown as the Kellogg Mills, and the rights, privileges and franchises connected therewith. exoepiing and reserviug from the foregoing the land iieretofore sold by said McMahnn to John L Tappan. Dated, April .'., A. D. 1S78. FRANK EMERICK, 1681 Circuit Court Commissioner A i.phei'3 Fbloh, Solicitor for Complainant. Mortgage Sale. WHERKAS default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, made and eiecuted by Martin Ryan and Catharine Ryan to Hannah A. Wilkinson, and dated the eighth dav of March, A. D. 1873, and reeorded in the office oí the Register ot' Deeds of Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, on March thirteenth, A. D. 1373 In liber 49 of mortgages at page 367, and whereas there is now due and unpaid on said niortgag? aud bond accompanying the same, the sum oi two hundred and flfty-three dollars, and to beoome due hereafter the sum of twelve hundre.i dollars, with annual interest at the rate of ten per cent., also an attorney's fee of fifty dollars proviíed for in said mortgage, and wherea's no proceedlugs at !aw or in equity have been laken to collect the same oraoy part thereof: Now, therefore notice is herehy given that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained and of the statute lti such case made and provided, on Satcrday Tas TWBNTIBTB da Y OP Jl'LV, A. D. 1878, at 11 o'clo'ck m. of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place and building where the Circuit Court for tbe county of Washtenaw is held) the UDdersigneti wili sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the premises described in said mortgage or so mucii thereof as shall be necessary to satisly said amoum with interest thereon together with said attorney's fee, also the costa and expenses of sale allowed by law: Said preniises being described in said mort gage as being the southeast quarter of thenorthwest quarter of section sixteen, township one south range six east in the State of Michigan excepting aud reserving from the conveyance the Ufe estáte to au uudivided half of all the marsh laad situated on the southwest corner of sni.l land which is reserved to Thomas I'ohcy. Datcd, March 22, 1878. D. Cramer, HANNAH A. WILKINSON. Att'y i'or Mortgajee. 1684 Mortgugee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditlon of a certain mortgage made and exocuted by John Keegau and Catharine Keegan, of the city u'r Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State o! Michigan, to Williani H. Parker, of Lowell, Massachusetts.on the tweuty-fourth day of June one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine and reeorded in the oftice of the Register of Deeds for Ui.county afoiesaid on the twenty-fifth day of' June A. ]. 1S69, at 11% o'elock a. M.'of said day, ia llbei' 42 of mortgages, on page 65. There is clalmed to be due on the note aud mortgage the sum of fifteen huudred and slxty-five dollars and fifty-two cents also an attorney's fee of forty dollars' should anf' proceediugs be takeu to foreclose said mortgagé aud no proceediugs having been takeu in law or equity to recover said sum of money or any part thereof: Notice is bereby giren, that, by virtue oi' tliu power of sale in said mortgage contained 1 sballsi'll at public auction to the uigliest bidder on the Eightkkntii day OK May next, at 2 o'clock v SI. of said duy, at the front door ot the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Wasiiteuaw aud State aforesaid (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for said county is held, the premises describod in said mortgage as beinJ all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the city of Aun Arbor, county of Washtenaw anJ btateol Michigan, known, bounded and descrlbed as followa, to wit : Being the east half of the wen balf of the northwest quarter of secüon numboi twenty, in township number two (2) south of range uuiiiber six (B) east, contalning forty ucres of land. WILLIAM H. PAKKER, Mortffaiff John K. Goti, Att'y for Mortgagee. 1678 Èeal Estáte for Saü] QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaahtcDaw O ss. In the matter of the estáte of Hamilton' anatta, deceased. Notice is hereby given that n pursuance of an order granted to the u'ndersigned, administratorof the estáte of said deceased iy the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County oi Washtenaw, on the twenty-seventh day of j"u!v A. D. 1877, there will be sold at public vendue, to' he bighest bidder, at the resideuca, on the premies hereinafter the townshtpof Salem n the County of Washtenaw, in said State on Vbdnesday, the fifteenth day of May A D 878, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day subject to a!l encumbrances by mortgage or otherwiso existlns at the time of the death of said deeased, aml also subject to the right of dower ot J&ncy C. Vanatta, widow of said deceased thereln, he following described real estáte, to wit ■ Tliú mrthwest qnarter of the Southwest quarter' of sec - on eight; also the south twenty acres off from the outh part of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section eight, all in town one outh ranga aoven east (Salemv Washtenaw Couniv Michigan. NFWLAND ti ('ARPÜNTER March 27, 1978. 1680 Administrator.


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Michigan Argus