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A New York dispatch eays tlie Syndicaío has eubscribed for an additiODal $5,000,000 of ÍJ per cent, bonds, makicg $25,000,000 tken of the L50,000,000 contract. There ís torne exciteinent in New Tork and other Eastem citieR concerning reported preparations of tho Feaiand to invade Canada in the event of a war between England and Buesia. Some Eussian naval officers arrived in New York a few days ago. They woro intorviowed by tho irrepressible reporter, and, in snswer to inquines repardÍDg the missiou of tho Cimbria to America, stated that 8he had on board a mimbcr of Kuitian naval officers who are to tako command of a certain number of privateers, which they intend to pnrohase and fit out, if they can fiad Mutable veseela iu this couutry. The Home Mutual Insurance Company, of Boston, has boen enjoined, and wil] close up its affairs. Assets, S741.8S0; liabüiües, $1,149,183; outstanding risks at presont $900.000. Georok R. Waterman, formerly AsPistant Postmaster o the Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Mass., has beeu an-ested, having failod to securo the company against losa by his defalcation of 5100,000. Philadelphia's Permanent Exliibilion as reopenod to the public on the lOth inst. Senator Blaine was orator of the lay. Baron Bïano, the Italian Minister to the United States, was married in New York last weck to Miss Terry, daughter of a Cuban millionaire. Tho wedding is described as the most elogant in the social annals of New York ....Jason Sonbm-r, living ncar Augusta, Me.! killed three of his children the other dw, and thon attempted to take his own Iife TI1E WEST. Chicago elcvators contaiu 362,715 bushels of wheat, 1,283,250 bushels of corn, 152,628 bushels of oats, 33,604 bushels of ryè and 309,449 bufhels of barlev, makiuir a erand bushels at this period last yeaj ' The existc-uce of a formidable whisky ring, which bidR fair to rival in tho extont of its frauda the famous St. Lonig ring, has been une.irthed at Cineinnati. Frands to the amount of over $1,250,000 have already been dfscov? It "f-lleged that Gen. Weitzel, Iuternal í,n in tZ l Hr at mcümai. 8 badly mixed up in the crooked work. Advices from the far Northwest report that Sittinf? Buil and his warriors are actively preparing for another campaign, and (hat even Bed OIoud's band, who wero transferred to a new reservation bv the Goverament lat fa", are OamtmiÁ trouble Hou J. Donald Cameron, United States Scnaor from Penna-lvania, vraB man ied at Cleveland Ohio, lan wek, to Miss herman, nieóe ahiín, reTr f llW Treas"7. "dof Gen Ml ift ff -ThenwedinK ws au unusnallv bnlliant affair. Ono huudred thonsand dcllará WOrth f present were bestowed. A performer in a traveling varietv combiuation attempted, at Rockport. Ind the other evening, the feat of shooting au apple Sïï1 ths hCao Of a e m miscarried, and an S-year-old boy uamed Weigel who was playing outeide the canvas, was ïhót in the lorehead, and almost instantly killed BoucicACLT'ssensatioiial story, "Af ter Dark," depicting high and low life in the great ties, is the attraction at McVicker's Theater Chicago. Itis presented with a powerful cast oí teíra ?unad Ch- -ticconery, Índ The movement of the Government ajainst tbo Cincinnati whisky riug has culnrnated iu the F0!zure Of several distilleries and reeufying honses and tho arrest of the urn pneton.. The Government auïhoritiee have ampie ovidesce of the crookednees of the pareitzei, Internal Bevemie Collector for tho Cracinnad district, has been asked to rolign Gum. James Shields, in an interview a Chicago reporter, pronouncos the reportsabont a Fenian invasión of Canada eensahonal and without foundation The late savere frost caueed erious injury' iotbe vint yards in many parts of the Northwest. THE SOUTH. Advices from Texas say the band of tram-robbers that bas for several months been plundering the Houston and Texas Central aud Pacific railroada has been broken up and a Fitz mmons, Margal of Georgia, acting as í 8wi edw,eapons and ooovicted them Buípé l waa a matter of eeneral Toüb persons have died in Russell onnty.Va., aud others are dangerously ill from the effacis.of eatiug poisoned butter. mnnUi'er hd be?n imPregnated with the po son by a farmer's wife for the puroose cf pouomng a thief who hai been dSin' upon day, aud was unwitti-igiy wld l te Ta dealer, and by him dealt out to bi, customers A straxgb romance of crime is nnrrated in St. Louis papers. Six years ago, Jalie ïïnc' dfmghtor of a farmer in Jefferscn SL M' mysriou8ly disappeared one evemng and was never agaia seen alive. A negro, white sbooting snipe along the bank oí 'en M"8ssippi river, o? thiitv miles Bttay Bkiif floating down the stream, nd, on overhaulmg it, found it to oontam a female tkeleton, whick ffi'fh bethat Of the g-miesing :g rl bj a discarded lover, stnmtrled, and placed in ikifl , whichwasthensecurély iarttnod to the bank of a creek at a place where theunder♦i,wasl,so thick as to effectuallv hide it that there the boat rcniained uutil the ravages ïL nni!i ï" thf PeS and thUS the ZbCmfaisZdd0VQthecxeek aDd int0 POUTICAt. Indiana municipal eleetions: IndianapoUs-Tolal vote, 13,180; Republicana, 6,220: Itemocratp, 5,748; National, 1,212. Lafayette- The Jiepublicans elect four Councilmen and the Democratstwo; total vote, 2,783, of which tho ?,nL3 " C1 Sonth Uend-Hepublican for Mayor electod; Couucil a tie. ioit Wa.vne- Democrats carried reven warde .íS1,',18 'r Terro Haute-Nationak oected the Mayor; Conncil stands four Democrats, ont Kepublican, ono National. New Albany-Itepublicans chose a majority of the Councilmen. Ricbmond-Kepublxin elect four Councilmen, Democrats oue. Jeffersonville- Four Democratie and one Republican Oonncilmen elected. Greencastle- Entiro Republican ticket elected. Logansport-DemocratH elect nearly all the Councümen. Kokomo cenSeS1"'0 &Ud tW BaPnUin Cünn" The State Convention of the National party of Peunsylvania was held at Philadelphia on the 7thinöt, Nearly everycounty in the State was repreFented. The Chairman, in his addresí, revicwcrl the condition of the party, etatmg that from 5,000 in 187G, it bas intTf -,1 "earí? 55'ü0 votes lij", and that, wiih its thorough orgauizaüon there was uo reasou that entire suceess should not be achieved in the next campaign. S. R. Maeon and Christopher boeier were nominated for Governor and Lieutenant Governor on the first ballot. The platJ, SSrally re-euuaciates the principies of tho Toledo platform. The Nationale of Massaehusetts talk of nominating Gen. B F. Buüer for Governor. . . . The first State eled ion of the coming polit'cal campaign will bo that of Oregonin June. State officer?, a Congressman aud a Legislatnre are to be elected. WASIUNGTON, The State Department has been offlcially noiified of the acseptanco by Greeceof the inyitation of this Government to particípate in an international conference on the subject of the proper ratio to be flxed betweeu tho yalnei of KOId and silvor. Three European natious havïug nosr aecopted the invitaticn, it is competent tor our Government, uixkr the terms of the recently-euacted Silver bill, to make dofinite ari-angements for holding a conference. Gen. Adam Badeau lias fnrnished to Ihe War Departmeüt evidence that hiswound at Port Hudon was of mch a nature as to bring hun nndor the operation of au act which allows wounded officers to be placed on tho retired list, and to also hold "civil ónice. His name has consequíntly been restored to the army lint ...Presideut Hayes has given directioBS (o have the KuKlux'cases on the docket at Colnmbia, S. C, nolle pro3sed, and it ia oxpecied that the Ka Kiux prisonprs in theAlbacypenitontiaiy will be pardoned. GENERAL. The nulhorities at Washington have ordeml T'riiterl Httsoi1Soers, ot-vil aud militwy. a'.ong the Rio Grande, to excereiso the utmost vigUance in arrestinK jersons suspectod of an ntention to invade Mesico for tho uurposo of ovorthrowing Diaz. hundred-doiLar counterfeit notes on the Second National Bank, of Wilkesbarre, ?a., and the National Revero Bank, of Boston, il:iss., have made their appcaranco in the West. They are a transfer from the couuter'eit plato of the Merchante' National Bank, of Xew Bedford, Mass., wbich receutly made its appearauce. Recent deaths : Gen. Thomas S. Dakin, President of the American rifle team ; Misa Catherine E. Beecher, Bister of Henry Ward Beecher ; the wifo of Joha Bright, the English statesman ; Prof. Joseph Henry, the wefi-known scientist, for many ycars connected with the Smithsonian Institute, Washington. Our Canadian neighbors aro greatly alarmed at the rumors of )a threatened Fenian invasión. FOREIGÏï NKWS. A London dispatch says that a basis of arrangement, which the powers deeired to submit to the Czar, has been agrced upou. The arrangement is in fivo divisions : Tho first divition proposes that tvo región of Bulgaria aurth of tlio Balkans shall be conceded to Bussia, and that the sonthern portion shall remain to a great extent under the anthority of the Sultan. The second división relatos solely to the Asiatic compensation, which it is proposed shall be rcduced to a minimum. The third división relates to the straits question, and win bo arranged heieafter. Tne foi rth división demanda deflnite settlement of the war indemnity. Under tho fifth división it is proposed that Thenealy and Epirus be accorded the right of self ■ goyernmcnt, thu seeuring for tbem the protection of Europe and natiqnal independenco The change in the public opinión of Itussia in a peaceful direction is said to be very marked, and to be the result of the recognition of tho serious consequenco that would inevitablv result from a new war. Prince Bismabck is suffering from the roturn of hiaold neuralgic affection Specials from Berlia stato that Ruesia has dccided to refuse to libérate the Tnrkish prisonera of war numboring 60,000, iii conseiiuence of the nncertainty that tho Porto will maintain neutrality in the cvent of a war between England and Kussia Forty thousand Russian rein forcement8 havo been forwarded to Jassy. The steamship Sardinia, of the Alian line, was destroyed by flre in tho harbor of Londonderry, Eng., on the lOth inst. The fire was caused by an explosión of generated gas, from tho effects of wbich several persons were killed and many wounded. A number of steerage passeugers wcre ent off from help bv tñe flamee, which burst out ininiediatoly aftor the explosión, and lost their lives. There is a great depression in trade throughout England, and tho ciblo reports eeveral heavy failures in London and other cities - The negotiations between the Vaticari and Rn?s-ia have completely failed It is said fcliat in case of war the Russian Gen. Todleben intends making Adrianople bis bate of operationa and the final ttaud for tho army south of tho Balkaua. It will be defended bv 500 gnns. and Gen. Tcdleben believes it to hé impregnablo. Intense excitemeiit was produced in tho city of Berlin, the other day, by an unsuccessful attempt to assassinato tho Emperor Wilham. While he was out drivinff a tiusmith named Hoedel, from I-eips:g, fired two pistol sbots into his carnaRe. Fortunately neither shot took effect. The would-be assausin aud au accomplice, named Krueger, were arrested. A BebijIn dispatch saj's the prisoner Hoedel BtiU donies any intention to assassinate tho Emperor William, but sufficient evidence has been accumulated to prove conclunively that the prisoner aimed directly at his sovereign Berlin bankers have, it is sdid, made Rnssia a preliminair advance of 50,000,000 rtibles. - -


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