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The Bill Repealing The Bankrupt Law

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is 8till on the Spéaker's table in the House. Some political economist and financier of the Ben Butler school has been iufiating tho specie currency at Coldwater with "bogus dollars." Kkfokt says that Zack Chandler will be the first witness examined by the Houso couiinittee on the Presidential frauds. Zack "can a tale unfold" if he only will. Minister Noyes telegraphs home l'roui Paris his desire to bj called as a witness befora the House special cornniittee charged with the investigation of the Florida and Louisiana frauda. He will probably be gratified. Ha yes has a "next friend" on the investigating comuiittee, Gen. J. D. Cox ; Reed, of Maine, is understood to be the mouthpiece of Blaine ; and Hiscock, of New York, of Conkling. Ben Butler will bushwhack on his own account. Tuk Democrats in Congress are displaying moro cheap demagogism and bogus economy than the titnes require in their persistent attempts to cut down the army and cripple the navy. An army of 20,000 - not all officers - is no largor than the interests and safety of the nation demand. The House passed a bilí on Wednesday providing for the publication of an official advertising paper, in which all governinent advertising is to be done. More interference with private business and euterprise, and more pap-suckers to be quartered upon the treasury. It was championed through by Ben Butler. The Kationals or greenkackers of Jacksou have voted to strike the name of Mayor Higby from the rolls for a " violation of the pledges by which he obtained his office, and conduct unbecoming a man and a gentleman, much less the executive of a city." Mayor Higby's offen9e was appointiug an honest-inoney mau City Attorney. The pot is boiling. The Senate amended the House bill placing Gen. Shields on the retired list of the army, with the rank of brigadier-general, by making Gen. Grant a " retired" general, and then killed the bilí by a vote of 30 to 34. Half right : the last vote. A bad precedent would be established by restoring Gen. Shieldg or any other officer now out of coininission and service, to rank and pay. The Adrián Press, greenbacker, says that "The Democratie party must stand on a greenback platform, or be buried on their gold basis." All right, better be buried on a gold basis than shrouded in greenbacks. But shades of Jefferson and Madison and Jackson and Wright and Benton and Marcy and Douglas, and all the other ereat uartv laHorQ what a sorry figure the Damocracy would cut on "a greenback platform ! " ii - - -. f wlmm The Wyandotte Courier, one of the oidest and most ultra of the greenback papers of the State, names as gubernatorial candidates for the Nationals, J. W. Begole, of Plint, au ex-Congressman ; C. C. Comstock, of Grand Rapids; Henry Wbiting, of St. Clair ; and Moses W. Field, of Detroit. The Courier also makes this gratifying remark touching coalition : "It takes two to make a bargain, and the bad character of the Democracy is an insurmountable barrier in the way of such consuinmation. The Nationals will not coaleBce." Which we oommend to some of our Democratie friends who have expressed a desiro to bait the Democratie hook with a rag baby. The Democratie disposition is to cali a conveution to be held lu Lansing ou Tuesday, June 25. At the receat conference in Detroit there was developed a wonderful display of sentiment on the curreucy question. The majonty favored greeubackism, but such meu H9 Wra. L. Webber, Chauncy Joslin, Austin lilair and other demanded such a coalitiou, and toward tlie close angrily withdrew from the conference. - Coldicater Republiean. Now Austin Blair was not present at the "conference" in question, and neither he, William L. Webber, nor Chauncy Joslin "demanded" ooalition with the greenbackers, or " angrily withdrew." Besideg, no vote was takeu on the "currency question," and a majority did not favor " greenbackism." It would be exceediug difficult to lard a single brief paragraph with more abundant fiction. In the House en Wednesday Mr. Harrison, of Illinois, ofFered resolutions extending the investigation of Presidential frauds to Oregon and other States, and also declaring that " it is not now in the powor of Congress, nor in the purpose of this House through such investigation, to annul the action of tho Forty-fourth Congress" in declaring the election of Hayes and Wheeler. On a yea and nay vote as to the rosolution raising a privileged question 71 members voted yes and 50 no. The Republicans nearly all withheld their votes and " no quorum" was the result. Messrs. Potter, Cobb, Cox, Morrison, and Stenger, of the special investigating committee, voted yes. The Republiean members had it in their power to secure the adoption of the resolutions and the esaential couflrmation of Hayes' title, but preferred their defeat to having the cry of " revolution" silenced. John Hurley, of Battle Creek, has been fined $5 and coBts for striking his wife. Bhe entered a saloon where he was drinking, and struek the glass of liquor from his Ups, and he picked the cup up and hit her on the baad with it. - McConnell, a hotel proprietor, and Edward McCluro, a saloon keeper, after playing poker for nioney all night at Big Rapids, got into a right, which resulted in McClure knockiug MeConnell down with a chair, and severely if not fatally, iujuring him. McClure is in jail awaiting the result. Judge Tennant has. dissolved the injunction issued by Judge Green, on the application of the Genesee street Bridge compauy, reBtraining the city of East Saginaw from constructing a free bridge. The city has raised a loan of #15,000, and a contract has already been ontered into for the building of the struoture.


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