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- Tii oíd fogiea of the State Modical Society carne to grief at Lansing last week. After aaharpand neisive discussion the following proposed amendment to the constitution - introduced at the stormy aesaion held ia this city in 1876 and laid over last year- was lost by a vote of yeaa, 42 ; nays, 61 : "That uo persou shall be admitted to momberahip who practices or professes to practice in accordance with any ao-called pathy or aecUnau school of medicine, or who haa recently graduated írom a medical school whoae profesaora teach, or assiat in teaching, those who propnse to gradúate in or practice irregular medicine." The clause wa double-barrelod in its aun : in tended to bao the professors in the oíd Medical department of the Uuirersity becauae toey teach orthodox and "regular" medicine to studeuts whu propose- after graduatmg from auother Staie school over which the said professors hare Ho coutrol - to practico "irregular" medicine or hoinoopathy ; and secondly, to refuae admisBÍou and iellowship to student who gradúate from such department who have had neither affiliation nor sympathy with irregular or homeopathie studeuts. After the decisive vote a large Hat of "regular" graduates were admitted to meuiberahip, including Drs. A. C. Maclean, L. G. North, R. W. Corwin, George B. Ayrea, J. W. Baruard, and Wilhelminua Declcer, of this city, but on member voting no. "The world movea." - The "Libérala" cliuched tlieir yictory over the old fogiea of the State Medical Society- the defeat of the conatitutional amendment - by appoiuting Dr. Brodie, of Detroit, and Dr. Hitchcock, of Kalainazoo, to defend tha society before the Council of the American Medical Association against the charges heretofore preferred, and also by electing Drs. Farmenter, Whelau, and Show members of the State Society Couucil. Dr. Kedzie was the only Counci' membur elected who shakes in presence of the Homeopathie College on the Uulversity campus. The Council signalized its orgauization by promptly rejecting as not specifio enough the charges preferred by the eccentric Dr. Twisa against the regular professors in the Medical departmeut of the Utiiversity : teaching sound medical science to student not regularly matricul&ted m their department. - Justice to our old frieud and political colaborer Hon. John J. Bobison, of Sharon, compela us to contradict the statement made in the Adrián Press and other papers that in the recent Democratie coufernce at Detroit he took hard-money ground and opposed coquetting or coalition with the National-greenbackers or " irredeemables." We wish that John had prored true to the old traditions of the Democracy, and planted himself against the absurd goverumout banking or moneybiokerage schemes of the day - including au unhmiled issue of paper promises never to be paúl- ana other hnancial heresies, and on the tírm rock of huuest money , But he didn't.und we tear that he inclines to run after strange gods and nwke hu bed with a ring-etreaked aud speckle i brood of financiers and statesman. - By request the Asous pubhshes this week a cali tor a Xatioual-Greenback Conveution to be held at Dexter June 1, but in doing so begs löiive tü suggest that it will be a poor feast which will be served np to auch persons as honestly aud intelligently favor "financial reform." lleform eitlior lluancial or pohtical doe not follow iu the footsteps ot Muses W. Field or tlie class of mon who stay up his liand. - Ilicbard ira,ut Wliite writes in the June Atlantic concerning railroad travelinf at home and abroad : " There has beeu much disputa as to the compwative conveniente of the En{,'liah and American systems of raihvay traveling. I give niy Tote, without hesitation or qualiticatiun, in favor of the Euglish." - Earl lluasell did n't die last week as was reported by cablegraui. He will probably enjoy the readiug of a large number of obituary uotices prematureiy writteu aDd pitblished, and perhaps will wish he had died.


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Michigan Argus