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The Providencie (R. I.) Tool Company has etarted up to complete the original TnrkiBh contract, of which abont 100,000 rifles are still to be made The stoamship State of California, just launched at the yard of Willi.ini Cramp A Sons, Philadelphia, haa been gold to the Ruesian Government. The Syndicate of New York ' ankeis has docided to tako the roraaining $15,000,000 of the $50,000,000 of i]4 por cent. bonds covored by its contract with the Secretary of the Treasury. The options for October. November and Decomber are thiiB anticipated. A large part of the $15,000,000 will be sold abroad. The Treasury Department Las discontiuued the paymont of standard silvor dollars for troasury notes at the sub-treasnry in Now York The object of paying out silvnr f er greenbaoks was to get tbo former into circulation, but nearly all issucd in tbis manncr roturned to it in the payment of custoin duties, tho persons ooncerned thereby eaving the premium on gold. THE WEST. Cincinnati's great musical festival has proved a groat success A Portland (Ore.) dispatch says: "First Lieut. H. DeWitt Slocre, of Company F, Twonty-first Infantry, was drowucd at Fort Klamath." Ltman Potter, the manwbo is trundling a wheelbarrow from Albauy to San Francisco to oarn a pnrse of $1,000, pasaed through Fort Wayne, Ind. , a f ow days ago, iu good condition. He etartcd from Albany on April 20. and must roach San Francisco by Deo. 10 to get his monoy, which is already on deposit in Albany. Ho has thus far averaged about twonty-six miles por day. The great musical festival at Cincinnati cleared upward of $30,000. WASHINGTON. The total amount recommended in the bill roported in the Houso from the Committee on Appropriations for the support of the army for tho fiscal year onding Juno 80, 1879, is $26,929,071, of which the amonnt recommendod for tho pay and allowance of ofneers who may retire under its provisions is $2,897,000. Thë total regular suni is $24,032,671. Tho total amour.t appropriated by tho last law wa6 $25,712,500. Tho total suni of ostirnatos is 431.292.232. Tho decrease from the ostimates is $7,159,561.55. Aitointments by the President: Gustavus 8t. Gem, to bo Surveyor of Customs at 8t. Louis ; John H. Smyth, of North Carolina, to be Minister Resident and Consul General at Liberia, África; Charles Tuttle, of New York, to be a member of the Board of Indian Commissioners; Amos Jmith, Jr., to bo Collector of Internal Bovenue &t Cincinnati, vice Gen. Weitzel, removed The Senate Committee ou Pensions has agreed to the Houso bill to increase the pensions to Holdiers who havo lost both arms, both legs, or both oyes, from $50 to $75 monthly. Thero are only sixty-five of this class on tho rolls, thirtv-three of whom loat both legs and thirty of whom lost both hands and both legs. Capt.Eads has had a large model made and placed in the basement of the Capítol showing the mouth of tho jetties, and the channel washed out by their aid. He denies that he has abandoned his contract to créate a channel thirty fect deep and 300 feet wide President Hayes has sent to Congress a message, covering the award of the Halifax Fishery Commission, and a foport on tho subject from tho Secretary of State. Tho report raisod the question of tho competonce of the Commission to make an award without the unanimous concurrenco of its members, but suggests that Coogress ishould appropriato the money, to be paid at the discretion of the Executive." ijome expression by Congress upon the unreasonable and unfair character of the Hward is also suggegted, which, with the protest of the President, may bo commuuicated to the British Government. The receipts of the Patent Office from Jan. 1 to May 1, 1878, were $263,963. The expenditures for the same time, exclusive of $45,000 for ropairing the models injured by the fire, wero $183,377- an excess of receipts over expenditures of $75,5!5. At this rate the surplus for the year would be $2R6,755, a much largor amount thau has ever been derived in a single year. A Washington dispatch says " the sale of tho 4-per-cont. bond has already reached such an amount as will shortly justify the isBue of a cali f r five million 6 per cents., which will bo replaced by 4 per cents. Sherruan denies that tho Syndicite has made an offer for six hundred millions of 4 per cents. at par, provided it was giveu a monopoly of the salo. He says that under no circumstanceB will he eive any bansors a monopoly of ths forrs. They are, he considers, the peorle's bends, and he intends thcy shall remain so." The House Oommittee on Expenditures in tho Stato Department has agreed to report articles of impeachment against Consul General Bradford, at Shanghai. GENERAL. The Syndicate have taken out another $10,000,000 of the 4-por-cent. bond. The appearances aro that the entire loan of $50,CK'0,000 will be takon boforo the time allowed to the Syndidate shall have half expired. Senok Hernández, Governor of the Mexican Stato of San Luis Potosi, now in New Orleatis, expresses the opinión that nine-tenths of tho intolligcnt and iufluential peoplo of Mexico are hostile to tho Diaz Government, and he believes that the preeent attempt at revolntion will prove successful. TnK General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States met in Pittsburgh last week. Dr. Fraucis L. Patton, of Chicago, was elocted Moderator on the flrst ballot. St. John, N. B. , is to be put in a state of dofenso from attacks by sea, in ar. ücipation of a war with Kunsia. The Mexican Minister in Washington han advices to tho effect that recent revolutionary attempts have failed, and that there is now no armed resistance to tho Diaz Govornment. An Ottawa (Canada) dispatch says: "Tho Government received a dispatch from the Imperial Governmont this afternoon announcing that war bttneeu England and Uussia is inevitable." POLITICA!,. The Republican State Convention of Pennsylvania met at Harrisburg on the 15th inst., nï nominated Henry M. Hoyt, of Luzerne county, for Governor. A platform was adoptod, in substance as follows : 1. Adherorjeo to the protoctivo policy and hostility to freo trade in all it aspects, and eepecially to the Wood Tariff bill. 2, That, labor boing Ihe source of all wealtb, it is the duty of tho nation to protect and encourago it, so aa to focure profltable employment to both labor and capital. 3. That it is the duty of Congress to aid iu developing American commerce, and to promote the prospcrity of the manufacturing and agricultural, mining and industrial interests of tho country. 4. That public lands bolong to the pcople, and should be resorved to actual setClera, o that the landless may bo encouraged and aided in occupying them. 5. That Congress should extend its constitutional power to rcgulato internal commerco so as to prevent discrimination in freight ratee. 6. Denouncing tbe paymont of Southern rebel claims, and holding the Denrocracy responsiblo for the presontation of such claims, amounting to 300,000,000. 7. Indorsing Gov. Hartranffs administration. Thu Ohio Democratie Convention -will be held at Columbus on tho 2th of Jnne. The committee apponted by Speaker Iiandah to conduct the investigation of the Louiüinna and Florida eloctions, provided for by the Potter rosolution, is constituted as folows : Clarkson N. Potttr, of Now York ; Willam R. Morrison, of Illinois ; Eppa Hunton, of Virginia ; John A. McMahon. of Ohio ; J. C. S. Blackbii'n, of Kentuchy ; V. S. Stenger, of Pennsylvania : Thomas R. Cobb, of Indiana- Democrats B. F. Hutler, of Massaohusotts ; Krank Hiscock, of New York ; J. D. Cox, of Ohio, and Thomas B. Reed, of Maine- Repubicans. FOKKIGN NEWS. It is rumored tliat England will send a large f orco to throaten liuxsia in the Caucasus. . . . .The Iiuanians have tightened their grip on Roumania by dltpotblK au army corps in molí a malino; aB to entirely cut off tho Röumanian army in Little Wallnchia from the capital. Prince Charles, in despair at tho ituation, has joiued his army.... The recent drought on Demarara islaud, West Indios, entails a direct loss to planters of botwocn L3,000,000 and 64,000,000. .. .The Chinese offloia] g&zette announces the complete reconquest of Kashgai The cotton strike at Blackburn, Eugland, haB culminated in a serious riot, in whieh tlio property of the millowners has tuffered considerable damage. the residenceof one proprietor being bnrned tij the round. It was found necessary to cali out roopj to quell the distúrbanos, By the explosión of ao ammunition aotcry in l'M-is, twonty employés wero killed ndmDy wouudfcl, , , .Ailvlw from Iinctiwest state that detaohmenta of Kuatúan rem-rvos and recruit continuo to past) through lloumania for the regiments iu the liold. Souie of thoso men are totally ignOrant of military dril). Train of arnmunition are alao passing to tho Danube. Advices from Japan say that Minister ef tho Interior Okubo was murdercd in tho streot by fivo asBaeKinp, while on his way to a Cabinot council. All tho assassins woro arrested. A St. Petebsbüro diepntcli snys it ia bolieved Count Sohouvaloff has succer.ried in convincing tho Emporor tbat it is to llnssia's interest to concede to Euro) most of the demandH fommlated by Englaud Thcre bas been eevere tightiugbetweenthe Cbristians and TurKs in Crete. A disfatch from St. Petersburg, rcferring to Count Schouvaloff's departnre, Rays " there can scarcely be a doubt that bo goos back to London empowered to make concessions in accordance with tho Bntish poirt of view - nay, more, aa ia believed in St. Petersburg, to offer great conecssionp." The Albanian revolt in Oíd Servia has has been suppreased. . . .Thcro are 30,000 Tbessnlian refngoes in Orceco. Thoy retuse to return to tboir homos. Many of them are joiuing the Greek anny The Tirm's t-aya the war has alroady cost liussia about X 100,000, 000 United States Minister Sevaiid writeB of the famine in China that tho actual faniiue is proseing upou 15,600,000 peoplo, while 60,000,000 are aufferüig more or lefs diatretis, The erop, ho sayn, hnve been good immediately aronnd the atricken difitricta, but, aa the food can be tranaported only on wagon or pack anímala, it cannot be taken thither in Bufficiont quaotities to save the lives of tho poople.


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