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Proceedings In Congress

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Tuebpay, May 14. - Senate.- Mr. Plumb, from the Ooromittee on Military Affairs, rcported favorably the Senate bill authorizuig the Seeretary of War to have head-atónes erected over tho graves of eoldiers who ser ved iu tho rf guiar or volunteor arm y of llio United States, during the war for tho Union, and wbo havo been buried in private cemoteriea Mr. Chriatiancy, from the eame committee, reportad favorably on the Senate bill to aniend the RcYiaed Statutea io regard to embezzlcment by intcrnal-reven'io oftieerH Consideration was renunied of the Postofflcc Appropriation bill, tho pending questíon Imm; on the polnt of order ralsea by Mr. Kdniumls that tbe auuendment Kubiuitted by Mr. Maxey iu regard to a scmi-monthly Brazilian luail eteanjBbip service, and to pay $30 a inile thorefor, coulct not be received, as it proponed iiew Icgislation, and was not Hermane to the subject. After a brief diFcnssion the qnention wa Hubiuittcd, " is the aaiendment proposed by tho Senator from Texas in order under the twenty-mnth rule?" Tho queation vas doddod in the negative - yeas, 23; naya, 92. Tho bül was then passed. . . .Mr. Davin, of Illinois, from tho Committee on the Judiciary, reported, with aniendments, tho Senato bilí providíng the times and placea of hc Idlug United States Circnit Courts in Iowa, and the appointment of an additional Judge. . . .Mr. Voorhees gave notico that when tho bill to repcal tho Specie-RrHumption act chould be taken up again be would iiiRÍBt on ita coifsideratiou from day to da until a vote is reached. Hoüsf. - The Republicana refusinf to voto on the inveetigation resolution introduced by Mr. Potter, no quorum apprared to be present, and the House adjourneri without traneiacting any business. Democbatic Cattcus. - Immediately after the adjournment the Democratie niembers met in caucus. The queetion of adjournment was dicuBBed, and rt uring the debate it wan claimed that the present pt ato of public buHitiees would not permit a day to be fixed ior adjourument. The Potter resolution to investígate the allrged fraude in Florida and Louisiana was taken up. Reprcsentative VVÜHon offered a recoUition allowing the RebuHlicans to offer nn ainendment to the resolntion, but this, after debate, wae iejected. Tho cancim resolved, by a largo majority, to stand by the Potter resolution, snd fnetructed him not to yield to any amendment f rom the Republican side. It wae unaniinously agreed that the rcBOlution sbould be finally acted pon beforo any other businesa was dono. On motion of Ropresentative Wood, it was resolved that all Democratie members out of the city be notined to return to Washington, and, aftor due notice, all exlsting nairs will be dtclared at an end. Wedkesday, May 15.- Senate.- Mr. Ferry, from the Committee on Postotnces and Post-Rcad, reportad a bill regu'aüng the compensation for the traneportation of mails on railroads, providing for the classincation of mail matter, and for other purpoaea Mr. Kuatis introduced a bill lo próvido for the establishment of mail steamahip Bervioe Iwtween the United States and Brazil Mr. Voorhees presented a petition of but-incss men of Boston favoring the imaiediate and unconditional repcal of the Specie-Resunipüon act. Laid on the table, tho bill being bef oro the Senate Mr. Kirkwooa submitted a resolution to print 20,000 extra copies of the meahagool the President and accoropanying papers relatiug to the diaeasea of awine and other donietitic animáis, Referrcd Mr. Morgan called up hia resolution tonching the relations betweeii the United States and Mexico, and poke at leDgth in favor thereof. Tbc reeolutiou was then rei erred to tho Committee on Foreign Relations. .. .Tho Senate in executive, aeseion ratified the treaty between Frauce and tbe United Statea, providing for a conveiition at Paris the present nimmer with a view to tho adoption of the metrical system of weiglits and measuree Objection waa made by Mr. Sautabury to the confirmation of ex-Gov. Packard as Consul at Liverpool, and by Mr. Thurmau to George A. Sheridau as Recorder of Deeda for the District of Golumbiu. These nominatioDS consequently went over, . . . William H. Hunt, of New Or cane, was confirmed as Judge of the Court of Claims. House. - motion to postpone f urther consideration of the resolution providing for an ad.journment of Congrese on the lOth of June until the 20th iaat. was ayreed to by a vote of 150 to 106. . . . The qucBtion then recurred on Mr. Potter's resolution for an investigaron into the late Louisiana and Florida clcction, and the vote revcaled the f act that tho enttre Democratie strength was only 119, or twenty-niue leas than a quorum. 1 he Republicans persevered in their nübuatcring tactics, and, after a two-and-a-half hou ra' struggle, the Democrats gave up the fight for the day and yielded to a mction to adjourn. Republican Cauous. - After the adj nrment of the House the Republican members met in c:uicur to discuss the situation and determine their fHtiire conree of action. It wae unanimously resolved that the Potter rcBoluti'm was calculated to reupen the queation of tho President 's title whtch had been settled by tho actiou of the Forty-fourth Oongresa, which alone had jurisdiction to setlle that quefitiou ; that the rcRolution was therefore revolutiouary and calculated to serionsly affict the general business of ihe country, and ahould be repisted by all means which are authorized by the rules of the House. Thubsdat, May 16.- Senate.- Mr. Butler, of South Carolina, submittod a concurrent resoluüon providing for a comniifwiün to whom hall be referred tho subject of the reform and roorganization of the army Mr. Tbiirmn ofl'ered a resolution calling upon the Seeretary of the Treasury for information as to what discrepancy, if any, existe to the prejudice of Thomas WorthiDgton's claim, inentioncd in the reporte of the Third Auditor, and the reasons for Buch discrepancy. Agreed to Tho Houb6 Joint resolution to print 3C0.000 copies of the report of the Commiseioner cf Agrlculture for 1877, and 5,000 copies of the Colonial hartera and conBtitutiona, passed after considerable digenssion....The Senate resumed connideration of the bill to repenl the fipecie-Resumptton áct, and Mr. Matthews read an argument tipon the general financia! poüey of the Government, and gave notice that he would hereafter submit to the Senatc a projïoeition of bis own as an axiendment to pending bill Adjonrned to Monday. House. - The dcad-lock in.thc Houss continued, the Repubhcans steadily refusing to vote on the Potter reBolutlon for the invefitigation of the electiona in Florida and Louisiaiia. An attempt was made by Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, to offer a compromise, in the sbape of a proposition to admít thí amendments extondiog the invcstigation to MiBissippi, Alabama and Oregon. but he was unable to obtain a hearing. Mr. Banks proponed a postponement of the question until Haturday. The Demócrata offered to accept thie on condition that the Republicana would agree not to resume their lilJbustering, but the condition was rejected. At length an adjournment was moved, and,this being made a test question, 142 Demócrata voted, being witbin flve of a quorum. FniDAY, May 17.- Senate.- Not in sesfion. IIOT7SK. - After a atormy soBSÍonand r.'pcated cills of the House the Democrats aucceeded in gettíng a qtiorum, and sustaincd tho pres'ioufi question on tbo Potter invfcBtigation resolution. Mc. Goode, of Virginia, who was paired with a aick mmber, had given notico that he would no longer be bound by tho pair. When he ca't his vote, Mr, Oonger, of Micbiga'1, quetitioned the honor of the prooeeding, od the Virginia gentleman aenerted bis intectioii of feolding the gentleman from Michigan personally responFÍble for any assault upon his honor. A scène of excitement and coufttsion en-ued, hot words werc exchafi(;ed, and the langu ago of the irate meinberB waa " t:kcn down," Speaker llanda 11 ruled that it wan all unpiirüanicntarj1, if not used 'in a Pickwickian sensc.' On Ihe final votfl ordering the previous question the Republicana adhered to their poiicy of Bilence, and Mr. Harrlson (Democrat). of Illinois, cast tbe oniy vote in the nepative. When the roll was called on the adoption of the reaolutlonp, Mr. Harriwon voted in the atUrmative. Messra. Mills, ol Texas, and Mors voted in the negative. The Repnbücans elid not vote, and the renolutiona werc adopted without tin ii', yeas 145, naya 2. Satubday, May 18.- Senate.- Not in sesBion. Housb.- Mr. KIUp, from the Committee on K'cctions, reportei a roBolutiondeclaring that had been no fair, free and peaceable eleotion in tho First Congrensional District of South Carolim. and thftt neither liainey (the eltting membei) nor Richardson (contestant) was entitled to the kout. ..The House devoted nearly ihe catire day to the com-ideration of the Army Appropriation bill. HoKDAT, May 20.- Senate.- Mr. Tliurmau, from the Judiciary Committee, to which waa recommeuded the House bill to provlrle for the ailnu,-sion to the bar of tho Supreme Couit of the United 8ates of any womau who has beeu n luomber of the bar of the hUïhtnt court of any State or Territory for the period of threo yearH, reported it back with the amendment of Mr. Sargcut, providinir that no person shall be refuacd admission to the bar of the United KtatoA cuurta on account of sex. There was no law prohibiting a court from admitting women to the bai, and, therefore, there was no necefsity for this legiölation, ... Mr. Christiaucy introduced, bv request, a bill to reorganize the c urt of Claims Tho Senute indulged in a loug and animated debate upon the House bill to place tho name of Gen. SUlelds on the retiied liBt of tbn aim.v, wüh tui rauk of Briadlr r Gent r{. Mr, Sdrgerit moved to smond tbo bill by aiUUng ibe i'jtni. .if Gen, Grapt, ïhiR WkR aRreeíl to- yfi 30, all Republicana with the exception oí onc (Lámar)' nayo, 28, aïl PcmocratH exoept Oglesby. . . . .Mr. Morrill addressed tho Se nat iñ opposition to thr bill to rcpeal the Remimption act. House. - The following billa were introducid : By Mr. Harria, repealing the law imposing a tax of 1 per cent, on Stato banke ; by Mr. Sholley, of Alabatna, glving the guarango of the Government to the paymentof 5 per cent. interest on the bonda to bo issned by the followinRnamed nnnipanios to the followinp aniountn : Tho Jamep River and Kanawha Canal Company, $60,oni),(ifto; Atlantic and Grcat Western Canal CompRny, $50,0O0.i;üO; tho Florida Coast Canal Oompany, $12.000,COU; tho Fort St. Philip Canal Company, $10,000,000 ; the Bock Ialand and Henncpin Oanal Conipany, $13,000,1:03; the Oawogo Canal Company, $25,000,000: the Lexiugton and Big Sandy Kailroad Company, $5,(HJ0 003 ; the Niai{ara Ship Oanal Company, ' $14,000,000 ; by Mr. Garfield, for takinq the tenth and mhsequont cenUHes; by Mr. Atkins, rrqnirinK all appointmente in the civil service to be dlstribiitd eqnully aiïioug tho CongreesiODal Dietrlcte; by Mr. Crittenden, providing tbat tho cla:ms of militia-mon or non-enliBtod pcraona on account of diBabilities received in battle with robelu or Indiana hall bo valid lt flicd prcTioue to July, 1882. ...Tho Army Appropriatíon bilí wan discus&od.


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