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The President-stealing

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We append for present information and future roference the Potter resolution under wbich a House special cominittoe has been appointed to investigate the Presidential frauds ia Florida and Louisiana, or the frauda in those States whioh made Hayes President instond of Mr. Tilden for whom a largo majority of tho votera of the United States had doclared in a legitimato and constitutional method : Wiieeeas, An afiidavit by Samuel B. McLin, chairnian of the board of canvassers, of the otate of Florida, for the election held in that State in November, 1876, for eloctors for President and Vioe-President, bas boen made public, alleging false aud fraudulent returns of the votes of such eleo ion in that tate, wbereby the choico of the people of that State was anuulled and reversad, and that the action of the board of State canvassers uiaking sush returns was influeuced by the conduct and promiso of Hon. Edward F. Noyes, now minister to the governmont of France, and Whereas, It is alleged that a conspiracy existed in the State of Louisiaua whoreby the Rpublican vote in aü the precincts of the parish of West Fulician, at the general election in Novenibor, 1876, was purposely withheld froin tho polls to afford a pretoxt for tho exclusión by the roturning board of that State of the vote cast in these precincts, for eleotors of President and Vice-Presideut, and that Joseph E. Anderson, supervisor of Registratiou of East Feliciana, and D. A. Wabor, supervisor of registration in the parish of West Feliciana, in that State, in furtherance of that conspiracy, falaely protested that the eleotion in sucb precinta had not boen fair and tree, and tbat the State roturning board thereupon falsely and fraudulently excluded the votos of said prooiuct, and by moans thoreof, and of other false and fraudulunt action by said returning board, the choice of the peoplu of that State was aunulled and reversed, and that such action of said Weber and Andersou was iuducod or encouraged by assurances of Hon. John Sherruan, secrelary of the treasury of the United States ; and Whereas, The gravity of theso charges, the nature of tho evidence upon which they are reported te be based, and the official dignity and position of the persons uatuod in counection with said frauds, make it proper that the same should be inquired into, to the end that the honor of the nation may bu vindicated, aud the truth as to such elections made knowu, Therefore bo it liesolved, That a select committee, consistiiTg of eleven members of the House, be aDpcinted to inquire into the aforesaid ailegütion as to the conduct of the persons in office aforesaid, in respect of said election, and into the alleged and fraudulent cunvass and return of votes by State, county, parish aud precinet officers in said States of Louisiana tind Florida, and into all facts which in the judgment of said committee are connected with or pertinent thereto, anrt that said committee, for the purpose of exocuting this rosolut-ion, shall have power to send for persons and papors, to administer oaths and to take testimouy, and iu their discretion, to detail a sub committee, aud with power to sit in Florida and Louisiana. which subCüinmittee shall be a committee of this Houee, and the chairman shall be authorized administer oaths ; and that the said committee and said sub-committee may eraploy stenograpbers and be atteuded each by a 6ergeant-at arms, and may s t during the sessions of this House, and during vacation, and that said committee proceed in this inquiry and hnve leave to report at any time.


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