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NEW ADVERTÏSËMENTS Estáte of Thomas Harvey. STATE OF MTCHIGAN, County of Wrshtenftw B8. Ata session of the Probate Court lor th County of W:ishu;naw, holden at the PiobaleOf ftce iu the City oí' Ann Arbor, on Monday, th twenty-eventh day ot May, in the year oq tbouaand eittht hundred imd teventy-eight. PrëwnL, WilUam D. tíarriman, Judgeof Probate In the matter 01 the estáte of Thomas Harvey deoyhipd Onreding and flling the petition, dulyvcrified of Urowell Eddy, praying tbat David Woodward or sorno other smtuble person may be appointet administriitot de boni non of said estat. Tii ,-rt'ïi pon it is 01 dered , that Monday the twenty fourth day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assign;'d for the hearing of said p tition.uad that the heira at l&w ot aaid dcceased and all other persona intercsted in s id eatatc, are required to appear at a session of srud court the n to be holden at the Probate oftice in the city ot' Ann Albor, and show oause, if aoy there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should nol, bo granted . And it ia further ordered that said petitioner give noticc to the persons interestedin said eutate. o! the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by cauaing acopy of thls order tobe pubUshed in the Michigan Argus a newspaper printe and circulated ia said county, four succeesire weeks prcvious tu said day of hearing. WILLIAM HARRIMAN, (A true eopy.) Judgeof Probate. Wm. G.Doty, Probate Register. 1689td Estáte of Henry Bowers. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, as. Notice ia hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the l'ounty 01 Wtishtt on the twenty-sevent h day of May A. 1878, nix raontha from that date were alk)Wf d for cróditors to present their claiins against the eefcato üf Henrv Iiowcrs, late pf uaid county, decensed, and that all creditora of said deceaaed are required to preeent their claiins to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, ín the city of Ann Arbor, for examination an3 allowanoe, on or before the twenty-aeventh day oi November next, and that nuch claiins will be heard before aaid Court, on Tuesday. the twenty-seventh day of August, and on w edneaday, the twentyseventh day of November next, at ten ocluck in the forenoon of euch of snid days. Bated. Aun Arbor, May 27, A. ü. lf78. WIIXIAMU. HARRJMAN, 1689w4 Judïo of Probate. ij) f f a week in your own town. $5 outfit free. V r w Xo rink. Keader, if you want a buslueH êh I I I I ut which persons of tither eex can make J J J groat pay all the time they work, write lor particulars to H. Hallett 6 Cu. , Portlan d , Me. OUDE YOUR LETTEK-HEADS, Note-HeadM, liiJl-Ueads aad tatcmeut at tho Argus Office. Ucan make inoney faster at work for ud than at ttnything else Capital not required : we wilj start you. $12 per day at hoine made by the indufltriouR. Men, women, boys and girln wantod everywhere U work for ue. Now i tho timo. Costly outfit and terma froe. Address Teue & Co , Augusto, Maine. Creain Laid Letter and Packet Nota Headsand I.iiicn Fibre Note Heads Packet and Congressy jtist received. Give us your orders Tl Tl fi ITIbusineos you can engage in. $3 to $20 IJ L V I pei day mado by any worker of either II Pt I sex, rightin their owu localities. ParU UU X ticularü and samples worth $5 free. Improve your sp iretirne at thia busioeRa. Address Stinuon e Co., Portland, Maiue. The"CBOWÑÍÑG GL0RY [ the only Cooklng Stove in the world with the Kakingr oven Kxteiidinff Roarward, and over the rear extensión a Portable I'laniöhkd Coppku ReseiivoïR. It is mnufttOturíd ouly by SHERMAN S. JEWETT & CO., Buffalo and Detroit. None but the genuine articloi have the name 'Urowning Glory." For sale y one enterpming dealer in every place. It is the only Stove in the world with a Warming Oven under tlio Firr;box, and front doors opening over a de-achable shelf in front. Buy the only Cooking Stove ever mado exactly suituble for the Farmer'a uw. 1687m6


Old News
Michigan Argus