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The Churches

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- Fourteen ehurches were represented at the forty-third anmveraary meeting of tha Washtenaw Baptist Aasociation held at Manchester on the 22d and 23d. The followlnj atatistica are compiled frotn the aereral church reporta ; Number of baptismg during the year, 45 ; received by letter, V ; on experience, 12 ; restored, 1. Total additions, 131' Doaths, 20 ; dismissed by letter, 58 ; exduded' 39. Losaos, 117 ; net increase, 14 ; total mamborship, 1,417. On Wednesday afternoon ReT. J. S. Iioyden, oX Ypsilanti, presented the subject of "Foreign Miasions," and on Thursday afternoon among the papers read weto, "Helps to Superintendents," by Orville E. Hoyt, of the Dexter Leader; "Esprit do Corp," by Prof. V. M. Spalding, of thia city ; and "The Sunday School aa an Agency for the Development of Character," by Bev. .T. S. Boyden. Officers were elected tor the ensuing year : Moderator, Bot. E. Clark, of Dextur ; Clerk, T. J. Wost ; Treaaurer, M, Clark. - The eighteenth annual convention of tho State Sabbath School Association is to bo held at the Court street M. E. Churcli, Flint, Juno 25, 26, and 27. The inogramme gives proniise of eeaeiona f uil of interest in eaoh of the three departments : Priaiary, Superintendent, and Bible Olaas Toachera. Sabbath Schools are mvited to aeud delegatea to each department, and ilelegates wiahing entertainment are raquosted lo advise Dunou Stewart, chainnan of coinmit-tee, at least oue week before tlie ïneetinij of the conveution. - At the recent meeting of the Women' ttusïoiiary Society of tue Congregatiooal Churcli, at Kast Saginaw, a paper by Mrs. AurcII, oL tliia city, "Beasons for Women's i?oards," was road. Mrs. Angelí vías elected a Vice-President of the Society. - Georga N. Lovejoy, orgauist of the Oongregational Church for two yanrii, has re$igned and engaged with St. Andrew'a Uliurch. It ia uuderstood that Dr. Sjlchrist wilt accept the vacated position. - Prof. Oluey preached iu the I'resbyterian Church last Sunday moruing. It is eipectei that the pastor, Rev. Dr. Browu, will arrive home aud resume bis labors uext Suuday. - Hsv. B. K. öbippen, of Boston, Seeretsry of the American Unitaria Association, will preach in the t'nituriau Church ucxt Sunlay, --inorning and eveniug. - Tbe M. E. Sabbath School iu the Kiith ward netted about f20 by tlie Btrawberiy iid ice crcam festival held laat Saturday evcuiug. - FaUier Van Krp, of St. Thomas, exclianged ei Suuday witli Fatlier Buyu, of Jaukson. - President Brooks, of Kalaiaazoo College, preaohed iu the Baptist Church last Sunday. i- Ascensión day was obaei ved yenterday by the Catholic aud Lutlierau Clmrche. r- Rev. W. II. Byder 'hns been appointsil a visitor to Oberlin College.


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