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Trees bave their time to leave.- iiraphic Tbey never leave without bough. - CourierJournal. Aud you oau't cali ttiom tramp, for they always have a truuk.- Ftemont Time. We twig your vjuus.- Detroit Free l'ress. There's pleuty of room to branch out ou the above, but its hardly worth while, for the trees only respond with a rough bark.- Lansinq liepubhcan. A tree must have a good üeal of heart to èstem all those puns.- Ann Arbor Courier. Oh ! sprout such 'orrid punsters, and if that don't Btop 'era, shoot 'era. ".Look a here," he remarked to a waiter, "Your coffee is O. K., your hasu is correct, but your' eggs are a little too ripe, and I know your biscuits were not made with Smith's Salcratua, for that always makes the biscuits liglit and ppongy. Mannfaoturcl by HENEY S. SMITH & CO., Grand Bapids, Mich. 50,000 Letter and Note Hearts just received at the AKO1JS Office. Jiow I the time to hand in your orders. The Gran A OpeningWill take place June 1, Ready-Made Clotláng and Gents Furnishing Goods. I.itti.e Hack, the Poor Man's Friond. Photographs are $1 per dozen at Staük's car. Noticc is hcroby given that a meeting of fruitgrowers of Washtenaw County -will be held at Fireuieu's Hall, Ann Arbor, ou the first day of Juno next, at 10 o'clock 4. m., for the purpose of consnltatiou in regard to the fruit interests, and if thought best to oiganize a County Poraological Society, to forward sald ohject. It is hoped that all fruit-growers of the county will be present. J. AUSTIN SCOTT, Vicc President, 'Washtcnaw County, of State Voniolofrical Society. I Am omiuc Conscquently clothiug will have to talie A tumble. Littlk JIack, The Poor Man's Friend. Universlty Letter and Note Heads, wlth and without Cuts, in Hodder's Patent Illotting Pad Covers- 100 and 120 sheets In a book- for sale t the ARGUS Office. The Foor Itlan'a I'rienii. Liïtk Mack, (the original) will open out at SouilIicim's old stand, June 1, the Bos Stock of EcadyMade Clotlung. Wait for him. Grcat Slaughter of Hardware. At L. C. KUdou's old stand. So says J. i'. Schub, who has purchascd Itisdon's cutiré stock, and pro. poses to sell the same for the uext 30 days at less than cost for Cash. Now 3 the time to buy. Old CoxoitKss, fine cit, is made frotn the most clioice selection of leaf and is the bost. Try it. For sale liy Eilward Duffy aud ,1. W. Hangsterfer 4 Co. lG9Sm3 - m - Little Mack, The Poor Jlan's Krieml a ml K ug Clothier, will olcu at Sondheitu's old stand June 1. Query : "Why will uien smoke cnnimon tobara when thoy con buy Marburg Bros. ' Seal of Tt'orttt Carolina,' at the sauie price?" 1668 Soldier of the war of 1812, by an act of March 9, 1878, are eutitled to a pension by proving fourtcen days service, or who were engaged in any battleandwere honorably discharged, or the BurviTing wldows of such soldiere. March 21, 1878. JOHN N. GOTT, PenBion Agent, Aun Arbor, Mich. Helen'a Bables, Now growing up to be men, are happy, hut Lrrtlk Mck, The Poor Man's Frieud and King Clothier, will soon be here with an immense stock of Keady-Made Clothing. Sondheim's old stand. A Reinarkable !HeuIt. It makes no dlfferenco how many Physiciaus, or how much medicine you have tried it is now an established factthat Germán Syrup is the onlyremedy which has given complete satisfaction in several cases of Lung Siseases. It is tnie thcre are yet thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections, Consumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneumonía, Whooping Cough, Ac, who have no personal knowledge of Boschee's Germán Syrup. To such we would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint. Conaumptives try just ono bottle. Regular eizo 75 cents, gold by all Drugjjists in America. " IT IS A FACT ' T,TThit7ou,CRD buy the BE8T AND CHEAPE8T BLACK SILK8 in the city at MACK A SCHMID'S Try them and be oonvlnced


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Michigan Argus