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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. D' 'ÓÑaLD MACL.EAN, M. I., Physician and Surgeon. Office and residence, 71 Huron Btreet, jira Arbor. Office hours f rom 8 to 9 a. m. and froni Í o 3 p. m. -iTKS. SOPHIA VQIXAND, M. D., PhysiiYL c'an an Surgeon. Office at reeidence, 44 Aun itraet. Will attend to all professional calis promptly, day or nlght. ■rVT H. JACKSON, Dentist. Office corner of yy Main and Washington Btreeta, over Bach & ibel's store, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics admin,.lereil if required. 1 - rACK & SCHMID, dealerB in Dry GoodB, Ju. örocerics, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main I Ftreet. BACH & ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, etc, Ko. 26 South Main street, Ann .irbor, Mich. Tip!. WAGJiKK, dealer in Eeady-Made ClothY ing, Cloths, Cassimere8, Vestings, Trunks, Csrpet Bags, etc, 21 South Main street. CSCH A 10 15 JO K Os, Teacher of the Piano-forte. , Pupils attain the desired skill in piano-play) mg by a systematic course of instruction. For kruis, apply at residence, No. 12 W. Liberty street, Aju) Arbor. Promjit attention paid to piano-tuning. T7"ATIK J. ROGKRS, Portrait Painter. Por_ traits painted to order eithorfrom life or pbotograpos. Instructions givcn in Drawing and frfnUng by the systeni used in Academies of De:. -Studio, No. 7, cor. División and Ann Btreets. J. D. HARTLEY, M. D., AND JIKS. SOPHIA HAKTLEY, M. D., GERMÁN AND ENGLISH PHYSICIANS AND SURCEONS. Office and residence, No. 18 Thompson, corner of Thompson and William sírcete, Ann Arbor, Micb. jirs, Dr, Hartley will limit her practice to the treatuient of diseases peculiar to Ladies and Children. MISS MANTIE M. MILNER, TEACHER OF THE PIANO. ! Instruction given at the residence of the pupil if deeiretl. For terms inquire at residence, No. 48 South State ? Etreet. 1611 EUGENE K. FRUEAUFF, AT T O R N E Y AT LAW, AND JUSTICB OF THE PEACE. All liusinCBS proniptly attended to. Office No. 8 Ewt Washington street, Rinsey & Seabolt's block. NOAH W. CHEEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office east Bide of Couxt House Square, Ann irbor, Micn. JOHN L. BURLETGH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, No. 24 Bank Block, second floor, ANN ARBOR, - - MICHIGAN. HËNRY R. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Dealer in Real Estáte. Office, No. 3 Opera House Block, ANN ARBOR. EVERYBODY SAYS THAT REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Sast Huron Street, upstairs. J. H. NTCiíEXjS, FRESH & SALT MEATS, Haras, Sausages, Lard, etc., STATE STREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPOS. Orders promptly filled. Farmers ha ving raeats - -u should give him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN ARBOE SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Michigan. Capital paid in 50,000.00 Capital gecurily 100,000.00 TransactB a general Banking Business ; buys and sella Exchange on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; lells Sight Drafts on all the principal cities of Europe ; also, sella Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow, via the Anchor Lino of Steauisliips, whoso ratos are lower than mopt other firBttlats unes. This Bank, already having a Iarge business, inrite merchants and others to open accounts with 'ii, with the assurance of the most liberal dealing raiüistent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest is paid at tho rate of ftve per eau. per annum, payable semi-anIfflally, ou the first days of January and July,on all suiu8 Ihat have remained on deposit three monthl previous to those days, thus afifording the people of kis city and county a perfectly safe depository for 'Acir funds, together with a fair return in intercBt icr the same, llcuiey to Loan on Approved Securltles. I'iKECTons- Chrisliau Mck, W. w. Wines, W. D Harriman, Daniel Hiscock, R. A. Boal, Wm. Deubel, od Willard B. Smith. OFFICERS : CH1USTIAN MACK, V. W. WINES, President. Vico President CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. A. CARD. The undcrslgnea resrjectfully inf orms his f riends, nl the public of Anu Arbor and vicinity. that he mb purchasod the atock of Drvgsl Medicines, Toilet Articlcs, Dye Stvffs, &c, ornierly owned by the late George Grenville, and mat he will continue the drug business, in all its "ranchen, at the old stand, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET. By giving strict attentiou to business, and selling ewds at reasouable prices, he hopea to merit a ühare ' lw public patronage. " Particular attention will be paid to the comPonnding and fllling of Physieians' Prescriptions by competent assistants. EMANUEL MANN Ann Arbor, March 25, 1878. EBEBBACH & SON, Iriiisis iè Pteriaclsts, 12 South Main St., Ket-ps on hand a Iarge and well selected Btock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS RTISTS' & WAX FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Special attention paid to the f urnishing of Phy wcians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with Phüosophica JJo OUemical Apparatus, Bohemian OUemics '■'■ire, Porcelain Ware, Pure tteagents, eto, rliyticlas );rforipüoas ote{ully urej'are-i i


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