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- Tho Deinouracy of Pennsylvania in conventiou assembled last week, unanimously resolved that " thorough invostigation iuto the electoral frauda of 1876 sbould be maile ; fraud should be ■oxposod, trutb vindicated, and crimináis punished : but wa oppose any attack upon tlio Presidential titlfl as dangerons to our iustitutions and fruitless in ita resolta," And thüt's ahout the view of the case held by the inasses of the Democraey tliroughout thu Uuion. - Oeneva {N. T.) Qazetle. - In the case of Florida it was difRcult for him to avoid doiog tho riaht thing. Oqo of Grant's " visiting statesmen," a man of bis own party, Gen. Barlow, made fi report showing that on a fair count Hayes was defeated iu that Stato. Yet the latter did uot stop the conspirators. The danger of civil war did not deter him froin grasping the prize to which he was not entitlod, and to head an adininistration founded on fraud involvod no shock to hia patriutisin, or his se use of honor. - Bufftüq Courier, - We st'e no reason wby those persons who have exhibited a tendenoy to becomo hysterical over the proposed rexamination of the electoral business in Florida and Louieiana shonld not suspend the tnanifestation of their eiuotions and await tbc coruiug developments with soraething like caluiness of miud. So long as tho inquiry Í9 confined to the facts of history, ancl is not diroctud to impeachiug the title of any officer of the governuient, it is only crimináis who ha?o anytbing to fear from it. -'-New York Sun : But let no honest American be anxious about the result. Tbere is a lawful, peaceful, md sure remedy for tho crime and the shame from which tho country is sufl'uring. The Constitution can be vindicated and tbe right of self-government restorod without any disturbance of the ponce, or anv doran gement of business. - All that remains is for tho coramittoe to inauguróte a vigorous, searching, and coiuprehonsive investigation of the alk'ged electoral fiauds, and set the facts biforo the country so fortified with proofs that there shall not be a " single hinge or loop to hang a doubt upon." - Savannah Netos. - The radical organs and politicaus have loudly protestad that a re-opening of the electoral question would greatly disturb the country. The re-opening has beguu, but the only ones who show auy signs of being disturbed are those who partici[ated in the frauds, and the organs who ulways sneczo when their masters take snuit'. - Portland Argus. - Mr. Tilden, with a comfortable sinile, settles himself back in his office chair and guesaes the llepublicau party bas 8omething to think about besides his income tax. - Burlington llaiclcye. - If there was not euch an immense tininunt of land to the acre out West, and if it wore not so completoly 8urrounded by the rest of the Union, that part of the country niight ultimately disappeai from puro blowing. - lionton Post. - A justicu in the township of VVilaon, who is also a uotary public, recently gwore himself in as justice, and forwarded the oath so certified to the Uounty


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