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Salem--official Statistics

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Salem, May 29, 1878. E. B. Pond, Esa., My Dear Sir .- Having oooipleted the staitjtics for the township ot' SaEem as requiied y law, I seud you tha followiug as items of ucwe: The whole uuinber of aores of whcat rttised in this towDShip last yoar wus 2,;393, proiluciug 61,944 bushels- beiug an average of 23 9-10 bushels per acre. The whole number of acres of wheat now on the grouml ia 3t3ΓΌ9, an exces8 of 30 per cent. over la?t year. Jas. 3. Vanatta taken the lead iu raising wheat in he township, havitig raised 2 340 bushels trom 80 aerea. He has now on the ground 100 acres, which looks erceodingly fine. The whole number of acres of corn raised u the township last year was 1,707; oatB 1,332 ; barley, 364. Henry Forshee took the ead in producing corn and oatB, having harveated 36 acres of corn and 48 acres of oats- the oats yielding 2,700 bushels. The greatest yield of wheat per acre iu the town was made jy W. E. Humilton, being 47 1-2 bushels. I also report the number of births iu the township for 1877 to be 19 ; number of deaths, 6. The births beiug 24 aud the dcaths 11 loss than iu 1870, or each 60 per ceut less than the year before. The dog list uumbers 135. Please uotice that Chauucey Joslin, Eisq., of Ypsilanti, appeared before the Red Uibbou Jlub of Salem last Tuesday eveuiug, giviug them an exceedingly iuteresting aud iustructive lecture. Besult, 51 persous sigued the pleilge thereby becoiniug members of the club. Ycurs.


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