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Nbvbr keep horses shod when working on the farm. When a borse is hai-d at work in hot weather, half a day is too long to go without water. To keep up a uniform flow of milk the year round, feed cows a eouple of qu.irts eaoh por day of meal, adding shorts in winter. Your farm is your fixed capital. The improvements you make on it are investments. If you make them wisely tñey will add to your pronta. Habness Pomsh. - Take of mutton suet two ounces; beeswax, six ouncea; powdered sugar. six ounces; lampblaek, one ounce; green or yellow soap, two ounces, and water, one-half pint. Dissolve the soap in tbe water, addtheother solía ingrediente, mix wen anu auu mrpentine. Lay on witli a sponge andpolieh off with a brush. - Journal of Applied Chemistry. Chbap Ioe-Houses. - Bore twoor tbree holes in a hogshead and cover with a wire netting. Then place a layer of sawiJust. Fill in with ice and the spaces with sawduet. One hundred pounds of ice may thus be made to keep fora week, and this is suiïicient to supply a small Family. Por those who have neither refrigerators nor ice-houses, what is the objection to this method? When flour is genuine, or of the best kind, it holds together in a mass when squeezed by the hand, and shows the impressions of the ftngers, and even of the marks of the skin, much longer than when it is bad or adulterated. The dough made with good flour is very gluey, ductile and elastio, easy to be kneaded, and may be flattened and drawn in every direction without breaking. Tnstead of briaging thehorse in when Boated with mud, and sluioing him with Bold or even tepid water, the mud should be wiped or scraped off so f ar as practicable, and then the legs wrapped round till dry. An English veterinnry surgeon declares that " hundreds and thousands of cases of mud fever (scratches or grease) might be prevented if this plan were used, instead of excessive washng." A New York poultry fancier is credited with the statement that the first egg laid by any kind of domestic bird is larger than those dropped afterward, and is almost certain to hatch a male of exceptional size and vigor. As a rule, he maintains, cockerels are hatched from large eggs and pullets from small ones. Therefore, to insure "the cock of tlie walk," hatch the first lay of the hen that drops the largest egg. As a consequence of financial depression, the cultivation of the soil has grown in extent and the cultivators in numbers. Stocks may melt away, bonds depreciate, and bank managers and insuranco agents skip to Canada, but the man who can see his wheat heading out, his cattle and shecp and swine wasing fat, and his corn erop growing sleek and silky, like a millionaire with an easy eonscience and a good wine cellar, has a no uncertain promise of meat and bread and raiment for the times that aro ahead of him. - Boston Post. Sam fob Wheat. - ín answer to the queries, whether salt would be of any benefit to wheat on new land that had never been plowed, when it should be applied, and how much per acre, Mr. Elliott sends the following : Very much dependa upon the soil, whether it be clay, loam, or sand. ín 1831, Mr. Mechi, of England, experimented on the valué of salt, and found that in a dry time salt would attract moisture. A piece of salt the size of a pea, dropped on the surface at night, would have a foot square of moisture or dampened surface around it at daylight. If the land i b clay, put on íour bushels per acre; if a low mold, eight bushels ; if sandy with little mold, three bushels per acre. - Ohio Farmer, About the House. O ld paint pails and cansmay be thoroughly cleaned with strong, hot lye. It ís a good plan for a housekeeper to make a weekly visit to every part of her dweiling, from "garret to cellar." A soiiUTioN of copperas or green vitriol, sprinkled over the floor from time to time, makes a good disinfectant. A bottite of flaxseed oil, chalk and vinegar, mixed to the consistency of cream, sbould be kept in every house for burns, scalds, etc. QtnOKSiiiVER beaten up with the white of an egg and applied with a f eather to every crack and crevice of a bedstead is the very best bug preventive. ' There ís no part of the year when cellars, ín which vegetables are stored, need ventilation oftener than the present. If the cellars cannot be thoroughly aired every day, the vegetables should be removed. To cieab eistern water add two ounces bórax to a twcnty-barrel eistern of rainwater that is blackened or oily, and in a few hours the sediment -will settle, and the water be clarified and ñt for washing. Cleaning Smoky Marble.- To cleau smoky marble, brush a paste of chloride of lime and water over the cutiré surface. Grease spots ean be removed from marble by applying a paste of crude potash and whiting in this mannor. Varnish used in pottery decora tion shouid not be too thin. It will give beter satisf action if it is applied warm. It can be heated by placing the jar containing it into one filled with boüing water. By no means set it on the fire. Oatmbai,.- For the past forty years, says an Englishman, I have made my breakiast of a pint of oatmeal porridge, with very rare exoepfions, and nothing else, fasting for four hours afterward. If, however, I take any other form of breakfast, I ünd myself very hungry before the next meal, which ís never the oase -when I have had my porridge. I feel asBured if workingmen and their families wonld bnt take a basin of oatmeal and milk porridge night and ruorniDg, with such other food aa they can procure in the interval, we should havo a healthier race of men and nomen thau now exist. A few years ago I had a Devonshire girl living with me as a servant. The girl was willing enough to work, but. had not the stamina to perform it. This I found, on questiomng her, arose from the deficiënt and illadvised diet on which she had been reared. She shortly began to take her porridge night and mornmg, and this, with a daily midday meal of meat, enabled her to perform her duties with ease. It is surprising how much nutritión is contained in this cheap, wholesomo food. Keplics to Correspondents. Anxions mother - A three-ineh incisión in the skull with a broad-ax is the best means we can recommend for breaking your boy of the habit of visiting opium deus. ' , , Preacher- If the deacon hunched you for when ho held only two pairs, thereby cnusing him to loso the pot, half of the amount should have becu deducted from his share -when you mime to divide at the end of tlio game. It is hard to stock a straight ilush, and it would probably take you a ycar's closo practice to learn to do it skillfully. It is Bafer and easier to pahn that kind of a hand or raise it fiom your lap. - Tuscarora (Nev.) Times. PoJir, splenJor, parade and tinsel luie the idle and enthuso tho rabble, but musio and bauners have lost their charm to liim who marches beliind. 'i pigLOü-toed man iu a prpoession,


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