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Whatever iufamy may be beaped on Anderson's character, and however et fectually his oral testitnooy may be riddled, the documentary evidence he produced must receivecareful attention. Mr. Sherinan is placed in au unforlunate position rather by his treatiuent of the copy of the letter attributed to hiin than by the letter itselt'. The letter is opeu to an interpretaron not incompatible with iutegrity. It may be the assurance of reward for the betrayal of an important trust, or it may be encouragement in the discharge of a hazardous duty. If the popular judgment moline to the less favorable construction, it will be inaiuly because of Mr. Shermau's disingenuous manner when questioued as to it authorship. He had proclaimed himself so eager to meet every accusation to prove non-intercourse with Anderson, that his evasive answors when the copy was produced damage hiui exceedingly. They raise a presuniption against him that will not be easily overeóme. - New York l'itnes. The truth is that the contents of the alleged oopy of the alleged letter are of a good deal less importance just now than Mr. Sherman's troatment of the document. It is not worth while to disguise the tact that the testimony which he gave Saturdar has produoed a very unpleasant impression upon the country. It was reported the other day that Mr. Sheiinan had asserted positively that he never had written any letter to anybody in Louiaiana on tbis subject, and that if such a letter should ba produoed as his, it would b an impudeut forgery. It is a great disappointmeut that he was not able to teil the committeo whnt he was reported to have told the newspaper oorrespondent. The next best thing- supposing the report to be incorrect - was to adinit the writing of the letter and to defend it. It is a great disappoiutment that Mr. Sherman was not able to do this either, but that his vague statement was in noticeable contrast with the bold and defiant attitude which he assumed when the House of Represen tati ves indicted him by passing the Potter resolution. - Nete York Beening l'ott. The "National-Greenback party of Michigan" demanda "such legislation that the number of hours of daily toil should be reduced." That is far short of tho mark. Why not demand that the number of hours of nightly rest be increased; that the cows shull not be milked until 8 o'clock in the niorning, and shall be brought up again at halfpast 3 iu the afternoon? Why not demnnd that the hours be reduced to forty minutes? And theu what is the nse of having so many daysin a week, or weeks to a month, or months to a year 'i These men are only paltering with reforms in a half-heartëd manner - why not go to the bottom and inake the seasons and peopla over anew, with a sbortening of all labors and the abolition of all pains, while about it 't They must know that the samo government whioh can créate valué and shortmi hours of daily toil by an edict is equal to all creations and all abolitiong in this patched-up world of ours. If not, why not ? - Qrand lapida Engte. As regards Mr. Hayes' tenure of office, we do not believe that our Republican friends will be greatly frightened on his account if the election should increase the Democratio majority in the House. When tho Forty-sixth Congress meets for its firat regular session, nearly three of Mr. Hayes' four years will have paseed, and the most ree li less Democrats would not think of coiumitting an act of unprecedonted partisan violence in the year of a Presidential election. Having Biibmitted to Mr. Hayes thirtythree months, they will be able to tolérate him fifteen months longer. - liufftih Courier. Anderson was a scoundrel of course, but why did Stanley Matthews submit to insult at the bands of a scoundrel, and, notwithstanding insolencc of an order which would have justiiied the Senator in omploying a navvy to knock the fellow down, write him the sweotest of letters':' Wherefore, Stanley?.- Chicago Time. The organs haven't got along far enough yet to have any opinions about Sherman and Matthews, but with amaziug intrepidity they are making it as hot as they know how for Anderson, There is a neatnoss of discrimination in thie peouliar to organs, and which gives thoin such a charming air of innocence. - Philadelphia Times. Senator Matthews is now one of the best kuown, if not the best abused, men in the United States. If he shall ever be nominated for the Presidency, no one will have occasion to ask, who is Matthews V He has made great progress, too, in learning politics. He wiil know a dead-beat, abummer or a trickster hereafter when he seeshim. - Cincinnati Qazette. Mr. Hayes must have been very guileless or very unobservant not to have known or snspected that nobody who, during the last ten years had come to the surface in Louisiana politics, was likely to be above reproach, or to be capable of appointment to office at the hands of a civil service reformer without giring scandal.-


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