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HEREWE ARENOW - AND - COME TO STAY ! laittle Mack, THE KIM (MUUR! Is ready to show the citizons of Ann Arbor and vicinity THE LARCEST - AND - MOST COMPLETE A8sortment of' MEIT'S, TOTJTH'S AND CHILDBEN'S Olothing ! ever offered in this market. See his PEICES : Men's blue Melton Suits, $8.00 ilen's all-wool Middlesex flannel suits, warranted tast colora, $10.00 Men's suits, best quality bluo yaoht Cloth, 12.00 Men's suits, fine English worsted, $13.00 Men's allwool Scotch, $8.00 I Excellent suits for working mon's evory day wear, $3.75 Good pants at 75 cents to $1.00. All wool cassiuiere pauta at $2.50 White Marseilles vests at $1.00 Children's suits, good, at $1.50 All wool cassiineru suits, $10.00 The tiiRvst line in light colored suits, best mtikc, $15.00 Merchaut tailors in Detroit sk $30 for same make of goods. Best fitting white shirts for gents' wear, make and goods A-l, for cents to $1. Socks, 50 cents a dozen. Men's hats, 8 cents. We can and will sell goods in our line at prices Greatly Under that of Any House in Michigan We depend upon socuring and holding patrons by furnishing the G reates t Indticements - TO - AZ.Ii THE FEOFZ.E. Goods Sold FOR WHATTHUÍ M LITTLE WIACK, THE KIN& CLOTHIER No. 9 South Main Srteet. soMHir.nrs oi 1 STAND. Kstate of Francia Dougherty. QT ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, as. i At a session of the Probate Court lor the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Arm Arbor, on Wodnesdiiy, the twelfth day of June, iu the year uue thoiumud eight bundred and seventy-eight. Present, William I. Harriuifin, Jurigeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Francí JJouglierty, decea.sed. Jeremiah Teek, admioistrator of said estáte, come into court and representa that he ia now prepared to reuder bis final account as tmch admiuiatrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the ninth day of July uext, at ten o'clock iu the foreuoon, be assigned for exainining and allowing such account, and that the hei i's at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in aaid estáte, aro requircd to appear at a MMloñ of aaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that saïd adminUtrator give noticetothe persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of aaid account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be piiblished n the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive wtxijs previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. 1601 Estáte of Thomas Üartyn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waabtenaw, as. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuaw, holden ut the Probate Office In the city of Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the tbirteenih day of June, in the year one tbousand eight hundred and aeveüty-eight. Preaent, Williain i. llarhmau, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Martyn, dtceaaed. John Xowland, adminiitrator with the will annexed of satd estftte, comes luto court and represents that he now prepared to render his final account as such adniinietrator witu the will annexed. Thereupon it is ordered, that Fríday, the flfth dav of July next, at ten oclock iu the forenoou, be assfgned for exaniiniug aud aüowing such aixouut, and that the devisees, legateest and heire at law of said deceased, aud all other persons iuterested in said e-state, are requireU to appoar at a seiou of aid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office iu the oity of Ann Arbor iu .said county, and show cause " If any there be, why the said account should uot be ajlóved And it Ís further ordered, ttiat f-aid adminiotrrtor with the will annexed gire cotice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeucy of said account aud the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pubffshed Ín the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulaiing in tiaid county, three succesaive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G.Doty, Probate Register. 16Utd Estáte of Thomas Burns. TATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, 3 ss. At a sesaion of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wedntsday, the twelfth day of June, In the year oiie thousand eight hu net red aud sventy-eiKht. Present, William f. Harriinan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Burns, deo.-aswl. John (r. Feidkamp, adininistrator with the will annexed of aaid estáte, come iuto court and represeuts that he is iow prepared to render bis final account km such adininistrator with the will annexed. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the tenth day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bc aasigned for examining and allowíng such account, and that the devisees. legateea and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other pejrsona intereated Ín said estáte, are rc(iuirel to appear at a sesaion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office iu the city of Ann Artior, in said couuty, and show causu. if any there be, why the aaid account should not he allowt'd: And it is further ordered thnt said adininistrator with the will anuexed give notice to the persous intercfcted in said extate, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by cauaiog a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in aaid couniy, three tiucceasive weeks previous to said day of hearing, WILLIAM 1). HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. Q. Dott, Probate Register. lfi'Jl A lot of 0HR0MOS for sale for what they will bring! WINSLOW & McMILLAN Picture, Frames, Hri kil, A ■., VioI in-., Uuitnra, and StriüK. Scroll Sawiug, turniiig, and general repairing done uu aburt notice. 30 East Huron St., Ann Arbor. 1118.3 M'. Ucn mnke money fiwter at work for ua thun at nnything else. ('npital not required ; w will start you. 12 mr day at home made by the indiiHtriou. Men, women, boy and girla wanted everywhere to work for u. Now ia tbo time. Costly outfit and term free. Addrow '!'!■ Sc Co , Augusta, Maíne. Marble Works ! - OF - ANTON EISELE, Comer Detroit & Catharine Sts. - DKAI.KB8 Hl - Monninents & Ora restónos Manufacturad of Foreign and American GRANITE and MARBLE. OUT liriLIIIMl AM) ARTIFICIAL SÏII.VE .Manu tact ured on shnrt notice. Prices low aad woik warranted to rive satisfaction. 169ftyl City Scavengers. The umlersigned offer their serrlcet as Seaveniiers. Vftultc, eesspools, etc, cleaned to order or by the season at reasonable priccs. Orders inay be left at .1. H. Nickles' meat markel, State streel, or maüV thrmtgh the post office. wm. a( tïon; geo. walker. Ann Arbor, May 30, 1S7S. 1N8URANCB (JÜMPAlM. Capital, - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 187C, $6,792,649.98. LoBses Paid in 55 Yeare, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Insurance aud Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. .HACK, Agent, Atw Arbor. TINSEY & 8JÍAB0LT S BAKERY, OROCERY -ANDFLOIJK &. KKKI) 8TOKK. We keep constant ly on band. BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WH0LE8ALE and RKTAIl, TRADB. We shatl alsu keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR.-, J. M. HWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAI FLOUR, KYE FLOUK, BUCKWWHKAT PLOUK, CORN MEAL, FKED, At wholeaale una retml. A general stock of GROCERIES AND I'IUI V ISIO VS constantly on hand, which will be sold on ae reasunable term as at any other house in thia city. Cash paid for Butter, Egga, and Coantry Produce generally. VïW (iooda deüreren o any part of the city with out extra charge. rtisi: c sKAHor-r. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1. 1878. 1564 D. CRAMER, Attorney and Counselor at Knw. Will attend to collectioni and ettlements of Etiites. Makes it u bpecialty to keep poated on all business mtitters. Will borrow or loun money at any time or bny Kood paper. Office oppomte üregory House, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1667 (m Estáte ot John Thomas Fox. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiinty of Washlenaw, sa. At n. Bt-ssiuu ol the Probate Court for the County oí Washtenaw( holüen at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, ouThursday, tbe thirtt-enth day of June, in the year ont; thousaiut eitrht hundrcd and seventy-riKht. Present, William I. Harriman, Judeof Probate. In the mattei' oí the estáte of Thomas l'ox, deceased. On reodiug and tiliiig the petitton, duly Teriti],of Einma Wehb, prayíng that a cerUiu instrument now on lile i o thís court, purxrting to be acupy of the last will and testament of aaid deceaen, duly authenticated, inay be admitted to probate, ] allowed, filed, and reoordod, und that she may be appointed adniiniutrutor with the will annext'd of th'' est ate of uaid deccaed. Thereupon it in ordered, that Mouday, the eighth day of July uoxt, at ten o'clock ín the foienoon, be asslgned for the hearing of aid petition, auc.1 that the devtaees, itffiatOM. and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sesslon of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office iu the city oi' Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner nhould not he granted: And it ís further ordered thatsaidpetftioner pivt notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of Huid pt'titiun and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be puhlished iu the Michigan Argua, a ncwspaper printed and circulated in said county, three auccessive weeks previous to said day of heaiing. WILLIAM D. IIARRIMAN, (A true copy) Judgo of Probat. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Keginter. 1691 td Estáte of Charles Hutzel. oTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session oí the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office iu the city of Aun Arbor, on Wetlnesday, the twelftti day of June, iu the year one thouseitfht hundred and seventy-tnght. rresent, William O. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Hutzel, deceaaed. On read'mg and filing the petition, duly verifiedt of Dorothea Hulsel, pruyiug tbat the $aid .Tudge of Probate appoint a Urne and place for the exarui nat ion and allowance of a certain claim ot' said Dorothea Hutzcl agaioBt the catate of said Charlea Hutzel, deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the twenty-ninth day of June inst., at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the said Judge of Probate j will hear said claim at the Probate oftice, in said county, and that the bain nt law of said deceased , and all other persons interested in said estáte, artrequired to appear at a scsiou of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office ín the City of Aun Arbor, aud show cause, if anv I there bc, why the prayer of the netiiioner shoultl ' not be granted and said claim allowed : And it ■ is further ordered, that said petltioner givo notice to tbc persons intercated In said estáte, I of the pendency of said petition, and the herin J thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be puhlished in the Michigan Argus, a uewspapcr printed and circulated In said county, two successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HAUR1MAN, 1691td Jude of Probai. Wm. O. Dotv, Probate Rtglster. New Goods GRAND OPENING -OF- SPUUG CLO - ATWm. Wagner's. j - ... SPRING STYLES CMIMB AND WÜHS'fflS to be made to order at 21 South Main Street. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS! And pricf LOttEK THAN KVER. I have purchaaed in New York, for cash, and I m no? daily receivtoc one of the lurgest uud most MfU?cf stock of Grooeriea in Wnshtennw County, coosistintc of a lull and wel] select ed LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop - including nuupowden, Imperial, V o un gr lljsoiis, ir suilH, Jitpmis, Dolónos, lorinoftun, 4'unoiiN, N uchoiifit) i;! Twankay, Together with a full line ofCOFFEKS, consintïni' of the fulliiwins? branda: MOCHA, ui. i) GOV'T JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAOUAYRE.SANTOS and ltIO, both ronated nod frround ; h ful) and well nelecteil ntock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with iu the line cf Pure Spicco.Cnniied fruits, nd Vegetables. We have a full und complet4 line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And HoHiery. Aleo, a choice assortment of Ladit' and Oentleoien's Underwuar. Cali and exnmine Goodt and PrioeH and we will insure natüifactiun. EDWARD DUFFÏ. 11 Mnynard's Block' cor. Main ana Ann atrets Anu Arbur, Mich. dTH!j.-ÏR'ht cash pvice paid for all furia produce. "Vü RAILROADS. MlíHlUAN CKM'RAL RAIMtn' MAY lï, IW8. . o "2 „. et _L .!L ElL L ül A. M. A. M I'. M. j. M p M - Detroit, leave, ; Ou t :;: 4 i." ■ , Sí'"" G. T. Junction, 7 15 10 w 5 00 : 25 6 "i ,? r0 Wnyne Junction 7 4li 10 26 .1 32 50 - 'i'. , ' "J Vpsilunti, 8 10 10 45 0 00. 4)5 ; - ". 4AnnArbm, SSO'llUO 6 30 1 :i 8 lo 777; Delhi, 3 44. i 43 1 ;i Dexter, 8 56. i 531 5 00 8 "1 ' ' Cbelsea, 0 11 7 (S .-, ]4 8 - (trass Lake, 9 17 1 [ 7 33 ., :■; 5 (,; t, M ' Jackson, 10 20 lï 13 8 00 20 !' 4ü ii"ï: álbton. 1104 IS IS g ; 05 10 33 i Marshall, 11 50 I S0 -' 7 32 11 1 i si. t ' " BattleCreck, 1219 1 S5 K c.:i 1 1 35 .. ,„ (ialesburg, 12 5-.' 8 38 12 (1; A.X. a.M Kalamazoo, 1 13 2 38 4 W o 00 12 25 ■) Lawton, 1 .71 :; os S 05. 1 ns Decatur, 2 U i 20 1 ■; Dowaftiac, 2 34 6 46 1 5; ' Hiles, 8 OS 4 Ü7 6 80 j 38 7T Buchanan, ," V.i , G 43 2 54 Three Ouks ;i 4:1 7 13 3 S New Buffalo, 4 03 4 S7 V DS Michigan City. 1 :;o 5 20 7 :." 4 is TH Lako, :, 13 8 02 8 40 5 J Kensington, 6 05 6 50 9 10 5 55 - ,„ Chicago, arrive, 6 50 7 4(i 10 3i. 6 s {J aOINO KAST. ■Tr g r _f_ _l_ï--Ll_ Í A.M. A. IC. I'. M. p.n j, v Chicago, lesve, 7 (10 9 00 1 ml 5 16 on Keatiington, . 7 S0 9 50 4 5 6 (15 9 ! Lake, 8 40 10 :J í 13 6 iu 10 ïï Michigan Cüy, !) 2Ö 11 10 3S 7 ii f: NewBuflal, ü 47 11 27 67 - I11 Tbree üak, W VI 7 lï ■ , í Buchanan, 10 ; 7 43 i Nik, 10 46 12 15 8 12 9 00 IJ 1 Dowaifiac, ; 1 1 15 8 40 J ,, Decatur, 1113 9 C.r 1! Lawton, 11 il 9 23 a. m _ KnlnmaKJO, 12 33 1 04 10 00 r A0 10 !6 j ; Oaleiiburg, 12 52 1 . 7 09 S Battle Creek, 1 27 2 13 m it 7 40 11 08 5 j Mamhall, 2 2:. : 00 = 8 10 il 57 T A.H. Albion, 52 " 21 A.M. 8 35 12 05 Híj Jackson, 3 45 4 05 ! 10 'J 30 12 50 4 is Gras Lake, 4 08 6 i-l 9 47 . ' Chelsea, 4 40 : 6 31 10 05 , Dexter, 5 00 6 47 10 18 , Delhi, I 5 10 7 00 Ann Arbor, . 5 20 ." 10 7 10 10 83 ; os 6 S (ieddes, ! 5 28 7 20 , _ Ypailanti. i 3t 5 24 " 27 10 45 2 20 8 (5 Wayne June, ' 6 02 5 46 7 52 11 05 2 44 7(9 G.T. June, 6 33 C, 16 8 ir, II 30 3 20 45 Detroit, Ar., I 6 44' 6 30 8 40 11 45 3 35 I 00 #Sundaya excepted. ISaturday and bunday tv cepted. ÏDaily. H. B. LEDYAKD, Oen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wkntwoftb, tien. Fastt. Afjt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND 8OUTHWK8TERN KA1LKOAD. To take effect May 12, 1878. QOING WEST. OOISS kirt. HTATIOK8. Maü. Exp. STATIONS. A. 1 tfl A. K. P. M. Yppilanti . . . . 8:15 7:40 ! "■ Saline KM S:10 Biinkor UU i-a Urid jtewHti-r . . ü:47 8:28 HilUdule . ö:4s 2: Mttncheoler. 10:22 8:48 Manchester.. 1:3.T (:1? f. m. Bridgewater HM a Hilledale 1:00 10:80 Saline 9:50 tl) Bunkers 1:10 10:4u Ypailanti.... 10:30 5: Trainfl run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKKR. Sup't, Ypsilantif) FURNITURE! J. KECK&C0.,1 JViANUFACTURERS OF FIIltSITUKK OF ALL DESCRIPTI0IÍ8, Are no' OffVriiig Greal liiducdiictiis to Piircliasers. ÜUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THK1K FURNITURE Direct of the Manufacturar Manufactory, corner of WiD iam and West Fourtli Street. Salesrooms, 52 South Main and 4 West Liberty Streete, Ann Arbor, Micli. %,.-, INStHK YOUK PKOPKRTV WITU TUK OI,I 'Insurance Agency OF C. II. M1LLEN. Home liisiirnnce ('. f Assett. N. Y„ $6,000,W Continenlal Ins. (;., S. Y„ :},000,0(M) Magara Pire Ins. Co., 1,400,000 (Jlrard, of Phila., l.OOO.OW ürieni, ol Hartford, 700,000 Rates a low as any relmble Insurance Comp!Loaes promptly and honorably adjusted. Io THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GKAYS SPEC1F1C MKDICINE TRADEMARK.Ig eapeelally rRADJÍfc 9lk ommended a an JFx. BEL' -1 unfailingcurefor AmL. J ■F' 'Skminal ÊêSI? iAJUk eaBea that follow .fflSK 'iiw liö 'A sequence onsraP n f m i ■ Selí Abuse: as , EeforeTaking[jOSS iiMo-After TaongRT, UHIVEB8AL LabbIXUDE, PAIN IN TUK BCSi I' iieasor Vision, 1"keatuke Old Aoe, and njw otherdiseaBee that lead to Insmnity, CodbuoP" and a Prematnre Grave, all of wliich as a rule lirat caimeil b roviatinu !rom the path of "":. and over indulgente. The Speciac Medicine is result of a lito atudy and many year of MPe" ence in treating these special disenso. , Full particular in our pumphlets, which "e sire to fend frec by mail lo every one. . ( The Spcciftc Medicine is sold by all lruga Jl per pai-kagt!, or six packages lor $5, or wl". sant by muil on receipt of the momy by addrc THE URAY IIEDI'IN'E 0O.L 1G74 No 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit Mico- S"Sold in Ann Arbor by Eberbach 4 Son, " by all diuggisls everywhere. UVERYBÖDKNÖWSlCHAT filorks. Watchps, Jewelry, and Küv.-r Wart J generuliy bought on lontr time, but the cap V" hasan Ivantage over the long-timo purclia ir from 15 to S per cent. As all of our K-' „ buught and ld for cash, we give our curtom the benelit of it. Alsu beur in mind that go" this line llave fallen ftilly 25 per cent. during the past year, but as our coods are ' recent purchase yon get all the beneflti oí would be astonished to see how cheap wc are w Watehes, Jewelrj' and Silver Ware, but the way to find out is to cali in and take a loo at them. Remeinber we keep The Largest Stock of Speetacles in the Countj . Ahw a larse stock of Silver Pltel Knives selling at bargaius. BST Repairing, as usual, neatly and promP1 1 loue atreasonable ratte at the old stand, No. 11 South Main Street. C. BLISS & SON, Agents. 1684m3 ____ ORDER YOI7R tETTER-HEAD; Note-Heads, Bill-Head and Statements A Kin 's Offica.


Old News
Michigan Argus