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_0e hundred irmiatps in the Gouirty Foor house last Wedneoday. -Ames has a supply of the number of th Orapuc coutainiiipr Ann Arbor ülustrated. - The High Schoei gniduating class hold tlieir elass-day exercises ut Whitmore Lk nest Weduesday. - Cold weather ror washifg aurl sheariuj Tho?e slièared a weeR ór Ion cfays !)go blanketod. -'Hm exerciaea ol tliegr.ulu itiiif; obiasof the Ilih School wijl t;iko place o Fciday nest, n 10 o'clock i. m., in the linll of the Centra building. _ The cNurcis.f of th High School graduaMng class ti ku place nxt Friday, ut 10 a. m. The uu Ward Stlieola close on Thursday. - Howaid's Díiuutlessjáowür can boJwught of the Aun Arbor Aiicultunil Coinnuny for $70, vvitii a Li oaal. Tliore 19 iponey , ,■ ;.. the farmer. W11 am H. Perry, a tonner resident of this oity - frora 1833 to 1851- died at Superior 0ity, Wis., May 'lht age l TÏ years the 17th dny ot last November. - Fred Sohtnid, Jr., and John ('.. Urossmann went to Kiilamazoo 00 Tuesday, us delegates tn the State Con vention of Itoiiiuiu Workiugmen's Associatious. - 1 tío Circuit (jourt wiü opon noxt Tuesíay. The calendar coiitains (il cases: 22 issues of fact, (i imparkuici', and 33 chancery - 1ü being divorce cases. W -Frank E. l.oieman, of Ypsilunti, wus the winning boy in the contest at Mouroe on Tuesday, tor the appointment as cadet to the Naval Academy at Aauapolis. There wore five applicants. -The atteution of clothes-btiyers is invited to the advertisament of " Little Mack, the King Clotliier." He dÍHplíiys a kirgo stock at the old Sondheim store aud says that. ho has come to -Specimen pages of the Washtenaw County Directory, now being compiled by F. H. Pray, give promise oí a valuable book of refereuce. The patronage ought to ba such as to warrant tn early publication. -The Leader says that at leat 300 partook oi the dinner served laat week to the "piooeers." By and by it vvill come to be said of the pioneers as of the old-time Methodist ministers, "What good eaters these pioueers are." - Ypsüanti Sentí nel, June 5: "George rhoinpsou, a tarmer livinjr m the township of Superior, whüe at work on the road this inorniug, waa ticked by one of iiii katsce and seferely üjured. Au arm is broken mul severa! teeth kuocked oii! ," - Trio local woül murket is not vevy lively vet. Mack ifc Schmid have purehased bout 1,000 Ibs. áad Baoh .; Abel sume Ó00 or 600 lbs. ! ai! average 20 cents, which is likely to Ite the ruUngfi?nre, though extra clips will pribably oommaud 27 cents. -The graduating exercisea of the Manchester High School tnkR place on Thursday evenmft .Iiïne 27. The reunión of the Alumni Association of the school will be held on Friday evening, June 'JS. The programme says: Orator, W. (i. Doty, of Anu Arbor; poet, Miss Era Spafard; historian, George S. Field; es.ivii!. Miss Jeouie L. iloore. On Wednesday the examination of the " coniideiice " men - Ransom Salsbury and Thomas i. Crowell- was concluded before Justice Beahan. Each was hekl to bale on two charges : one for obtannng Yd0 under false pretenses, and the other for uttering a forged order kuowiiig it to be torged. The bail wa3 flxed at $1,000 on ich charge (or f4,000 in all), with in-osureties on each boud. -Ihe secotid aunual reunión of the alumni of the Ann Arbor High School wili take place nest Friday eveinng. The exercises are prorwn'ned as Eollows: Address oi weloome, by Supt. Perry; essay, by Mis. Mary Louise Pond, cla3,of '71; oratiou, by Jorome C. Knowltou, clasa ot '70; address, by W. D. Iluminan, Fresident of School Biwnl; eleütion of oñicors, and af ter that supper :iml a good time. Tiie exereises will be iufcecspersed %od enlivoueil wjth masic. - Tlie T. & A. A. R. hts h switch in uear Liberty Btreet and a doublé track luid north■jird acioss Haion Street. The little bliek building on the sido hüi at the loot or Washington Street, on the aouth suie, is being ñtted np for au oíftce. The wovk of b:illasting is progresging ñneíy. Delay has been experienced in gettmg locomotivos and cars according to contract, but the managers expect to open the roait to business sometirne next week. -■Yesterday moraing Moses Rogers found every door oí his house open except one, and an iuvestigation disclosed the iuct that burglars had been there while the farnily slept, and bad carried away as their plunder two $5 bilis, some small chauge, and two rings specially valued as keepsakes. Moses iound his pants and papers on the table, and iu view of the cool proceediug says he won't say anything more about peuple whose linuses are robbed being " rt d stupid."


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