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íspiíqlabs enterecl the house of the Trosident of the Cantón (ra. ) Bank, a few nights ago, &nd compolled liim to accompany thom to tlio bank and open the doors. They then commar.iled him to opon the safe, threatoning to morder him if he refueed. A he did not know tho conibination he was tuiable to do fo. Thoy theu comraenced beatmg liim, wMch aroused some yonng men who were eleening in tho building. Tlia latti r arose, armed thtmuolves with club, fallied out and boldly attacked tho brigauds, who in turn comtnenced firing at thcir aisailauts. Nobodv was hnrt, but the wholo town was aroused aud greatly frightened at the hubbnb. In tho oxcitenient the robbers eseaped with f2 500 in bonds which they picked np in the bank. Colgate & Co. 's eoar faetorv. in soyCity, has bxn destroyeá by firo, throwing 300 men out of employment. Loss, 150,000. The finding of the dead bodies of throe members of the Gdstlich family, the mothor and twó children, in a Philadelphia tenemont, under circumstances which show that tho mother killed tho childron and then herself, in dread of dcath by starvation. ha croated a profonnd aensation in that city. The Stcwart Women's Hotel, iu New York, has been thrown open to tho public under tho name of tbo Park Hotel. THK WKST. Maj. Gen. McDowell, commaniling the División of tho Pacific, telegraphs Gen. Bheridan at Chicago that Gen. Howard reportB that tho Bannocka aro raiding the overland stage road Bevtnty-fivo miies south of Canias prairie. They havo destroyed King Hill station and several rancho buildings. Families are floeing. The people of Chicago are agitating the quostion of an international exhibition at eome time in the near future. - A Canauian missionary priest figures up a confedoracy of sonio 28,000 warriors- Canadian Indians- whom hothinks8ittingBull can control for a raid over the border into United States Territory, ostonsibly for ioragini? pnrposes. Tho Indiana wlll demand provisioiiB of the Canadian Government, and, if denied will leave the Dcminion hen the choke-cherne along thoir ronte will be ripeoDough to eat -.sav from June 20 to July 15. .. .Tho widow of the late Gov. Tom Corwin, of Ohio, died at Louanon the other day, in her 83d ycar. THE SOUTH. A blood-curdling tragedy was receiitly enacted near Americus, Ga. A man named Caldwell, while laboring under & ñt of insauity, eeized a smootbing iron and slew his entire family, consisting of wife, throe children, and wife's sister. He thon committcd suicide by jumping from tlie top of bis cotton gm-hou). . . Half of tho buainess part of Rock Hil!, m York conaty, 8. C. has been burned Lose, $100,000; insurance, á(50,000. The Andrew Johnson monument was unveiledat Greenvillo, Tenn., on the 5th fast', tu tho presence of a large coneouree of peoplo. Aa Dr. William B. Archer, of Point Ccupeo pariab, La., was riding on horseback & few nights ago, he was fircd upon and woundcd by fivo negro men, who ñero concealed in a elump of trees. The wonld-be assassins were arrested and an examination showed tbat they nad formed a conspiracy agiinst the hves of Dr. Archer and three other citizens. The examination waR conducted by a jury of twolvo cilizenH, and it was dec-ded to turn thé pnsoners over to the law. Accordinglv a party marclied off with thcm in tho directio'n of the court-houeo, but beforo thuy had proceeded far they were intereeptod by a mob and aU flve of the prisoners hung to the limb of a treo. One-haip of the town of Searcy, Whüe county, Ark., has been destroyed by firo. Lo-w, 60, 000. Mrs. Mylonder, h'er littledaughterandaneighbor's child were hornbly burned-the little girl fatally. The others may recover. Coal oil. ■WASHINGTON. The Treasury Department finds it vcry diflicult to get che new silver dollar into circulation, thero being but liltlo demand íor Iheui. Another effort is to be made to get them into circulation by the Oovernment paymg the expense of their iranspoitation in bulk froru tle rnints to Iho Riibtreasuries The ibject of Indian tronóle is the sourco of great attention at the War Department. Sccretary McCrary regards the situation as verv soriouR, and army officers coincide with him. Maj. Wiluam J. McDonald, Chief Clerk of the Seuate for tho past twelve years, died last week. SrjBSCPirnoNs to the á-per-cent. Government loan are coming in very rapidly. The President has appointed Gen. John C. Fremont Governor of Arzona Territory Notificaron has been received by Secretíuy Evarts of the acccptencu by France and Italy of the invitation to take part in the International Monetary Conferenco proposed bv the United StateH. The Presidential Investigating Comniittce baving asked Senator Stanley Matthews to appear bofore it and explain bis correspondence with tho witness AnderRou, Mr. Mattlicws has addressed a letter to the committee dechnmg to accept the invitation. He savs ■ "I have just submitted the wholo matter "to the ttenaW, nhich, by the adoption of this resolution, has taken jurisdiction &n entered upon the investigaron reqnested. Ihat body alone, so far as myconduct is conccrLed, is competent to rentier an effective judgment upon the (]ucsUon. Ho far, therefore, as your resohition invit(;t; mo to aubmit to your committeo explanations of my correspondence with Anderson, in evidenco uefore it, I consider that it would be improper for m=, nnder the rircunistar.cis, to conipLy with it." Col,. Don Manuet, Fkeyse, tho Penivian Minieter to the United States, died last week, agod 60 years. rOLITICAl Tii e Republicana of Indiana met in Btato Convention at Indianapolis on the 5tb iiml. and norainatcd the following ticket: Secrtstary of State, Isaac S. Moore; Auditor, A. O. Jliller; State Treasurer, George F. HorriottAttoruey General, D. P. Baldwin. A platform was report od and nuanimously adoptod, making tho following declaratiou of principios: No abandonment or depreciation of the ereenback currency a sound and ftablo cniTency of gold, wlvor and paper of the ame valué national logii-lation authorizing the receipt of greenbacks at par for the payment of cr.storn?, and in tho purcha?o of Government bonds oppot-itton to furthor financial agitation' 6tabihty in our financial system being i-Hsratial to bnsiness proRperity; equál rigbts beforo the law, and equál posititm under the law. without regard to race, creed, condition or occupation ; no exclusive privileges to individuáis or classes, opposition to all subsidies. The platform denounces any attempt to onst the President from office as revolutionary resistance to law, and pledges the Itepnhhcans of Indiana to snppoit snd mainfain President Ilayes and tho lawfully constiluted anthorities of tho Goveniment'in resistïng the revolutionat this tho first opportunity prosented. ïiie National Grecnback party of Michigan held their State Convention at Grand liapids ou the 5tli inst. Tho following tickot was nominated : Govornor, Henry 8. Smith ; Lieutenant Governor, Lysander Woodward ; Secretai-y of State, George H. Uruce Auditor Oenoral, Le Sparks ; Treasurtr, Herman E. Goeachel ; Attorney General, Frank Dumon Oomraissiouer of tho Land Office. John A Eider; Superintendent of Public Instruction, David Pariiona ; Jlember of tho State Board of Eduoition, Arvine A. Sapp. The platform demands the unconditional repeal of the Resumption act, the issue of all paper money bv the General Government, that "no more i'ntèrestbcaring bonds be issued, the repeal of the National Banking law, and tbat all Government lauciu bo resorved for actual settlers only . . . The Maine National Greenback Convention met at LewiKton, on June 5, 887 delegates being in attendance. James W. Smith was nominated for Governor. The rosolutions indorso t lic Toledo platform, and denounee "tho red tlag of Communism imported from Europe." ïhk ïammany Hall Democrocy of New York have issued an addresb approving tho Presidoutial investigation, but opponiDg any attack on tho Prosidential titlo as dangorous to the peaco of the country. Gov. Hendbioks has been interviewed. He would luve the investigation go on, but AVitLiout disturbing Presidont Haycs' titlo. RsTUBKS of the recent election in Oregon show that tho Republicans have clectod the Governor, whilo the Democrats secure the member of Oongress and a majority of the Legislature, which elccts a United States Senator to eueceed Mr. Mitchell. GENERAL. Ddbino the month of May 3,500,000 elver dollars were coined at the vaiioua mints. Most of the mints will simpsnd work for about liirty diiyn, on the 15tb of the present monlh, a mako the animal eettloment and repair tbeir nachinery Vieiblo Btipply of grain in the States and Canada : 7,508,000 bushels of wheat; 8,902,000 bnshel of corn ; 2,301,000 busbels of oata ; 608,000 busboli oí rye, and 1,158,000 aushels of barley. A HOHKiBLE story of suffering and doath at s(,i is telegrapbod from San Franciaco. The Briti) h bark Athelstane, whioh lately rrivcd at tliat port from New Castle, boarded a Japauoeojunk found drifting in 10 nortli, 114 weat. Those living wcre tbreo eaüors, and onu paseogtr found alive but helplens. AH the otber8f eighteen in mimber, flied of sciirvy, ezporare and starvation. The junk left the ifland of Jesso on a coasting voyape Oct. 25, was blown seaward by a galo Nov. 17. anci was diBmacted, sinco which sho had been driftiug about lbo ocean. FOKEIGN NKWS. The late attempt upon the life of the Emperor of Germany was atlcndcd with quite i cliaptcr of fatalities. When the enraged populare broko into the auaaesiu Noblüig's apartment hc üred upon tbeni, eeverely wound iug Holtfeur, an inn-keeper. The cru ml, seeing him bloeding, tmpposad be was the as-saHin, and feil upou him, and ho was 80 roughly handled bef oro the peoplo discovered tbeir mistnko that ho will probably die. Nobling, before ho was eized, flred two ballets iuto DIB hoad, prodiicing a mortal wound. He was immediately eeized and placed in a prieon van. Whilo tho vau wan passing rnpidly throngh a.n arobway at the entranco of tho bouse, tho driver truck bia luad f.gainst tho nrch with mich violence that hi neck waa disloated, producing instant death. ïhe Emporor, at ast accounts, was recovering frem hiswonuds, nearly all the shot having been extracted. Empeeou William of Germany has issued a doeree proclaiming a regency,andnam ing his ton Fredcrick William as Regent of the empire. . . .Thirty-eeven persous havo been arrosted in Uerliu for speaking disrespectfnlly of the Emperor in the streetf. One was sentcneed to two and a half ycar' imprisomnent for bewailing Dr. Nobeling'a failure. A. Posón, a printer, bas been sentenccd to four yeara' imprisonment for uning offensive observation with regard to tho Emperor. A Buchaisest dispatch sayH the execu tion of the Topóla rioters was a cold-bloodec murder iutended to terrorize tho Sui vian peo pie, and it succeeded in producing that effect ího rioters wcre not revolutionists. The. o;iiy made somo noisy public demonstration against tho Gal)inot's policy in goiug to wa without Kiiminotiing tho Skuptschina. Germany is iu a ferment of excitemtm over tho Socialistic connpiracy, and the mes stringent nieasuros aio being adoptfd oy th imperial authorities to meet the grave crisis Arresta continue in crery part of the empire Nobliug, the assassin, mado a second attemD at suicide the other day. His younger broth er, an officer iu the army, has been arrested a an accomplico. A SPECIA1 telegram froni Loiidon to the New York terald eays : "Privóte letter received from Berliu epeak of the public feel ing in Germany as being profouudly disturbed No one ventures to speakopenly in extenuation of Nobiling's crime, bnt, in private, men say tho country is ripe for a llepublic.".. . A Havana letter says : "The latest report from the cantera departmcnt show a furtner surrender of ten chiefs, twenty-four officer and 190 men at San Luis, and tho complet dissolution of the fo calltd new Govermnen instituted by Mícco in that departmeut. Th war in the island of Cuba is over, and th pooplo are preparing to calebrate the even with great festivitiee." Another coal-miue horror is reportec from England. By an explosión in a colliory at Haydock 250 mioers pcri.-hed, the bodies of many of them bcing fearfnlly buined and mutilated. . . . Advicen from Constantinople represent Bulgarians throughout Uouinelia as perpotratiug horrible atrocities on Mussulmanf. Gen. Todloben has ordered vigorom ueasnres of repreasion agaiiist lbo outlaws. Three Bulgarians taken red-handed were snminarily executod at Dcdcagutch. All traveling iu Boüiiia is stopped. Hig)iwavB are infosted with robbers, priucipally ïurkish deterters. Six divisious of the Austrian army ar to be immediately placed on a war footing. It U explained in Vienna dispalchcs that this corps is merely intciided to be iield iu readiness to executo any decisionn of tho congreys that raay affect Austiia, but the probability seems quito as stroug that the preparation is iutended as a warning to tho cougross that Austria wül be ready to fight for her interests, if they are conipromised iu the new treaty. . . . The Shah of Persia has arrived iu l'aris.


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