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DRUGST H. A. Tremaine & Co, (SucccjBors to B. W. ELLIS k CO.) ANN ARBOK, MICII, A FIEST CLASS Drug Store. DRUGS AND DYB STÜFFS, Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTICLE8 Proscriptioiis CoinpoundeU aj All Hours. Cor. Main and Huronc 1564 DOBBIffi' STARCÍlOffl! ■" ;.";' (HGÑj5AÍKffl"fc A. SREAT DISCOVERV, By the wc of wbich every family may give üira Lincn that polish peculiar to fiue laumlry mnfc, wh ing time and labor in ironing niore than [tl ■: ■■..:■■ coBt. Sold by emrs, or will be st-üt, postsge pui on recoipt of 25 eenis. BOBEIEIS, BB.O. Oí CO., 13 N. Fourth St , Phllailelplila, JSíí ís Ae ncsi Liniment in tfte worid, Miti will positivdy cure in almost ocrj w. Price $1.00 per bottle, JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & CO, 8VECIAT. AGESTS, 2iilaielpm_ THE aiH.WAUKF.E' MEDICAL & SURGICAL MSHTDR Establishcd LSÏ7 and Chortered bv the State Lcpisliturt tortheimprovedtreatment of all Private and Clrunio Diseascs mentioned in this card. Just puhliihpd, _i-_ "THE SILENT FRIEND! f S VJQL A eonfidciitialAdviscrfortiieyoiinpiia jf_MZffBp' muUV.f aard of lj!h cxci;onIIDiKUQ T es ot a Private Nature, ariiinsfron ■■■■■ Early Abuses or Intection, femini M'eakness. and lAtst o! Manhuud, and the best niflul oí curo ; with valuablc adyicc to the Married and t conicmplating Irriae; tnchidina treatineon Fetni;9 Diseascs. and Clironic Aflcctiona of the Throat, Lun:l and Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer. Rupture, Pilei.F)tula,theOp[' urn Habit&c. It contains2601argcpaKesand i.-iueioiuengravinjïs, ma i led under poal on rccciiit Ol5i.icti. . A CLINICAL LECTUKE on the abovo dil!. the pnnciplea of medical practico in tlicir trcainicat. Pricc 10 cta. Addrcca, Atteiidinü Phviiian, M. &S. INSTITUTE, No 435 Water st.. MILWAUKS2.W T7iis is probabhj ihc strongtd purest and best preparation of Iro", known. One trial, ioill convi Pricc, S1.00 per' bottle. , JOHNSTON, HOLLÓrAY"&C0. Special. Agcpta. JViiïaddpM DYSPEPSIA rcrmanently cured In every instance by the EAGLE DYSPEPSIA TROCHES. They will immedintely correct a sour storaach, check vomitiiiR and heartbiirn. cure sickness or pain in the stoma, t'ostiveness, liver complaínt. heauaí1 etc. Being pleasant, safe and ïiannle. are asure cure for Infants suflfering iro weak stomach. Price, Thirty-Five Cents per Box. EARLY BIRD WORM POWDEB. At all times safe, relinole. rtriclly vegetable and tasteless, used by old and yomiB with perfect safety. even when worms are iiot present. Keciuircs but one dose w effect a cure. Price, IS Cents per Package. Sold by all Drugpists, or sent by Mail, on receipt of Price. NKBEKER ,6 CO., Prop'12ti ani Hltmrth Bil., PhüalelpU, T._ , PEICE, 35 CENTS. Johnston, HoUoway & Co' Special Agenti, Yhilt%


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