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University Notes

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- Tlie Regenta meet next ïuesday, at 10 o'clock a. m. - Bev. Dr. Cocker preached ia tlie M. E. Churoh, Ypsilanti, ou Sunday last. - The Seniora visitad tho Observatory on Tuesd.y eveniag, at the invitation of Prof. Watson, and took a look at Júpiter and his satellites. - J. S. Ciombie, class of '77, ha8 been appointed Superintendent of the Coldwater schools at a salary of $1,100. Last year he was the popular principal of the High School of that city - We are requested to aay that owing to the inability of the Whitney Concert Conipaiiy to meet their engagement the Senior Concert advertised tor tiext Monday evemag, June 24, will not take place. -Charles ït. Miller, Esq., of Adrián, class of 'Ó8, will appear belore tho Ilegents in defeuse ot Prof. Jones agamst tbe charges preferred by Dr. Woodrufï : provided the Regenta shall deelde to put Prof. Jones on trial. -Messrs. Sheldou & Co., of New York City, are about to publish a text-book on "Natural Philosophy," by Elroy M. Avery, principal ot the East High School of Cleveland, but forineriy of Michigan, nnd u Uuiversity gradúate of tlie class of '71.


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