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Rwj. J. C Higgins, of Whitmore Lake, addressed the Delhi Club on Sunday last. - The Reform Club of Ypsilanti has raised sufiicient moiicy to pay its indebteduess aud leave a nest-egg iu the treusury. - Ou Suuday last 11. E Frazer addressed a large uudieuce at TecuiuMh. He was aceompar.ied by Messrs. Jones, Watts, aud Burk. - H. C. Waldrou addressed the Ypsilanti Reform Club last Suuday afternoou. The Club will be addressed next Sunday afternoon by Prof. S. Dickey, of Albiou. - Ou Weduesdtiy evening the Itetorm Club elected Messeis Hnskell, Pope, Frazer, Schumacker ana Burke delégales to the State Couveation to le iield in Detroit June 'ií añil í&. Judga Cheever, [i. K. Fruzer, Mis. Foster, añil others address tlie picnic at L. Tower's in Lodi ou ï'riday aftHrnoou Jast, The social and dajice in the evening was a success, netting the LoUi Club about Í90. - The lïelorm Club meeting next Sunday will be held in the eveuing instead of the attemoon, because of Dr. Angell's baccalaureate. Hon. W. K. Qibsou, of able speaker, will give the addreos. - kDexter Leader : " Farmers hereabouts have leurned, much to their surprise, that sheep uiay be washed without the use of whisky. The men do their work better, and are in better condition afterward, wheu no liquor is furmshed them." - The Opera House was tilled on Sunday afteruoon, ou the occasion of the tirst auniversary of the Juveuile Teinperauoe Umou. Addresses were giveu by Uevs. Pope, HasLell, and Brown, but.the attruotive feature of the meeting was the recitations and singing by the childreu. - The lietorm Club excursión left for Toledo yesterday in full torce : two locomotivos, twelvecoacheSjtwo buggage cars.aud two platform or commissary cars, and all loaded. Four more coaches were to be teken up at MiIan and Dundee. The arrangements at Toledo guaranteed a good time.


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