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Commencement Week

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Once more has Commenceinent at the University of Miohignn come and gone. Fathars and mothers, brothars and sis:ers, alumni and the general public, iiave uiade one more annual pilgriinage to this city of learniog and joined in the Festivities of the occasion. The week opeued with au improvement iu the weather, and the elements have been propitiona. We briefly chonicle a few of the leading events of the week. THE BACCALAUREATE ADDRESS. President Angell's bacculaureate address was given to a very largo audience on Sunday, at 4 o'clock p. m., Dr. Cocker reading the Scripture lesson and offeriug the opening and olosing prayers. Dr. Angelí considered the methods relied upon to test scieutific truths and give them acceptance, and applied the same methods to religious truth, or rather to the test of religión itself and its underlying principie, and not to any special creed or belief. It was a soholarly, thoughtful, and well-dlivered nddress. class DAY. Tho Class Day exercises were held on Tuesday, - forenoon and afternoon. The farenoon exercises took place in University Hall, and atter music and prayer, the oration was given by FlorusL. Barbour, of Pontiac, whose subject was " What is Man's Chief Eud," and the poem recited by George Horton, of Marshall, its theme being '-Refleotions upon Happiuess." Both oration and poem were well rocoivod. At 3 p. m., on the campus east of the main building V. W. Augur, of New Orleans, read the class history, detailing at length the eveuts of the tuur years and giving the usual " stock " statistios. It had one merit above foriner produotions m the history Hut : a respectful tone toward the faculty. S. D. Walling, of Circleville,ühio,followed with the "Prophecy," which contained tho usual number of hits. The farewell address by th President folio wed, af ter which the class song, composed by C. M. öaylay, was 8ung and the " laat cigar " smoked. The " miscellaueous exercises " of tbe programme were uot very noticeable. The Class Reception in the evening was lurgely attended, many ladies and friends of the gradúate, being here fr.mi abroad. The dancing was dono under a tent just east of the central hall, which wasconnected by platform with the hall, the non-danoers having promenade room inside. Refreshnients were served from Dr. Cocker's room, and, in the language of the historian, " Nothiug occured to inavthe festivities of the occasion." THE ALUMNI. The Alumni Association held its nnual meetiug at '1 o'clock on Wednesday afternoou, in the chapel, Ashley Pond, of Detroit, presiding. W e draw ou the Pont and Tribune for a roport of the busi ness meeting : The necrology of the year was read by T. R. Chase, of ihe class of 1849, and included the names of Chas. F. Trowbridge, class of '60 ; Oville S. Abbott class of '61 ; Amos F. Chaffee, '64 ; Joseph Howard Reid, '67 ; Chas. C Hibbard, '74; Vine Colby Foster, '76. The treasurer reported the total receipts from members, dues $32 ; subseriptions to the Williams fund, $5,971.26; interest on the same, $4,326.15 ; miscellaneous, $2.50; making a total of $10,329.91. Of this there has been invested in bonds $5,499 ; paid to Prof. Williams, interest, $3,939.27 ; expenses, $9.46. There is now on deposit in the Detroit Savings Bank $1,002.88, of which $672.26 is principal and $296.12 interest on the Williams fund. In addition to the above the treasurer had collected, to day, since compiling his report, $500 on the principal and $100 on the interest of the Williams fund. A motion was adopted requesting the treasurer to cali in the subscriptions to the Williams fund as fast as possible. On motion of Mr. T. W. Palmer a committee of four was appointed to co-operate with the treasurer in collecting these subscriptions. The commit tee is as follows ; E. D. Kinne, Judge Cheever, Prof Adams, Prof. D'Ooge. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : President. - Wyllys C. Ransom, class of '48, Port Huron. Vice President- Walter S. Perry, '61, Ann Arbor. Secretary - M. L. D'Ooge, '62 Ann Arbor. Treasurer. - Zina P. King, '64. Director. - Ashley Pond, '54, O. M. Barnes, '50, Thos. W. Palmer, '50, Martin L. D'Ooge, '62, W. C. Ransom, '48, Zina P. King, '64, Walter S. Perry, '61. Orator.- Edwin F. Uhl, '62 altérnate, Isaac H. Elliott, '61. Poet.- Hamilton J. Dennis, '58 ; altérnate Miss Mary A. Marston, '77. The treasurer was voted a salary of $250 for his services the past year. The Alumni oration was delivered at 3 o'clock p. m., by O. W. Coolidge, '68, of Niles, who discuesed in an intelligent manner the " The relations of higher education to political Ufe," and in olosing paid a waira tribute to the charaoter, work, and reputation of the Univer sity. The poem of the occasion was read by Miss Mary D. Sheldon, '74 of Wellsesley College, Massachusetts. We hear it well spoken of. Both the oration acd poem are to be publishod by the association. At a second business meeting held at the close of the literary exercises the following resolutions were adopted : Wiiereas, The University has reached that stage in its development which requires the united efforts of its Alumni and all the friends of higher education in order to secure for it the support from the commonwealth which its legitímate growth requires, therefore, Resolved, That all its graduates be requested to make personal efforts to inform the people of this State in regard to the University, its needs and its success, to the end that it may receive from the Legislature the most liberal granls which the nuances of the State will permit. Resolved, That in all conflicts of parties and persons, the first consideration with the Alumni is, and shall be, the prosperity of the University, and whatever may be their personal predilections 01 preferences, they deprécate all attempts to involve their alma mrter in the war of contending factions. THE UNIVERSITY RECEPTION. The reception given on Thursday evening by the combined facultias of the University- a new feature of Commencement - was a brillian affair. There was a large attendance of alumni, visiting strangers, and citizens, with music, promenading, social intercourse, and refreshments. All seemed to enjoy an hour or two in a pleasant and profitable manner. The grounds were well lighted,- as on the preceding evening. COMMENCEMENT. The thirty-fourth annual Commencement of the Department of Literature, Scienoe, and the Arts was held on Thursduy, there being also a number of graduates from other departments, as giren below. At 10 ft. m„ the hour naiuod for the exeroises to coniinence, the large ha!l had in it the largest audience ever therein eonrened. It was a scène of Ufe, aniroation, beauty, and intelligenee, - one well worth looking in upon. The platform showed an array of regent, members of the faculty, clergymen, professional men, and dUtinguished visitors. After musio, prayer was offered by President Angelí. Then carao a second pieoe of musio, after which tlie graduates oame upon the stage by divisions andreceived their diploma. Degreeg were conferred as follows. Mining Engineer - Waker Scott Alell, Henry Wiek Judd, Eugene George Manu, Sydney Buckminster Wight. Civil Engineer - G. Frank Almendinger, Clarence Oliver Arey, James Dick Du Shane, William V. Grove, John K. Hanson, John B. Johnson, Seymour Tenny Morse, Charles F. Owen, James Sanderson, Ossian C. Simonds, Frank Leonard Sizer, Hiram Everett Terry, Evart Van Pelt, Andrew Wenzell, Timothy Josenhans. Bachelor of Science - Charles E. Beccher, Paul H. Hanus, Horacc G. Myers, Jay Junius Read, Louis K. Webb. Bachelor of Philosophy - Daniel A. Allen, Marión B. Allen, Charles M. Cooly, John II. Edwards, Charles E. Garner, Watson D. Hincklcy, William C. Johnson, Albert James Norton, Ross Wilkins. Bachelor of Arts - Alexis C. Angelí, Waltei W. Augur, Florus A. Barbour, Minnie Bary, Cora Agnes Benneson, William II. Butts, Mary Emma Boyd, Eva Chandler, J. Rose Colby, Webster Cook, Michael 1!. Danaher, Charles M. Daugherty, David N. De Tarr, Randáll VV. Fleming, Franklin Garrison, Charles M . Gayley, Ciarence Griggs, George Hatfield Harrower, George Horton, Edward K. Hubbard, Jerry W. Jenks, William L. Jenks, George W. Knight, Howell C. Mooie, William V. Moore, Harry I'. Myrick, Annie Smith Peck, Charles K. Perrine, James II. Raymond, Albert W. Ryan, Orr Schurtz, James T. Shaw, Douglas II. Stringhani, Sarah Elizabeth Swift, Cura Ilionc 'ï'own send, Staart D. Walling, Hornee H. Wanisley, Andrew Whitehead, George S. Willits, Theo. John Wrampelmeier. MfíSter of Philosophy, on exainination - Mary Emma Farraiul, Ph. B., 1877. Master of Arts, on e.xamiiuition - Arthur G. Oven, B. A., 1875. Doctor of Philosophy, 011 exainination - Abram Sager Hall, Ph. tí., 1876; Ph. M., 1877. Doctor of Medicine - Frank E. Andrews, Asa I.. Blanchard, Patrick Breiman, Phebe Brooks, William E. Burtless, Tareh H. Choolhaian, B. S., Thomas C. Church, John E. Conlan, John Davidson, Edward Van Ness Davis. Emma A. Decker, Henry A. Fitch, P. C, Charles W. Gardner, FrankJB. Golley, Charles H. Gumaer, Omar Persha Huston, Victor Hugo Jackson, D. D. S., E. Olin Kinne, Ph. B., Damon M. l.itle, J. Harvey Lyon, John A. McLeod, Duncan F. McMillan, Eugene F. Mead, Alpheus G. Mesic, Allen N'. Moore, Delbert E. Robinson, Geo. Warren Spencer, (ieorge M. Swain, Jr., Lavina Todd, William J. Webb, Nathan II. Williams, William E. Ziegenfuss. Bachelor of LaKS - General George Gales. Pharmaccutical Chemist - Frank Atwood Brooks, Hulett White Calkins, Alexandrine Egerott, Elbridge D. Gibson, William A. llasbrouck, Henry Heim, Cyrus W. Heister, Oscar II. Kochnle, Hugo Lorens Lupinski, Theodore F. Meyer, John J. Miller, Lucius W. Moody, Louis E. Seyfïardt, Amasa D. Smith, Ellery Spencer, Henry Stecher, Hugo Thum, Perry L. Townsend, Robcrt II. Wallace, George E. Wilson, Clinton E. Worden, Theo. John Wrampelmeier. Doctor of Medicine (femn'opattic) - Edw. Everett Hoit, John S. Martin, Israel Ohliager, Grace Roberts, M. D., Joel Sylvanus Wheelock. The honorary degree of LL. D. was conferred upon Adonijah S. Welch, of the class of '46, formerly principal of the Stale Normal School at Ypsilanti, later member of Congress from Florida, and now President of the Iowa Stale Agricultural College. As the graduates descended from the platform the ushers presented each with bouquets, - some of them being fairly loaded down. The oration of the day - superseding the usual five minute by selected graduates- was given by Hon. George V. N. I.othrop, of Detroit. Opening with the statement that it was with inuc'u reluctance and at the earnest solicitation of friends that lic appeared before so large an audience on so great an occasion, he said, Wo now stand at the parting of the wave?. Henceforth this institntion is less the college and more the University. It now puts on its robes of manhood, and while still the ooilege of the undergraduate is no more exclusively his. Mr. Lothrop briefly reviewed the early history of the University, paying a deserved tribute to the fathers who laid its foundations 90 wisely and firmly, then spoke of its present pioud position and extended work, and olosed with a logical, convincing, eloquent, and overwhelming argument in favor of a higher education and of the right and duty of the State to furnish it. In thought, composition, and delivery, it was a matiterly effort, and the immense audience gave conclusivo evidence that it truck the right chord. We regret that neither our time nor space to-day permita a full abstract, or better the oration complete. At the University dinaer a resolution was unanimously adopted asking the Board of Kegents to publish a large addition of it for general distribution ; and in responding to a sentiment, President Hinsdale, of Hiram College, Ohio, expressed a desire for an Ohio edition. THE UNIVERSITY IHJÍ2ÍER. The annual University dinner was served at 2 [p. m. in the law lecture room, to alumni and invited guests. After eating came musio by the Glee Club of '7ó, a brief and happy welcoraing by President Angelí, and the sentimenU and responsos as follows : The Alumni : by O. W. Coolidge, '63, of Niles. The State of Michigan: by Henry W. Lord, of Detroit. Other Colleges : by President Hinsdale, of Hiram (Ohio) College. Our Representatives Abroad : by Hon. C. T. Gorham, late minister to the Hague. The City of Toledo : by Rev. Dr. Craven. The Class of '58 : by C. R. Miller, of Adrián. The Class of '68 : by Oliver H. Dean, of Missouri. The City of Detroit : by Thos. W. Palmer, the undergraduate of the longest record, - entered in '45, left on leave in '47, was awarded his degree in '77, and received his diploma on Tuesday. The Class of '75 : by John J. Stoddart, of Columbus, Ohio. The speeches were brief and to the point, loyal and commendatory, and aome of them exceedingly humoroua. The President's reception Thuriday evening was Urgely attended and was the occasion of man y friendly greetings and much social enjoyment. And so ends the record of anotber Commencement week. The Potter Committee is still investigating, with no astonishinglr new developmenti as y et, ThK Republicana ui Oregon failed to make any great amouat of capital out of that terrible Orover-Cronin conspiracy, that ia judging by the verdict oi' the poople immediately interested, rendered at the recent election. ín 1876 the inajority for Hayea over Tilden was 1,076, and a Republican member of Congreso, was elected by a majority of 1,108. Now a Democrat (Thayer) has been elected Qovernor by a plurality of 54, and Whitaker.Democrat, toCongress, by a majority over Hines, Republican, of 1,220. The Demócrata also secure a legislative majority of 12 on joint ballot, securing a Democratie Senator as successor to a Republican. Fullt believing witU the declaration made at St. Louis in 1876 in behalf of the great Democratie party of the uation, that "coin is the only money recognized by the Demooratio party as warranted under the Constitution," and having heard of no araendment of the Constitution, we trust that the Democracy of Michigan will hesitate long before they shall resolve in their coming State Convention in favor of any further issue of an irredeemable and unconstitutional legal tender paper currency, or in favor even of perpetualing the lit'o of the present irredeemable issue. Let us return to first principies and let the money of all classes be one and the same - the coin of tho Constitution and not papor proiuises. "Tuk uebels have captured Washington." That was the annoucement with which Zaok Chandler electriiiea tin.' reoent Republioan State Convention. and which was applaudeti to the echo. It is to be the rallying cry of the campaigu, and is relied upon to save the once proud party trom disintegration and destruction. Are intelligent voters to be frightened by old Zack 's battle ory '{ A little sou of J. J. Hubbell, of Benzonia, was attacked a few days ago by a large bnld eagle. The bird made three attacks upon hiro, but the little fellow fought him likt a hero umi finally drove him off. - Thomas Lilly, of Cass county, charged with killing a man nained Kreiger, of Bainsbridge, Berrien county, lias taken a ohan ge of vuri ue f rom the Cass Circuit to Berrien county, and his trial will come up at the October term. He is now ont on $10,000 baü. - Daniel and Dougal Sruith, well-todo farmers of Kent county, Ontario, found their brother Peter sick in the Saginaw poor house last week. He had left home 24 years before, and they had heard only at intervals of yearg concerning him. He had wandered around the country not a little, fought through the war iu Mulligau'a brigade, and is now a broken dowu man at 52.


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