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Tuebday, Juno 18. - Sknate. - Tho Senate was engaged nearly allday on the Suiulry Civil Appropriitíon bíll. The amendruents appropriating $5,5O0,C00 to pay the award of tho Halifax Conmistión, and modifymg the contract with James B. Eads for tho iuiproveraent of tho South paga of Che Misfiissippi river, wero adopted. . . . Mr. Paddoek cailed up the Hoiuo bilí íor the relief of etticr on public lauda. Pae&ed. In cxptauattou of tho bül Mr. Pad doek eaid it merely rxtrnded tho pioviBiuiin of tho act of March 8, 1877, 80 as to allow scttlers who liad their crops iujured by graBhopporB to lcavo thir lionii'HtcadB teniporarily for the lïurpoeo of obtaining BOB tesan co. Houkk- Tho ttoufio concutrod In the Senate con current reBolution dcclanng that the treaty ïii China, aliowing Uüreatricted ünmigratiou to thiB coimtry, ehönld bomodified, and calling the rUbtit i on of tbc treeident to the eubjfct....The Öenate subetitute for the House bilí repealing the KeFiiniption law was uon-cotcxirred in, for want of the neceseary two-thirds majority - HO to 105 - bo that tho bill fails The bill directing the Secretary of ihe Trcasury to pay Sautheru mail conti actora for service rendtrtd prior to the war was flnally ögreed to, with anirndments prOYldlng that the, caiiuantö shali gíve a bond for the ïotnn of the mojiey to the United Htatcs in case it hall b discovered that the c'aims were paid by the Confedérate States. . . -The pénate bill to modify the KadH jetty contract was paawd .... Mr. Towns ln-ii'.I, of Iilinoif, moved to simpcnd tlie rules aiu pust the bul to repen! mat sección of the Itesmuption act which authorizes the sale of United Stetes bond 8 for purposes of resumption, and to próvido tliat United States notos sha'l be receivablo for dutiee on ira porte. Rejected - yeas, 114: nayp, 113 - not the neceHsaiy two-thirdfl Ín the alurmative Mr. Pound tuovod to suspend the rules and pass tho Senate bill extendiug for ten yirs the lime to completo the Northern Pacific railroad. Dcfratod- yeaB, 81; n;iys, l'7 It waa found necfBsary to prolong the aeseion anotïier day, and both housea agreed to a resolution extending the timo for adjournnicnt to V ednesday, l'Jtta, at 6 p. m. Wednesday, June 39. - Senate. - The Pre?ident pro tem. announced a the committeo on the part of the Senate to consider the subject of reorganizing the army, MoHsra. Burnside, Plumb, and lïutler. The President pro iein. aleo appointed Messrs. Oglesby, Saunder?, and McCreery the committee on the part of the Sonate to conpidc-r the mbject to transferring the Judian Buríau trom the Interior of the War Department There was considerable debate in executive sees'on coucerning the noniinationa of Reuben B, Fer.ton, 'Williarn S. Grof febeck, and FranciR A. Walkt r as CoiïiiniBHioners to represent the United Statf s in the coming international conference on thesilver qucBtion. Finally the noniination of Groeebeck and Walker waB connrmed and Fenton rejected. Ihe President then eent in Ihe name of Judge Charles li Lawrciic-o, of Illinois, aB the third Comuuispionpr, but, before action upon it coxild be tahen, Mr. CoDkhng, who had been absent during these pro ocedings, came in, and, makicg au carncflt appeal in behalf of Mr. Fenton, aeenred a reoonmderation oí the vote by wbicb he was rejectod. He was then confirmed by two majority. Houbk.- Mr. Ewlug moved to Buspend the rules and paee the bilï to retire nationa!-bank notes and Bubstitiitti treastiry notes for tbem. Iïojected- ycas, 1UD ; nayp, 114. Thd re?ult was greeted with applaiipo on the Kepub'ican side. . . . A. Mlï was passtd under a auBpension of tlie rules, providing that on aud after the lst of October, 1878, logal-tcnder notes of the' United Statea Khall be rectivable at par in payment of customs dutiee Mr. Conger moved to suepend the rules and paes the Joint renolntion propoHinK acontitutioual amendnaent f ore ver prohibiting the payment of any claim for proporly taken, unt-d. injured or deatroyed by United States troops during the war of the KebellionunleBstlieowner waeloyalto the Government and gave neither aid nor encouragcment to theenemy. Agreed to- yeas, 144; nayB, 61.... A number of other bilis atdreeolutionawere paaeed uuder a Mippensioii of the rules.... The Speaker announced the appointment of the followinK commieaionp ; On the reorganization of the army, Hanning, Dibrell, lïragg, Strait and White of Pennsylvania ; on the transfer of the Iodian Bureau io tho War Department, Scales, lïooue, Hooker, Van Vorhee anti Stewart: on tho labor (lueBtion, Hewitt of New York, Rlddle, Dicliey, Tucker, Thompson, Rice and iïoyd . . . The Suudry Civil Appropriation bill occupied the attention of the Home, and necesaitated a postponement of the seBBion to Thursday morniiiii at 5 o'c'.ocli, at which hour loth doubch adjourned till tlie regular date of aeaembling in December. . . .The Post-Koute bill, containirg the Braziliau steanif-lnp eubftidy, the restoration of the franking prirflège, regulation of postagc on mail matter, and rrguiation of railway service, failed betwecn the two houses. ____


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