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The Louisiana Commission

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Tho followiug correspondentie explains itself : Washington, June 18. To the Hon. John Shcrman, Secrotary of the Trcasury : Sm - At a latt hour to-day my attention was called to tbo discussion yeaterday in tho tenate of tbo proposition to pay the expenses of the Commissioners sent to Loui-iana by the Presideut in tbe spring of 1877. When ï aecepted a placo on tbat commiBsion I believed, au I uow do, that tbe President had uudoubted anthorily to constitute it, as well as to order the payment of it expenses, which was done by an ofiicer detailed from your department charged with tbat duty. Since, however, the Senate, bv a majority vote tabling the proposition referred to, has questioned the legahty of these disbursements, I cannot consent that either yourself or the banker who furnished the finid should bo chargeable with such portion of the amount as was expended on my account. I thereforo inclose a sight draft on I New York for 8827.63, wnich embraces tbe two itema of travehng expenpes frr myfelf and one-flfth of the general amount. If yon will have tho interest account made up, I will most chcerfully remit tbat also, as well as any additional amouut that may appear proper for me to account for. I am, sir, most respectfully, your obedient ssrvaut, John C. BbowN. Thkasüry Dri'aktmbjít, June 20. To ïho Hou. John O. Brown: Deais Sik- ïour letter of the 18th inst., inclosing check, paable to my order, for $8'7.63. I being one-lifth part of the money expended for tbe oxpausos of ths ejmoiission ent to Louisiana by tbo President in the spring of 1877, is réceivod. I am dosired by tho President to return tliia draft lo you uncollocted, ;i: ho is of opinión that Congress will yet make provifion fertbis expenditure, and, at all evento, that you ought not to pay any part of it. Ah you k'iow, tbo President was called upon in April, 1877, in tbe exorcine of a high coustitutional duty, and in au emergeuey whentwo rival State Governmenis wcre arrayed agaiuet each other in open, armcd hostiiity, threatening at auy moment the publio peacb, to send to Louisiana a commission of five distinguished citizenf, of wbom you were one, nnder writton instructious not only to aid him by reliable information, but to prevent by their prceace and iufluonco actual collision and civil war. This duty you and the other members of the conimiiision volunturily aseumed and faithfully performed. In the absence of an appropriation of public moncy available for the expentes of the commission tbe then Assietant Hecretary of the Treasury invited from tbc Fn-st National Bank of New York a loan of tbc gum ueeded, aud it was clioerfnlly gratited, and tho money was expended uuder your dirootion. It wa.s abt doubted but that Congress would, as in innumerable similar cases of tbe exerciuo of legal power by an execulive officer, reimburse the mouey tbu expended foran object unforeseon when CoBgross was in session. In this cafe I have astmiunces from Senators that the money woiild probably have boen appropriated bnt that the amendment proposed was at so lato a period in the session as to delay and endanger the passage of ene of tbe leading appropriation bili". 1 cannot doubt that Congrof n at it sext sossion, when tbis subject will be again prcseuted, will make tho uecessary appropiiation ; but, if it c'oos not, the President will feel it bis duty to coutributofrom his own moans this important exjienditure for tho public nervica without permitting you to roimburíe any portion of it. Very roBpectfully, John Shehman, Soeretarv, A Romance of a Poor loung fciïrl. Cincinnati has a pretty romance of a poor young girl. Tlie heroine was an iutolligent bnt unpretending girl, who was,forc.d by circumstances to work for a living. Slie sewed in a store at a mary so menger, and with work so laborious, that she gladly accepted a josition as waitcr-girl iu a popular boarding house. She had previously beon offered a posiücn as governess, but preferred tho other. Tho only advantago the boarding house afforded over the store was that of family sympathy. Aniong tho bourders was one probably as poor as herself. He was advertisiDg solicitor Eor a city paper, with a very moderato ncome. Believing themselves poor, but yet able to keep the wolf from their door, an attachment sprang up, whieh developed into an engagement. Tho conrse of love did not rnn smoothly. rhere were doubts of faithfulness, and consequent quarrels, until, a few ctays igo, Mie young lady learaed t!iat sho ïad fallen heir to an ostate in Germany worth 8100,000. Her heart was truc to lim. They were married riglit awny. A New York Pólice Justice has estabislied the precedent that, as it iscustomary for dealers to exohange articlos, a jerson caunot be arrested who oííers a merchant, in payment for articles puracliscd, somothing previously purchased t nis store, ref using to give up tho later jurehaaes or to pay for them in iacncy. Any ohe who waters milk that is ofered for sale iu Wisconsin ík i:ih! to e flned not lees than $30.


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