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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DDS WÁNTED for Stock, Fixtures, etc, belonging to the estáte of Martin Clurk, a baukrupt. Alsu tbr the atore, No. 39 Soutli Main Street, eucumbered for f4,720. The inventory, stock, etc., can be seen by calling at the office of the undersigned. Bids can be made for the in! i ir property above named, or for the store, stuck, fixturas. etc, separate. The right tu reject any and all bids is liereby reserved. Bids to be seut to the undersigued until Momiay, July 15, 12 M. Aun Arbur, July :t, 1878. E. D. KINNE, Asslgnce. T" 1ÖO,000 artleles, 3,JiLL h (()() engraviiigs, and 35 E HC ydopedi A BOOK of universal "knowledge in the lauguage. Now SKW in coiirse of publieation. Eevised Editíon. BPECIM EN with map sent for 20 cents. A.iKSTS Wastk. I t. Kllwood Zeil, Davis '., Pablishers, Philadelphla. Address for territorv and term to KDW1N OLA1SK, General Agent, Kalanmzoo, Mich. Report of the Condition OF THE A n n Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN A KIK IK, MICHIGAN, On Monday July lst, A. D. 1878, Biadfl in aocordanee with sections 18, 19, and 67 of the General Jiunking 1-aw, as amendéd in 1871. KKSni'RCRS. Loan 8 and discount, Slstï,O72.59 OverdraftH, 2.6C Revenue stainps, 117,00 Knrnllure and tixtures, 2,697.84 Real estáte, 1,087.50 Bills in transit, 748.00 Due froni Nutiona] Kauk, 15,278.27 SilvtTí'oin and niéleles, 700.45 Legal Tender and Hank noUs, 24,997.00 Total, O81,701.81 LIABIMTIXS. Capital stwk, $50,000.00 Undivided proftts, 0,315.01 Dirldenda uupafd, 105.00 De dopoalton, '175,280.80 Total, $231,701.31 I do wltüiinly r,wt'ar that the above statement is trut1, tu the leet ot mv knuwletlgt and belief. CHAS. K. HISOOCK, Cashier. SllbBOrfbed and swoni to bciore me this '2d dy of July, I87Ö. 1694W2 ADAM D. SEVLER, Kotary Public. Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT having keen made iu the condltions ot a certaiu mortae inade and executed y Qottlleb Schaible and liertha Bchalblfl to Caleb (, and dated January the thlrd, A. D. 1873, and recorded in the otüee 01 the Register of Deeds of Wahtenaw Couiity, State of Michigan, on the third ilay of Jauviary, A. 1. 1873, in líber 48 uf inortg&ffes, at pae 458, whieh mortgage was iluly asaignea by aid Caleb KrauM to Caroline Krant.', November 24, 1878. as per assigmnent retrorded in :iiil Reotster's Omce, in llber 4 of aeafgnmeDts. at Pul"1 1"'S, and was further assined by said OaroHnc Kmnse lo Henry Krause, au per assignment dated Deoember 80, 1 7:í, and recordad íji ald Ueister'i Oltce, in liber 4 of assigument.s uf niurtgaes, at page 182, and thora being claimod to be due and unpald on said mortgage and the note aooompHiiying the same at the uute-of thiH notit;et the sum of eleven hundred nnd thirty-three dollars (li:i3) aboan attorney's fee of forty ilollars hs provideil for in waid inortgajie, and do prKreedings at law or in cquity having been taken to collect the same or any part thereof : Now, thert-lore, notice is horeby ííiveu, that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and of the statute In such mude and provided, I hall, un Satukday, TUK TWKNIY-KUÜITH DA V OK SKITKM ItKK, A. I). 1878, at eleven a in. uf said day, at the Nouth door of the Clerk'M office, in the city of Ann Arbor (that beiug the piaoe de.sig-nated lor holding the Circuit Court for the county of Wa.slitenaw), sell at public auction or venüuet to the higheHt bidder, the promises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as will be necessary o satisfy said amuiint of rnortage and note, together with said attorney's fee and all Qeceuary casts and expenses allowed by law, wilh the accruing interest at ten perctuit. Said pre mises being described in said inortgage au lot nutuber twut Ín bhick three south of Huroji street, range three eat, ín the city of Ann Arbor, Btateof Michigan, excepting and reserving therefroin the e ast thir ty feet of said lot ; said premises will be sold subject to a previous mortgage held by Mack & Bchiiiid. Dated, July 8, 178. HENRY KRAUSE, Í). Cbamkb, Assignte of Mortgage. Att'y for said Assignee, 1G94 HERE IE ARE WOW - AND - COME TO STAY ! Little Mach, THE Kil (MUÍ ! Is ready to show the citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity THE LAECEST - AND - MOST COMPLETE Assortment of MEIT'S, TTOTJT1TS AND CniLDREN'S Clothing ! ever offered in this market. See his PRICES : Men's blue Melton Suits, $8.00 Men's all-wool Hiddlesex flanuel suits, warranted fast colora, $10.00 Men's suits, best quality blue yacbt Cloth, $12.00 Men's suits, fino Knglish worsted, $13.00 Men's all-wool Scotch, $8.00 Excellent suits for workingínen's every day wear, $3.75 Good pants at 75 cants to $1.00. AU wool caasimere pants at $2.50 White Marseillos vests at $1.00 Ühildreu's suits, good, at $1.50 All wool cassimeru suits, $10.00 The finest line in light colored suits, best make, $15.00 Merchant tailors in Detroit ask $.'0 for Hiuiiu make of goods. Best fitting white shirts for gents' wear, make and goods A-l, for 75 cents to $1. Socks, 50 cents a dozen. Men's hats, 8 cents. We can and will sell goods in our line at prices Greatly ünder that of Any House in Michigan We depend upon securing and holding patrons by furnishing the Greatest Inducemeiits - TO - AXIL THE PEOPLE. Goods Sokl FOR WHATT1Y ARK. LITTLE MACK, THE KING CLOTHIER No. 9 South Main Srteet. MiMiiimrN iil.n STAND. Marble Works ! -OFANTOIM EISELE. Corner Detroit & Calharine Sts. - DEALERS IN - Monunients &Oravestones Manufacturad of Foreigu umi American UKANITE aud MARBLK. CUT BUILDING AND ARTIFICIAL STOM Manufactured on short uoiice. PriOM low aad work warranted to give anti 8 tact ion. itiSDyl MR. M. G0LDMAN WishOfl to state that lic ís now located at No, 17i' Michigan Avenue, Detroit, where eau alwuy li' a fu 11 and complete stook ot HUMAN HAIB GOODS, of all descriptions, to whioh the altention of the ladies Ís capecially iuvitel. #$- Combi ngs rooted and worktnl up in every style, by a now and superior proeeas, lor ííO cents per ouuce. Ladien' and geuts' wigs made to order on .short notice. Orders by muil suliclted and will receive proni]t attention. Ladies' and genta' (rast oft' garmouta aiu) wearin Bpparel taken ín exchaage. My MoiTO: -Satisfactiou iu priceand quatity or no pay. M. GOLDMAN, 17U Michigan ÁTenue, Detroit. N. B. - Mr. Qoldman has had unltniitcd exporiance iu the human hair business for over ltí jrean. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Creain Latd Letter anl Parket Note lieaUsand Lineii Fibre Note H-:iU (Packet nul Congreaa) jiiNt receivutl. tílve ua your orders.


Old News
Michigan Argus