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Slatera have oommenced wnrk on the Uourt House towers. - Six arrests during June: common druukard, 1 ; drank and diaorderly, ?. - Mis. Lathrop, of Jackson, preached in the M. E. Church last Sunday forenoon. - The next annual session of the Detroit Conference of the M. E. Church is to be held in tliis city Sept. 11. - At a Fire Department meeting on Tuesday evening Moses Seabolt was eleoted flrst assistaut and August U-ralï secoud assistant. - The Court House Building Committee met on Mouday and awarded the contract for a 000 barrel cisteru to McCormick & Sweney. Price 329. - Frank E. Mills and Charlie Clager, of Pittefield, have obtained a patent for a " Steamer or Boiler for Feed," which promises to be a good thing. - It is understood that regular passenger trams will cemmence running on the T. & A. A. K. uext Monday. Considerable freight has airead y been received. - Wool comes in slowly. Mack & Schraid report 50,000 lbs. to date and Bach & Abel 30,000. Prices range trom 2ö to 30 cents, and are satisfactory to ueither buyers nor sellers. - In the Circuit Court to-day, Judge Huutington presiding, motion will be made for a jury in the case of the Regents of the Uuiversity vs. Douglas, by Judge Ramsdel!, counsel for complainant. - City Marshal Johnson reporta a disbursement in aid of the poor during June as follows : First ward, Í6.74 ; Second, $5.37 ; Third, $1.68; Fourth, $23.89; Flith, Í6.60 ; Sixth, S3.00. Total, ÏÓ0.2S. - The Commou Counsil met in regular session last Mouday evening. Bills were allowed aggregatiug $1,037.21. $200 was appropnated for grading up South Mam street on eaoh side of Alleu's Creek bridge, and routine business transanted. - The rain which set in ou Moiuiay eveniug and coutmued during Tuesday and VVednesday was much needed (or small fruits, vegetables, aud corn, as well as for sauitary purposes, bat was not very acceptable to farmers with a lot of grass cut aud yet uucured. - Circuit Uourt Commissioner Einerick, after a long and thorough investigation, has adjudged Edward A. Hyde, who has been in Jail tor a yaar or so, waiting trial ou a charge of attempting to kill Mr. S. P. Jewett, insane. Slieriti' Cuse took liim to Kalamazoo on Baturday last. - 'l'he Toledo Bee, speaking of the way the Toledoans were taken in aud done for June '27: "It's u way they have at Aun Albor of treatiug visitors royally." Also : "The broad, well-ordered, üuely shaded avenues, handsotne ivsuleuces aml ttarifty-looking business houses of our sister city exeited unusual admiration." -The lowest bid for the central school building at Ypsilauti, to be erected on the grouud rhere the old one was burned, exceeded the apptouriation some f4,000- or the architect's estímate (8,000. A meeting was held a few eveniugs ugo to vote the additioual sum necessaiy, but the sigus being unfavorable, an adjourument was taken to next Monday eveuing July 8. - Christian U. Schuil, a painter residing in the Fifth ward, met with a fatal accident ou Monday last. He was engaged in paintmg on the elevator of the barn of Audrew Birk, of Anti Arbor Town, about a mile west of this city, and teil some (U feet, breakiug six nb3, one arm twice, dislocating a shoulder, and otherwise mangliug his body. He lived but a short tune. Probably the result of a sunstroke. He was 64 years old and leaves a wife aud Beveral children. - Aecording to the Toledo Bee reporter, Hou. Joliu 13. Alley promised his after diuner hearers on the University campus on Commeucemetit day, "that if the people of Michigan would co-operate with Gov. Ashley in the proposed extensión of the road- to Lansing, Uwosso, aud Poutiac - they might be assured of ampie pecuniary aid from the East. Mouey eould be had there at tour ner cent., provided eapitalists could be satisfied as to the ultímate success of the projected enterprise." - In the Circuit Court ou Tuesday Judge Thompson, of Coldwater, called the case of The Kegeuts vs. Douglas. The counsel for defeudaut liled a pr.test, claimiug that the bill aud cross-bill constituted essentially a single suit, and that one judge could uot try a part of a suit and a second judge another part. The protest was subsequently withdrawn but Judge Thompson decided not to hear it. Judge Huntingtou is expected here to-day when some course ot proceüding will probably be deterimned upon. - Inquines made of farmers from different portions of the county in attendauce at the Democratie couventiou on Tuesday, elicited the iuformation that the wheat harvest would itt some Iocalities be commenced the last days of this week, and in others the fjrst of the coming week. Reports are eucouraging both as to the quality and quantity, though the large yield of last year is not anticipated. Wje hear ot the straw showing some rust but our informant did not think that it was of a kind to injure the berry. Ou the whole the harvest promises to be a bountitul one : that is if the weather shall be such as to permit it to be gathered in good condition. - During Sundfty night last Mrs. W. D. Smith, living on North University avenue, was wakeued by a noise and discovered two men iu the room adjoining her bedroom. She gave a scream, wakeniug her daughter, who also screamed. Both ladies then went hastily out of the bedroom wiudow and aroused the ucighbors. The intruders meauwhile bolted the premisos and jumped iuto a buggy which tliey had left stauding ín front ot the resideuce oí Prof. Winchell, and drove rapidly off. The men came ia through the cellar, where they pvocured a can of fruit and a loaf of cake, wliich tliey ate in the diuing room. After Inueh they struck a light and were about to proceed to " business " when Mrs. Smith was aroused. No men were lodging ín the liuuse. The same night an attempt was made to burlarize the resideiice of Mrs. E. J. Bliss, ou Washtenaw avenue, but the inmates gave igns of alarm before entrance was effected and the villians ducamped. Au attermt was niiide on Saturday night to enter the houses of Sam. Gr. lieuham and Mrs. Swift on State street, but without success. It is time that the poüce torce was eularged. A few shrewd, oourageo'na men ought to be put on duty, aud the arrest of this burglarious gang secured, or the burglars shot by who are benig disturbed.


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