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NEWJLDVERTISEMENTS O EPOKT of tlie condition oí the First National Bank of Ann Ar bor At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at theelose of business, Juno 19, 1878. BESOÜKCES. Loansand Discounts, - - $235 197 42 Overdrafts, - - - '42fi25 0 S. Büiids to secure circulation, - 105,00o'oo OtheT stocks, bonds and mortgages, - 20,500.CO Due from approved Reserve Ageuts, - 24 671 BS Due from other National Banks, - GOD 95 Due from State Banks and Bankers, - 2 50602 Real Estáte, fornitura and tixtures, - 19 000 00 Checks and other cash items, - - 1,448 70 Bills of other National Banks, - '677.00 Fractional currency (including nickels), 57197 Specie (includiug gold Treasury , notes), ej Legal tender notes, 34 034 qq Rederaption Fund with U. S. Treasuror, (5 per cent. of circulation), - - 4,725.00 Tolal $4.50,958.64 LIABILITIE8. Capital stock paid in, - . . $1.10,00000 Surplus fuud, - ... 50,000.00 Other undivided profits, - . 15 888 88 National bank otes outstanding, - 93 200.00 Dividends unpaid, !)0(K!w) Indivii ual deposits Sttbject to check, O8,088.12 Demand certifícales of deposit, 29,311.14 J-7 399 26 Due to other National Banks, - ' so 06 I1 S. Tax due KMh inst., 919'90 Notes and bilis re-diseoiuited, - - 4,500.00 Total' $450,9j8.64 State ok Michigan, County of Washtenaw ss I, .lohnsou W. Knight, Cashier of theabovenamed Hank, dosolemnly swear that the above statement is trae, to the best of my knowledge and belief J. W. KNIGHT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tuis 9th day of July, 1878. ' W. A. ToLciiAKD, Notary Public. Correct - Attest, E. WELLS, 1 PHILIP BACH, -Directors. C. H. MILLEN, J City Scavenger. The undersigned offers his services as Seavenger. aulte, eesspook, etc., cleaned to order or by the season at reasonable prices. Orders may be lelt at .1. II. Nickles' nieat market, State street or made through th postoffice. WM. ACTIOff, . , , 47 South Thayer St. Ann Arbor, July 8, 1878. E-T ui m % 0 ü Li S L S . h h 2 H }■ , oh : a a Mí ; hi H s D. ORAMEE, Attorney anti Counselor at Law. Will attend to collections and settlements of Estates. Makes it a specialty to keep posted on all business mattera. "Will borrow or loan money at any time or buy good paper. Office opposite Gregory House, Ann Arbor, Mieh. 1067 fim ylPn week in your own town. $5 outfit free. il il No risk' Rea(ier. 'Í y?u want a business I 1 I I I I at which persons of either sex can make W J Vgreat pay all the time they work, write tol particulars to H . Haliett Sr Co. , Portland , Me. jETNA INHIKANGR CÖMPANÏ. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Faid iu 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Be-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Ke-Insurauce and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Affent, Aun Arbor. 4 B8TBA0TS OF T1TLES. J All parties who are deairous of ascertaining the condition of the title to their lands, or parties who wish lo loan money on real estáte will do well to cali at the Kegiater's office and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. 8aid books are ho far advanced that the Register can f urmsh on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any purcel of land in Washtenaw County as showu by tho original recoids. C. H. MANLY, Register. Ücan make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Capital not required ; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wantod everywhere to work for us. Now ia the time. Costly outfit and tel'ins free. Address ïbue & Co., Augusta, Maine. ■ 50,000 Letter and Note Heads just i ii -Ivim1 at the AKGVS Office. Non is the time to hand in ymir order. THE GKEAT ENGLISH EEMEDY! GRAY'S SPECIF1C MEDICINE TRADE MARK. j ... TRADE MARK. jfijLunfailingcurefor w$jw %S? v sMiN.u, MÊaP'Qr T).iA11. rpnV4„„.Selt Abuse; as StïS- ' Before TakmgLoss or Mo-After Taking. ry. Universal Lassit uie, Pain in tiie Back, Dimness of Vision, Piïemature Old Age, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity, Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are tirst csused by neviatinti from the path of nature and over induigence. The Öpeciflc Medicine is the result of a lite study and many years of experi ence in treating these special diseasos. Full particular in our pamphleto, whieh we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specitic Mediciüe is sold by all Druggiste at $1 per paekage, or six packagee i'or $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the moaey by addreasing THE (iRAY MEÜICINK CO., 1674 No 10 Mechanica' Block, Detroit Mich. ■Ö-Sold in Aun Arbor by Eberbach & Son, and by all druggists everywhere. T?VERYBODY KNOWS THAT ïli docks, Watcbea, Jewelry, and SilvtT Ware are generally bought on long time, but the cash buyer hüB an advantage ovar the long-time purchaser of from 15 to 25 per cent. Aa all of our goods are bougbt and aold for cash, we give our customers the benefit of it. Also bear in ïuind that goods in this line Have fallen ñilly 25 per cent. during the past year, but as our goods are all of recent purchase you get all the benefits of it. You would be astouishedto seehow oheap we are selling Watches, Jewelry and Silver "Ware, but the way to flnd out is to cali in and take a look at them. Remeinber we keep The Largest Stock of Spectacles in the County. Also a large stock of Silver Plated Knives selliug at bargains. t&SF Repairing, ns usual, neatly and promptly doue at r eaaonable rats at the old stand, No. 11 South Main Street. C. BLISS&SON, Agonts. 168im9


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Michigan Argus