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THK KAST. A most extraordinary confessien has been made by Harley G. Brown, the man who by placing obstructions on tho track wreckod an expres train near Clajmont. Del., and cansed the dcatli of four persons. Brown admits that he placed the obstructions on the track, not to wreek tho (rain, bnt to signal ït to stop, and thua niake itappear that Uehatl averted á fearfnl catastroohe, hoping in this way to secure froni tbe Ks ilroad Conipany a gralcf 1 recognitiou of hia services iu the ghapeof a position on tho ro&d. " Two men ntered the offico of Grant & Aiills, Philadelphia brokert", and, while ene drew the attention of the clerk to the qnotation8 of stocks, tlie other Beizod a package containing twelve United States O1,000 bouds. The robbery was not discovercd until both had escapcd. The Treasurer of South Hadley, Mm'., tole $;9,000, anl has bten genteneed to imprisoutnent for five yearj. THE WEST. A Cincinnati telegram says: "The niovement against the use of agricultural machinery is reaching such proportions in Ohio and Indiana as to ïeriously alarm tho farmers. Scores of reaping machines havo already beeu dostroyed, and every day brings reiwrts of fresh depredations. Öii other machines notices we,-e posted tnreatening their dostruction if tlieir ownera not lay thfra aside and eniploy meu t) cut their grain. Mauy farmers areyieldingai.ddisearding theiriuachlnee." A di8patch from ITat Oreek, yoming, says a coach froni Deadwood, with six passengers, was attacked by road agents, sixty-five miles Kouth of Deadwood. Only two road agent.s carne iu view, and, afíer placing the paaFengcra in line and robbiDg four of tben), tiey advanced to Daniel Fimi, 1 o drew his revolver, ehooting ono robber in the región of ths (;roiu. Finn waa abont to shoot again, vhen he was shot by ai accomplico of the robber, vtho was bid iu ambush. Tho ball ntered at the left fide of the noae, and, pasRing through tho uiouth, cumo out in front of thu right ear, inllioting a painful, but not eeriollP, wouud. Tbc robbers tucn retreated, firing scvcral shots, wounding two other paspengers slightly. . . . Mesare. Víctor F. Lawnon & Co., proprietórs of tho Chicago Daily Xttrs, have cffected the pnrchaee of the Chicago Erening Post, with lts Associated Tres franchise, presse?, type, good-wül, subscription lists. etc , paying therefor 16,000 in cash. The Fvst tlius pauses out of existence. Advices from the bccuc of tbc ludían war in the far West report a disastrous thrce days' fight between Col. Grover's cornmand and a body of Bannocks. The whitea wero conipletely surrounded by the hottües and utterly demoralized. Eleven of their uumber were killed aud a nnmber wounded. The Govenior of Iowa bas been in receipt of disjiatcbes from various points in tho State notifyinij him that companies of tramps bad taken posseseion of railroad train aud were lUngerous to the townu. Soino of theiu were iroin Mayor ana suenas, aaking authority to cali out the mi'itia. The Governor, ia responso to these ropeated calle, has issncd a proclamation calling upon the local authoriticí thronghout thc State to be diligent in pro serving the peace, and instrnctiDg thom how to proceed in caso of real or apprehended danger trom ttie numerous bands of trainps travereiïg tho State. A DisrATCH from Portland, Ore., roports a sauguiuary engagement botween a party of white volnntoera and a band of hostüa lndians at Willow Springs, Oro., resultíng in a disastrous defeat to the volunteers. It was .1 second Clister maFsacre. The Indiana complctely eurroundcd thi) whites. fifty streng, and shot and scalped them without mercy. Only aeven of the ill-fated little anny escapêd to teil the story of the horrible massaore. A battle ír also reported betwoen the friendly Umatüla Iudians and 100 hostüe Snakes, the latter being defeated with the losa of thirty braven. THK SOUTH. The great raoe at Louisvüle, Ky., on the Fourth of July, between the Kentucky horse Ttn Broeck, and tho California mare Mcllie MoCarthy, to witneas which thousamls of people gathered from overy qnarter of the country, resulted in a' walk over for Ten Broeck, the California mare, mach to the disgust of her hackers from tho Pacific coast, being distanced in the firet heat. The race was for a stako of $20,000. DirK Dawson, coloree!, was hanged at Thomaston, Ga , on tho 5th inst., for the murder of Frank Cunningham, his brother-inlaw. Dawson, in his statement, said ho thought Canningham had bewitched liim, and he would die if he didn't kill him. Dawson died shrieking and crying. Anothbr etage robbery is reported frotn Texas. The thievea gobbled all the registered letters in the pouches, but did not disturb the remaindor of the maii. GKVEKAL. The steamer France sailed from New York for London the other day with the largest shipment of live cattle ever sent out from that port in a single eteamer. She took ont 500 head. In view of the urgent demand for troops for service on the plains, orders have boen issucd to the various reerniting ofiicers to hasten, as far as practical, enlistnients, in order to bring up tho nnnierical f orce of the army to 25,000 men, the maximum number authorized by law. Asad accident befell a picnic party ncar Tittsbnrgh, Pa., on the Fourth of July. storm camc up and blew down a tree upon a wagon in which n nnmber of persons had takou refuge. Seven of thom wore killed, and ceveral wounded Dr. Jamos C. Ayer, tho woll-knowu patent-medicine nan, has just died at his homo in Lowel), liase. He leaves an estáte valued at $20,000,000 Thecelebration of the contenary of the massaere of W'yoming, which oecnrrcd Jnly 3, 177S, came off at Wilkesbarre, Paontheád and 4tU inbts., with President Hayes in attendance to lend interest to the occasion Samuel J. Tilden sailed for Enrope ou the Ith iiiBt. Thp. uext semi-aunual meetiug of the National Agricultural Congress- for reading and discussion of papors, etc.- will be held at Now Havou, Coiiu., Aug. 27, 1878. WASD1NGTON. The pullic-debt statement for Ouno is as follows : Six iwr cent. bonds $ 738,110,000 Fwe per cont. lxjnds T(W,ïflB,Mfl roiir and a half per ceut. bonds 2)0,000 000 Four per cent bemds 98,850,000 Total coin bonds $1,780,735,650 Lawful moneydebt 'j 14.000,000 Matured debt: f B,6M,5fi) if'fl . rB,-, 346,743,313 Certificates of deposit 46,755.000 Fractional currency lg 547 % Ooin ana sUver certifleatej) ..', 45s29c0O Total without interct $ 455 875,682 TrtaldeM :2,2567ai5,892 Tolal interest 3&41 ■!..-,: 1 Owhln treasury-coin $ I'.(7,4l5.i:tó ij urn in treawiry - irrency 2 053 479 Currency held lor rcdemption of fractional cnrrency 10,000,000 BpeoUJ dopositn lieid for redeniiil'o of cerUlicates of deposit 46,755,000 Total tntreacury $ 256f23,612 Deht less caeh in treaaury $2,035,786,831 Inereaoe of debt diiring June. a w.) 381 Dccreane siticf .Tnue 30, 1877 24371391 Bonds issucd to Pacific liailroad Com' ' panies, interest payable in lawful money; principal outHtanding 64.623 512 Interest acemed and not yet paid 938 705 Interest paid by tho United Statfn ,r, Interest reiaid by transportaron of malls.etc 9,881,444 Balamw of interest paid by tbe United stat8 28,014. 8!)0 Mrs. Capt. Jenks was agnin before the Potter cemmittee on the lt inst., and admitted, rather relnctantly, that her brother, Mr. Murdock, ha been provided with an appoimmeiit in tbe New Oileans Cuutom House suice tho pro ent iuvefügatíou was bogun Bonlds Kakor was put on tbe 1 Uud, but absolutely refused to Ustify r aimwer any questions. Ho ík the man ho tthgraphi il to Torn Young, of Ohio, urging tho appointnient of Postmastf-r Cïer.oral Key as a member of Hr. Hayes' Cabinet. ' JvmilkL. Wkher, a brother of D. A. Weber, Andorsou's fellow Supervisor 01 Electionp, was summoned bef ore. the Potter Committee on the 2d iust., and read a statement setfing forth that "he had no persmal knowledgc that Democratie intimidafion hvlfxiKted in tbe pari.slios ofEast and West Feliciana. His brother nfl Amlrrson had lnformed him that the two ))siisbos had gonc fairly Democratie. Great ÏDiluonce was brought to bear upon his brother to make his protest, and ho had been approached very fr(juently to use his inSuence with his brotlier tu effoct tin; iidniog of theprotünt. He naw Andreson sign Iiík protest, and nav the blsukp therein after Anüerson had kfr. Weber had, ia couversatiou with Secretarj1 herman, expliiied to him that his brotbcr tbought hia parish had gone Democratie, and he was diHpoeed to takc back hia protest, whereupou Shcrman assured him that nis brother would bo carcd for and requested that ho send his brothor to him. Hu brother, on tho day hó received it, showed him Sherman's letter of assurance, and said lio had received it direct from Sherman. Webcr was familiar with the handwriting of Sherman, and was eatisfied thai tho lotter was writtou by that gentleman. Tho Sherman letter was the subject of great mortilicatiou to tbe Weber family. aud for this reaaon it was deBtroycd in 1 S77. Mrs. Jenks was in no way üonnectod willi tho antliorahip of theS'.urman letter. Inicgard to the sgrocment betwfeu James E. Auderaon and D. A. Wcber, I here i-tate that I jjoraonally know that anch au areement was entered into, and was subst&ntially the same as has been prefentcd. Jty brother was murdered March 7. Ia the isme of the paper of which he was editor revious to bis death he threatened to publisb certain letters and a statf ment tmanating from the Stato Auditor's ( tlice, and that is pupposed to have npplied the iinniediato cause of his dealh." Mr. Cox, of the conmiitteo, produced a letter written by tho witness to a conain in 8t. Louis, in Marcb, 1877, iu which he doscribed with ranch feeliDg the murder of hia brother, and eharged tho Demócrata with the crime. Weber proteBted agaiast the rcading of this letter, asaortiug that the statements contüincd íherein were falso, aud lhat it waa writü n with the expectotion that it would bo published at the timo, thereby creating a feeluigin the Sorlh in favor of the Packird Gov ornment. E. L. Webeb -was agaiu before tbe Pottfr Committee ou tho 3 1 inst., and testified in regard to tho alleged frauds in TiOuiaiana thatit was arranged before eleetion by Kellogg Thomas O. Andcrso'j, and Packard to scciiro aflidavits of inlim'dation in the parishe? of East. and West Feliciana for thopurpose of throwing out thofC par Bh e. He was aseured by Kellogg and others that if he would use bi3 iniluence with his brother, haring liim make a protest, bc (witaess) would bo retnrned to tho Senato. He was defeat d for tbe State Senato by about 1,2.00 majority, and was returned by the Keturnhig Board as elected by about 600 niajoritv. "Packaid told me a fw days bef ore the clection that, if he and Hayes üid not get auy votes in ]Ca8t and West Feliciana, he was going to be Governor and llaves was going to be President. He told me tuis in the prcjence of Mr. Annibtead, Mr. Duncan and others, whom I do not now remember. He said the best waytu diepope of the Democratie majority was to throw out the votö of the connty; that was bt-.tter than makiiig a Eepublican canvass. and I know of my personal knowledge tbat Kel'ogg employed L. B. Jeuks to keep James E. Anderson away trom tho paris-h, and to i revont hia holding an elcction there as Supervisor." Wimess stated that eome of the visiting statesmen had interviews with Ebza Pinkston in the Custom nouse beforo sho was brought bcfore the Keturning Board. He thought ene of thoee who interviewed her was Senator Sherman. He was of the opinión that the Eli.a Pinkuton outrage was a put-up job. Witnes said Mrs. Jenks camo to his house and stated that t-he knew of the existence of t.he Sherman letter, and was in search of it, and would pay well for it. Witness said that pídco ha carne to Wajhington to ïestify he had been ajproached by iriends of Seoretary Sbeunan ou two or three occasions and told if he would give ovideuce coutradictory of Anderson"s story he (witness) weuld be well pr vidcd f or. Witness said he liad already Leen used as a tooi, and he didn't propose to be so nsed again Tbc committee adjourned til] Wednesday, July 10. Tieerb is an impression iu Washington, especially among persons suppoeed to be in the oonfidence of Secretary Sherman, that the resumptiou of apecie payments wül be attcmpted tome nionths ahead of the date flxed in the ltesumption act. The Secretary is taid to be desiroua that thia question ehall be practically disponed of bef ore Congress meets. Tbe Associated Press agent telegrapbs froni Washington that "Secretary Sherman aya ho has not decided to annomioe tho reeumpfou of tj;e:ie payments in advanco of the lst cf Jemiary next, the time fixed by law. He says, hcwever, that resumption may como beforo that time by .natural canees, or when the premium on specie shall disappear; that we ire now approaching that point, and Ihat it ia the duty of the Government to tmploy all legitímate means to produce such results." 1[ kist; the first four months of the oporatimof the Silver law there were coined 8,79:i,3t)3 siaudard silver dollars. On July 1 the t-reasury had on hand (f7,109,899, there being tuttstanding only 1.(83,964. POtlTICAL, ÁRjisTHONa, who was nominated by the Greonbackcis for Governor of Pennsylvania, bas withdrawn from the field. President Hayes was interYiewed at Wilkesbarre, Pa., whithcr he went to atteud the Wyoming centenarv. Ho oxpressed himeelf, regarding the Potter investigaron, that the whole affair, ho far, was a farce- an examplc, indeed, of much cry and little wcol : or, more correctly, no wcol at all. If tney had aicomplished anything, it was the ruaflirming by Congreas of his title, which was, probably, what they do not start out to do. He thonght certain Itepublieans, somo of whom he named, origiuated tho affair, and were conducting its operations under cover. Secretary Sherman waa also interviewed, and said he believed Ihe story told by Weber to tbo committee was concoctid nithio the last ten days. H thought Buch a story would deceive no ono acquaiiittd with the darkness of Louisiana politics. Mi'. Sherman said if he had tüe most dietaat recolleotion of having written the socallcd ' Sherman letter" he would acknowledge it promptly. for theTe is much in it that he wi.uld have said had he been ivriting at that Urne, but ho had no recollection whatever of havi-g written a letter to Anderson and Weber at any time. The Demócrata of Ark-msas havo nominated Gov. William It. Miller for rcelection to the Gubernatorial chair The Alabama Republicana held their State Conventie n at Montgomery tmt weck. It was resolved to placo no State' ticket in the fleld this year. A reeolutic n indorsing President Hayes' admiuistration was voteddown. FORJEIGN. All tbc powers represented at Berlin have iuslnicied their Ambassadors toadvisethe acquiütcence of Turkey in tho occupatiou of Bosnia and Herzegovina by tho Austrians. The cougress notifies Houmania that her independeneu will bo acknowledged only ou condition that iiberty of worship be grauted all rcligious seets The recent attempt to aseassinate the Emperor William lias borne fruit in a moro ri#;id onfoicemont of tho laws iu relation to travelers. Hereaftcr all strangers visitiug Berlín must provide themselves with pasaporta The Exposition festival in Paris has brouglit a streak of Iuck to the Communists. Kemiwion or commutiition of sentence ha boen granted in the caies of 1,269 prifouera, coudemned on account of crimes comnutted during the reign of Comraunistic anarchy in the city. A dubl with swords was fought the other day on the French-Belgiau frontier, betwecn Ijorrcs Cacedo, Minister to Belgium from San Salvador, and M. Medina, Minister from Guatemala, resulting in the slight wounding in the nhoulder of the San Salvadoran representativo . . The suspicion that the St. Petersburg authorilies had eaptured and concea'ed Vera SasBiiIich, the nihilist womau who attempted to murdcr the Chief of Pólice, proves to have been unfounded. She has turned up iu Switzerland. The two American crews that crossed tho water to tako part in ihe snnual Hcnley regatta on ihe river Thames have more than jnstificd the expectations of their frionds. The Columbia Colloge lads carried off the visïtor's challenge ciip by winning the firet victory over schicved by an American crew in British waters. The Shoc-wac-caemetto rrew of Monroe, Mich., made a creditabJe showing, though they carried oft' no i-rize. They non ihe lirst heat in tho race for the Steward's cup. In the tinal beat one of tho oartmen of the Michigan crew, wbilu making a galJaut stniL'gle for ihe lead, was seizod with Midden lineas, which destriiyrd all hopes of tucetss. Altogetiier Americana have causo to be more than sati-tieii with the resuH. The municipal authoritir s of Geueva, Switztrlarid, are aneasy at thepresonco of Vtra Sassu'itch, aud they have iutimated to her that her tarly departure would be agreeable to them. The important aunouncoment is mulc by cable :hat Queen Victoria and the Sultan of Tinkiy have made a compact iti which the formor nndertakes lo mainlain tho Asiatic dominions of tbe latkr iu all their integrity, and protfet tl'oin affaiiut invasión from every einar i r. As ifaè lirst step in this proteotorate, Knglai'd is to ccupy Cyprus iuimediat y. The denia ds of the jr 'tectoiate are simple: Asiatic Tmkey ia divided into filteen provluces; the Govi ruor of eaih is to be appointed by the Sulta", wiih lbo approval of the Qaeen; ]erfect reügious toleialion is to bo secuied, and the coatentmmc of tbe ieople is to be promoted bymethoda deaigned to mako the burdon of taxation lightly feit. Certiin special provisions are inrerted in the treaty cobc. ri.iug Jerusalfm and the holy places aud the xirttmg rightfl of the Gret'k and Ijatin chuicbeK. 'j hi' nare to le bcrupulouïly prefened, but imniunities aud privileges of great valué aro tu b s.'cored t lie Hebrew inhabitftnts of tli.o Holy City jiud its. adjoiuing pre; Ciucts. PniiADELPinA, March 25, 1878. 51 v Deab Hbs. JeSKS: I h:ive been In Wasungton for some days, and henee have not auwered your last aintuiug letter. Evidontly your visit to Washington cauaod on to lose your tomper. I don't know when I anghed so heartily as I did after reading your etter. Blcrfsyonr innocent soul, yon shouldn't et mad. It don't do a partiële of good, and spoila the complexión of wonien. They do Bay that Sherman f oolod you badly ; that you gave lüm that letter on promises to pay, and that ntter getting it he told you to whistlo for your dingbatB. Now I can imagine a mysterioua woman of Jjouiiana, choek-fullof damningproofsof conspiracies, eto., and who traveled hundreda of miles for the purpose of straigtitening things generally, wh'ötliug and for ''dingbata." Jowhillikins ! Idon't wonder you gotniad. Sherman is a sly old coon, who knowB the Hoft side of the gontler sex, and, with visions of sinecuren, etc, in prospectivo, I am not surprixcd at the old sinuer'e sucecss. And so you aro coming up, fortified. You liave no idea how my hopes revived when I learned your decisión. Come, by all muans. Scnd a barrel of dynamito by express, and fortify yonreelf with a return ticket. Ycu ought to hoar M .a teil how you tried to bulldoze him out of a pass. Ifs as good as a circus. I incloso yon an article f rom a Chicago paper, whieh you can hand down to your posterity as au heirloom or usc- all the eame. Very truly yours, James E. Anpekbon. March 11. Mr. Andeiïson : Your favor of the 8th is at ; hand. Permit mo to advise you to keep cool. lYay have uo fears for mo. I know liow terestod they aro. I am not afraid, boing armed and well prepared, Keally 1 was not aware I eyor assumcd to 'm a shining light to guido boniglited beings liko yon, though I should áogo, for really yon have not good eenso. You talk f ar too much. Aones D. Jkxks. Thb "North American," Philadelphia, 1„ April 10, 1878. ƒ My Deak Mus. Jenks : Your last two letters I may not have been funny, as you say, still I laugbed heartily overthem novertheless. And 80 you were not ruad ? How straugo, consideriug that you d d Ilayes, Sherman and Co., and ivished them all lo the davil. I naturaUy concluded you were raad. And so you would not take tilthy greenbacks from my friends? Well, that'sgood. Why, I distinctly understood you to name $500 as the surn uoeded to pay off that mortgage, and, after receiving it, you wonld return to New Orleans and forward docunu-nts that would carry consternation gcricrally to the administration. What in Satans name did you expect to gaiu by lying in the manner you did ? For you did He most damnably. Why, at tho very time you were in W trjing to sell that document, another party was there who had it in his possossion. and he declares you never paw it ; that ho does not know you, and never heard of you until you gained notoriety by attempting to bulldoze S n. No wonder the old coon got mud. Ho knew all about it, and knew you knew nothing. I was not awaro of the actual state of things until the day I saw you last, and only the production of the paper iteelf could oonvince me that you had tho hardihood lo come on such a fool's errand. There is a building just outsideof JackFon to which I thiak you had better bc geut. And so you want to know how M s came to speak of the pass "for many reasons." Well, if you vrill state your reasons, and they are good ones, I may givo yon the information. However, I think you had better retiro to the shades of private life and meddle no more with politics. I would recommend a shower bath daily. It sometimes cures it in a mild form. Very truly yours, J. E. A. New Orleans, April 15, 1878. ' Hu. AinjEKSON : Permit me to congratúlate you on the discovery of your El Doradoic lotter, which has so long existed as a bright spot in yeur imagination. Did you exclaim : ■' Is tbat the letter which I seo'before mo?" Or, " Ah. there are thousands of them if you only knew where to flnd them V" Like iho Irishman, " It's many a foiuelotthers vou might got if they had been given to you," but, alas! '(here's the rub." JSay, I öm nolmad,a.rtd really have the bighest admiraiion for the administratiou. I regret to perceive, my doar sir, liko many of your brother lunatics I have chanced to raeot, yon doem others mad and ouly yeurself sane- a comiuon cae. But, forbear. There is a place in Baton Koage I deern a suitablo residence for you. I imagine the regulation costume thereof would become your bright, blonde beauty, and, in the eolemngloom of that grand oíd piie, you might medítate on the fleeting uneertainty of letters politica!. Mauy tlianks for your kind and disinterested advice, though I am unable to avail myself of it, from the fact that I so much admire the science of politics that I feei I must bask iutheir sunshine for a time at least. I think a slight sh ad ow of reason might return to you i f you would take a trip though the huís of Ëast Feliciana parish, and let tho bulldozers get hold of you more. I imagine your ultímate cure under their tender treatment would be cortain, and thereby confer great benefit on your f rionds. Your ideas seom very much mixed, judging from the wild manner iii which you intermingle my private affairs with politiaal matters. Tardón me, I am too good a Republican to think of my own interests when 1 feel that the very life of the republic, and the well-being of my own party, are at st&ke. Behold in me a true patriot. N. B.- I would suggest that you keep tluil man wüh document in sight. Utick closer to him than a brother. " Grapple him to vour sonl with hooks of steel." Lot your uriderst&ndiDg with him be speeific enough. Shonld you get tbo document, let no man grab it from you, but "hold tho fort" with much dignitude. Hopiug you may, in time, recover f rom your mental indispositicn, and rogain your usual intellectibility, I am, with much sympathy, yours, A. U. Jenks.


Old News
Michigan Argus