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On Resolutions

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1. Wm. B. Moran and Stauley G. Wïght of Wayne. 2. Alpheus Felch, of Washtenaw ; W. T. B. Si-iierinurhuri], of Lenawee. 3. A. J. Bowue, of Barry ; S. S. Lacey, of Calhoun. i. E. A. Blackman, of Van Buren ; O. W. l'uwui.-, of Kalamazoo. 5. A. B. Morse, oi Iouia ; B. C. Saunders, of Kent. G. B. G. Stout, of Oiikland ; Hugh McUurdy, of Coruuna. 7. O'Brien J. Atkinson, of St. Clair Geo. M. Crocker, of Macomb. 8. A. C. Maxwell, of Buy ; üeo. W. Sackrider, of Sainaw. 9. .l;.iih Dompsey, of Mamstee ; J. H. Kilbourne, of Mecosta. Aftor which the convention took a recess until 2 o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. Convontion met at 2 p. m., and proceeded immediately to business. Col. Burleigh, froni Couitnittee on Credentials, reported list of delegates eutitled to seats, which report was accepted and adopted, Kugeue Robinson, froni Coinmittee on Permanent Organization, rpported as officers of the convention : President- Dr. Koster l'ratt, of Kalainozoo. Vice-Presldoiits - First Cougressioual District, J. M. B. Sill, of Wayne. Second District - Thomas Howlitt, of Hillsdale. Third District- W. W. Van Antwerp, of Jackson. Fourth District- B. VV. Flundcrs, of St. Joseph. Fit'th District- F. A. Nïms, of Muskegon. Sixth District - Jerotne W. Turner, of Sliiawassee. Se vont li District - J. D. Mclntyre, ot Lapeer. Eighth District - Archibald Mcdonald, of Bay City. Niuth Dr. Johu ü. Camp, of Marquette. Secretaries- L. D. Sale, of Wayne ; Geo. H. Fay, of Jackson ; Peter Y. Yoss, of Manisteo ; ütis H. Obest, of Livingston ; E. F. Uhl, of Grand Bapids. Also the order of business. Report unanimously adopted. The Committee on resolutious not being ready to report, Don M. Dickinson moved that Gen. A. S. Williums, one of the rebels whoin Zack Chandlor said had captured Washington, be invited to a seat on the platform. Unanimously adopted and Gen. Williams made a happy and pertinent speech which was received with applause. The order of business was suspended and a State Cominittee appointed, as follows : Chairman, William B. Morun, Wayue. First District- A. W. Copland and Wm. Brodie, Wayne. Secoud District - Ira B. Caid, II ....- :■.■ ; Geo. M. Landon, Monroe. Third D. G. Bobimcn, Barry; W. W. Van Autwerp, Jackson. Fonrth District - E. U. Briggs, Vbh Buren ; Geore H. Muntouk, li-.i ' i Futh District - G O. Goodwill, Kent ; .1 l Qutohina, Louin. Sixth District üaore i'. s u. nt, Inghuiu : JeciinM E idy. Gein srv. S v. n'h Disirar' .1 i, K Iri Ig . M:inmlf; J H. Wilson, Lapeer. Kih li Dist -Geo. L liunows, Su ;iijiíw : Huiiia F. rtuiuue, Montcalm Nmth Diatiict- T. W, Edwtt .tv, H'iulitDii ; Dr. F. P. WuoJ, AlecustH. Ou Motion uf Mr. .S:u;irt, ut KhUiii zou, a vote ot thauk was. extended Ui Dou M. Diokiuson for bis t'iil)iful service.' lis cliaii'initn 01 tilt) .Slato Coiumittea duiiug the laat baiupuigu, to wtiicb Mr. Dickinson responded in a viorous speech. Gov. Felcli, uhairmiin of lliü Coiniuittee un Kisuiutions, then Mibimtti d the report, wiiich wus reud by O. W. Powcrs, ot Kalamazoo, as follows: The Democratie party of the State of Michigan, ui convention assembled, reuewing its fidehty to its time-honored principies, standing for a sacred preservation of the nation's faith, for the constilution and the laws, and for the great truth that this is a governinent of the people where the WÍI1 ot the people shoukl rule, hereby declare : 1. That we arraign the Republican party for its corruption in office, its uuwise legialation, and its wickcd perversión of the people'á vvill us oxprüssed at the polls. lt has Fquandered the public lunds, squaudered the public fuuds, and corrupted the whole budy politie. lt has placed men in otlieu dishonest and uncapab!e, who have usod their positiODS as private peri[uÍHitea. lt has legislateii lor the ricli, opiiressed the poor, and created gigantic mon poliej. lt bas burdened each town and city with debt and taxation, and di'iven them to the verge of banruptcy. lthasdriven our commerce from the seas and destroyed our oueJ powerïul navy. lt completed lts career of crime and disbonor by stealing the Presideucy from the people, and placing a fraud in the Presidential chair. 2. We indorse the investigatiou of the electoral frauds, to the end that the truth of history be vindicated nud a repetition of such crime prevented. 3. We declare that gold and silver coin is themouey ot theconstitution, and that all paper currency should be convertible lutosuch coin at the wil! of the holder. We are opposed to the further forcible reduction of the volume of the currency ; and we approve the action of Congress prohibitiug such reductiou. We declare that the prostrnte coiulitions ot the business interets ot the country imperatively deinand that taxation, bolh State and nutiouul, shail be reduced to the luwest point consistent with the attainrnent ot the objects for which sueh tuxes shall be levied, and that eoonomy aboJl be practiced in every depart meut of the governineut We co!igrntulae the country upon a reduction of over litf y million tlollars in the nationil expendituieA duung the last iour ears, ftud which result was secured by the Democratie Huu.-e of Bepresentutives. After brief discussion, and the rejection of several proposed atuendrjents, the report of the committee was adopted by a nearly unaniuious votu. The convention then proceeded to its work of nouiiniitiiig cundidiites. ,Hon. Fonia S. Fitcb, of Inghani, for whom the Inghiiiu delcgation was instructed to vote for (iovernor, presciited foi that office the name of Hou. Ü. M. Barnes, of Inghain. The nouiination wns supported in behalf of Wayne, Hillsdale, Washteuaw, and other delegations, whereupon Mr. Barnes was noininated by acclamation and the nouaination made unanimous. The Chair. appoiuted E. B. Pond, of Wasbtenaw, Edward Cox, of Calhoun, and Hugh McCurdy, of Shiawassee, a committee to wait upon Mr. Barnes, advise Kim of his nomination, and invite him to appear before the convention. In discharge of that duty tlie committee soon returned accompanied by Mr., who alter the hearty cheers of greeting subsided addressed the eonvention substantially ns follows : Hathanked tlie ooiivenlioo very sincerely tor this niiirk of conridence and appxooiftUoUi l'he committee hiil ndyúod mm oi the notmuatiou BUd o! the inanner ot it. Tttc nemImms of the louvention were uware tbat l.e liad not t-ought this uomliiation, but hud uuiiormly anvdcuiod the claims ol somc oi tht otheT eutlt'incn Qumca had been sugested He, howcver, reeogö'Zvd the duty ot every patriotio oitizan t" ob'-y, in all proper Umigs, the voiofl ot the represent&tivea of the peoj,K', and in that sense he aooiipted the Dooiiuation which the conveuliou ..ui teiidered him [Ofaeerfr] This wus not the place oi1 tune to apeak ot the political situatiou, but he would perhups tiike occasion hercufter to meet. with tha peuple und expraa his views ou public affuirs. Thia muco he would uut. oiuit to aay : For manv yeura the politioal affain of the uation hnd been regulated by the Bepublioan party. L'nck-i their adminititratiou affaira had come to suoh a jass that he could only describe it as oiio ot great distress. He held it to be the duty of every good citizen to endetivor to re-establiah the couutiy und to restore its prosperity. Somethfng in this direction had been done by the House of liepreseutatives, and for this thankB were duo to the Democratie members. Much, however, romains to be done, and in order to accomplisb it it was necessary to throw aside all minor dinerences and uuite for the achievement of so desirable an end. He, for oue, would cheerfully do all that lay in his power, and if elected would endeavcr to carry out the views and the principies of the party to which he belonged, and to perform the duties that might devolve upou hun in such such a marnier as would result iu the highest good for all. [Loud cheer.] Two candidates for Lieut. Governor were presented, and the vote stood : For Alfred 1'. Swineford, of Marquette, 2lJ8 " Edwiu H. Thompson, of Uenosee, 'Al [CONCLVDSD ON THIIiU 1-AlHi ,


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