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ït was forrnerly held tb at striking ei piece of iron -nith a hammer produced as. The ravenons graBshopper is rcin'oreed in Nevada by tho destructive cricket. A widow in Paris has made a fortune jy keeping American pumpkin pies at ïer restnurant. Thb once-famous Mormon templo, at Nauvoo, has utterly disappeared, not a stone of it remainiug on the site. Farmers in South Georgia think tbey liave discovered a bonanza in the cultivation of the Chinese sand pear. On the morning of the Fourth ice was f ormed in Gold Hill, Nev. , to the thickness of a pane of window glass. The grapes of which nearly all the Eamous wines of Spain and Madeira are made had their origin in the island of Cyprus. The latest letters from the English universities migsion in Central África state that the Zanzíbar slnve trade has virtually ceased. The phonograph is liko the small brothcr of a youDg lady. It will repeat everything said in its prcsence without regard to blushes. Thb capitalista of California nnd Neva?a are investing millions in the wonderfully rich mines of Arizona, while Eastern capital is already seeking employ ment in the same direction. At the commencement of a girls' high school, Rev. Dr. Wilton, of Baltimore, made this astounding prayer : ' O God ! Grant that not one of these young ladies may be the victim of unrequited love 1" In Kuby Hill, Cal. , a woman paid her hu8band $50 to leave her. He signed an ngreement to do so, and took the money and 'eft. When fihe went home at night she found the husband in bed, drunk, and the money all gone. FoRTY-EIGHT THOTC3AND pineappleS, weifihing twelve tons, were thrown into the bay at New York on Monday. They were slightly dccayed. Pineapples cost a cent apiece in the West Indies, and are sold to dealers in New York al from 12 to IC cents. If a man could climb the ladder of fame with one half the ease and celerity with which mud creops up the bottom of his pants, we might all soon get into Con;ress, or be poets, and wear long hair, or something of that sort. - Syracuse Simday Times. The Detroit Free Press says that an editor off-rs $5 for the best treatise on "Howtomake out-door Ufe attractive to the mosquito." Why, stay outsido yourself nnd keep him company. Send it by registered letter, please. - Baltimore Kvery Salurday. It is suggested that the best use the Government can make of'Alaska is to turn it into a penal eolony under strong military supervisión, and let the States abolish their penitentiaries and send thither their crimináis senteneed to life imprisonment, to be set to work. "Ii'stime we were coming to our census," as the man said to his wi f e when neither of them was quite certam as to whether it required nine chip bats and eleven calicó dresses, or nine calicó dresses and eleven chip bats to go around the family. - Brookvillc Demoerat. Maby Devine, an old woman of Derry, Ireland, lately died at the nge of 110 years. For the last ten years she has been confined to her bed, but retaiued her rrental faculties fully to the last, and took great pleasure in narrating important events which took place when she was five or six years old. Sarah Winnemttcca is a brave Indian squaw of the friendly Piutes. Lately, since the present Indian troubles began, she disguieed herself and penetiated as a spy into the heart of the hostile camp of the combined Bannocks, Nez Perces and Shoshones. She tlien came into the white camp and reported the number, locality tmd intentions of the hostiles. Quakeus are known to be an unusually long-lived folk. The average age of the 308 members of the Society of Frieuds who died ia Great Britain and Ireland last year was over 53 years, aüd the average of deaths to populfltion was about 15 per 1,000. The number of deaths of children under 1 year was only 19, and the highest number in any decade of life was in that which included those whose ages were between 70 and 80. The next highest number, 55, died between 80 and 90. A Belooche Sepot, in Hyderbad, Seinde, after shootiug his mistress, whom he believed unfaithful, quietly quit the barracks in the eariy morning, with 100 vouuds of ammunition, and dcliberately shot eveiy person he met. He was eventually brought to bay by one at his officers. who shot him, but not befóte he had killed six persons and wounded four others. The British have nnny of those savago Belooches, with ibtir Indian contingent, in the MediterraneaD. Iiuaedtobe said, "You never can oonvert a Jew ;" but siaoe 1813, the Sot.h-rn Churchman declares, there have been more than 100 ordained cltrgymenof t'ie Church of Eugland (inohiding at least two Bisbopí-) wlio were converted Jews, and in sixty years in one Euglish rhuroh chnpol from 1815, tliere have beeii'780 í.dult Jews nnd 615 ehildrèn converted and baptized. So it used to be said, " You never can co-.vert a Brabmin. " Henry Martyn said if one Brahmin were converted he would have hope. But even these have been convertrd, and are now preachiug the gospel to their countrymen.


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