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Antislavery Union

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At Ihe close of the Northwestern Antislavery Convention, on the third dny, Mr. Hnmlin, of Ohio. ir.truduced the following Resolution. Rrsched, That a committee of five bc appointcd to correspoi.d wilh antislavery niehof all purtiee,nnd throughout the whoio country, on ths propriety of holding a National Autfsïavèry Convetition nt Washington City, or soma other suitablo place, and thnt said committee be empowereJ to cali sueh Convenlion, and desígnate ihe tim and place of holding the same. Tho last Ohio True Dcmocrat brings a report of the speech of Mr. Ilomlin in favor of this resolution. For the infunii ation of our readers, we will noticea few pointe. Mr. [I. arguod tho necessity o an union without distinction of purty, at we could all be far more eflicient united than when divided among three porties. Heböüeved a union could be formcd, os we were all agreed that Slavery was ihe sum of all villainies, and that every man should do ichat he conslilulionally could for Ü6 overlhrow. On S'avery, ihen, there was nol lang to bo compromised: we were nll of one mind. We all ogree on man'a equality by birïh. Can we not, thon, all hannonize in the application of this principie, in tba support of the followtng measures? 1. The extensión olthe Elecitive Franchise to all citizens without reference to coJor, birth, or property. 2. A RevenueTnriff whichshould equalhj prolect all interests. 3. Banking Systems.frce to all, the billholder benig made secure. 4. Deed 50 acres of the Public Lands to every rnan who will improve it five years and pay tbe taxes, and sop speculaüon in public lands. - 5. Let foroignerswhoare taxed become citizena and voters. Mr. H. wasogainst all legalized monopolies and partial legislation, and for general laws. Washington was the pruperpZac to hold sucu a Convention. It must not be a Liberty, bat an antislavery Convention, attendeil by 20,000 persons fïom every part yf lhO Union. The Resolution wns amended by increasing the number of the committeo to twonty, and then was unanimously aünpled. The President to appoim the comrnittee, aud announcetheir namosthrougl the Western Citizen.We notice by the Bangor Gazette, tha! Mr. Giddings was latei y in Me.-,preacliing e similar unioD to tbat here proposed by Mr. Hamlin, except that he made no al".usions to afinancial policy. A public meeting of the citizena was held which was addressod by Mr. G. ';He stateá that lie cüme to adJressno party, assucli, but to ask men of all parties whether, in view of the wrongs we are all sufFering froij tha encroachments of slayory, they .. -re prepared to take the ground that tr.ey would supp9rt no menfor ojftce, who tcid not -pledge thcmselvcs to stand firmly up to the line of the conslitution in resislance to the encroachments of slavcfy ? He would ask the Wfeigs, are yotl prepared? Dcmocrats, are you prepnred ? Liberiy men, are you prepared? [This last question drew out a pretty hoariy response from quite a number of voices.] "Liberty men aoswer," said Mr. Gidcir; UI would have you all answer." H -hen repealed the questions, and n '.onr?v rftsnonse followed in each case. -Mr. G. g.ive the utmost liberty for putting questions, and mony were asked; and the promptness and aptness of his .-.v ra showed how well he was prepared on the whole sul-ject." . It '.vill bescen that thispledge proposed by Giddings is only a negalivr. one, r.od tlmt t is loworing down the Liberty ■ . lord a great deal. The Liberty man proposcs to do something: the Giddings prnposes to do noiking irectly. - 1'ho Liberty man says: ;'I wfll vote for and those only, who will go fur Hlï&hing, slavery: the Giddings man : "l will support no man who will j, i - o what, abolish slavery ? No guoh thing - "who will not stand firmly up to tho line in resisliag the encroacinunts of slavery," This war of Giddinga on Slavery is of coursemerely defmsive : that of ihe Liberty pnrty, exterwinding and aggressive. A wide belween them.In reply to our objectionstu tlie New M&inpshiro olliance, the Gazette says: ';Nov t ís this very "Liberly-Demosratic-Whig triumph" which we have ■,lcU seeking to bring abuut lor years ; md tija "resull," o we have seen it in r - New Hampsbire legislaüon of the (?5ion of the Lcgislnture of lhat State, iily justifie8 the coniiJcnce wo reposed n it. lii the beauiifu] and (.■.{rcssivfinogunge of Charles tl. Stewart of the Signal's own Siate, "the governmoiu" las been "iu the hands of j lives ot Whigs and Demócrata blcnded , nto reloriners." And witli him we can j say %vilh thuse representativos, as ( pires in the cooftdence of all, the ■ ment of all proper meabures may be , y left." , Why the Signal ahould cali these men , proalavery we do iiot uïtderstand. We ftaVd seen rio symptoms of proslaveryism u their proccfdings. Tiiere is no ini;ite fbve of Slavery in New Kngland, uid wlen we see the collar broker we iave little iear lor nny 6on of her3. - The d;la:u!iy is to gel the rivois starthJ." We would enquire of the Gazette whether Gow Oölby, Vtiiom the Liberty men of New Hampshire elected, the Whig officers oppoinled by the Legislalure, and indeod the whole Whig party of thart State, are not members or a permanent, national, proslavery party,whether they did not vote for a slaveholding President in 1844- the ablejt and most dangerous slaveholder in the nation - nnd wlieiherihey do no! stand ready to do the samething again in 1849 1 If so, are nat "these men prosluvery" 1 ShaU Liberty men elévate to office such proslavery meni The Gazelte says there is uno innata love of Slavery" in them. Probably not. Bul what difference does that make, so long as for yarty interests they will sjpport it ? For our part, beiore we give them our feilovvship, we should like to see at least some practical evidence that ihey have the "innate lovo " of Libertï.The Cleveland American, however, an Ohio Liberty paper, hns no scruples of ihia kind, but is ready to abandon the Liberty party at once, and go into any other antislaver party, and will even toke Güv. Colby himself for its Presidential cí'.r.didate, so far as his antislavery is concerned. But we will quote the proposal fora Whig compromise in the svords of the American : 'lf the Wliigs will nomínate for President as good an aniislaery man as Gov. Colby luis shown . himself lo be, then tliey may npproach the Liberty men, wilh ihe New Hnmpshire couiproniise in their hands - and use jhat argument fur what t is worth. We go for any compromise ihat may further the cause for which the Liberty -party was organized, under ichatever name, or through ichatever instrumentality. But we assent to no compromise to perpetúate the reign of the slave power, or to strengthen it by electing to office slaveholders or siaveocrats who add to the strengih of that power and that reign, by a little more respect abilit y than their opponents, or perchance predecessors, may possess." We do not at all coincide with iho American is making such proposals to the W higs. We should at least Iry to bö consistent and act like men. If the Libcriv party deserve our adhcrence at all, it should receive from us a full, hearty, united, persevering and unequivocal support, on all occasions and in all circumstanoes; and no more efTectual mode of destroying its growth and efficiency can be devised, than by offering to make compromises with parties that are now decidedly proslavery. When thev manifest by their woru:s that they have becontie truly ANTi-slavery, it will be time enough to propose a formal unión.