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Now and Uien we hear a Greenbacke accusing the Democratie party of goinj over to the Rdpublicans because the; declamd lor "hard nioney " at Lansing A man who will talk such stuif as tha is either ignorant or dishonest. From the liuys of Jackson to the present time the watchword of the Democratie part; has been " hard rnoney, home rule anc freo trade." By free trade is moant a tariff for rovenue only and not for pro tention. It will tu; remembered that a the beginning of the war the Demo cratic party opposod the Republicans in their iinuncial policy and contendec that the war could be eonducted at one half the expense on a hard inouuy basis that it could by the policy that was te ing pursued, which was true ; and now that the Republicans have had ampie opportunity to see the working of their policy and have got to abandon it, for the Demooratie party to jump on to the rotten plank thoy have deserted would be a stroke of political wisdom that would disgraco the mental capacity o a tribe of Hottentots, and any Demo crat who has no better idea of the principies of the Democratie party he has pretended to support, is a fit subject for a Greenbacker or any other fallacy tha' coinés along that muy tickle his fancy - Kalamazoo Gazelte. The Bill Poster has no desire to shirk the iinuncial question : neither will i do so. But at the same time the rea question at stake in the present canvas is the overthrow of the corrupt Republican party, and the election of hones' men pledged to serve the best interosts of the people. It is no new thing for the Demoerats to advocate honest inoney - worth one hundred cents on the dollar. Th is has been their financia! creed for scores of years. Honest governinent has also been one of the strongest plank in their platform, and to-day there is fully as much, if not more, necesity for the latter as for the foriner 80, when we advocate as strongly as possiblo thu financial principies of the Democratie party, let us not loso sighl of the ono great faot, thiit we have a wily, persistant, unrelentless foo to deal with - an enemy that will stoop to anythiug to carry out its plans, even to defrauding the masses of the peoplo oi their legully elected President. This is the tnain point to be settled. - Pontwc BUI Poster. The most curious fin above the uolitical waters just now is the (irant - nol so much demonstraron as -indication. It shows itself in various ways. A correspondent in Peunsylvunia is " surpr6ed at the developuient of streugth that the moveinent has " there. An interviewer finds an old Orant Oabiuet officer who thinks his chief is the coming man for thu third timo. A Western paper hastens to urge (irtint's noiuiuat ion, as if the conveution were to be held in two months iustead of two years from now. At presaut the main agitators of the (inmt movemeut are old oftice-holders who have lost tbeir political consequente, Republicans disaffected towards President Hayes, - of wbom the Camerona and the Conklings are a type, - speculators 11 pon Southern troubles, and camp fnllowors gencrally. They includo men who gloat over the failure of civil service reform, and want the Ropubliean party put back iive or six years. - iuxton Journal. A greenbaek orator in West Virginia proposes that thu genoral govurnment shall issue gruonbacks to be lent to the States at 1 per cent., the States are to lend the inoney to thecounties at 2 pnj cent., and tho couuties to the people at .'} per 03Ut. By this simple and ingenious procoss, the money originally costing tho governiuent nothing more than the cost of production, the national, State and county govornuientB will be able to carry tliemselves on without taxation, being supported by the ptofits of their loans. It only remains for the people to lend it to each other at 4 per cent., and tlion the whole problom of prospority will be solved, nobody will iiave any taxes to py and every body will have an independent income without having to work for it. - New York World. Ten years ago the Republicans appealed for support precisely on the jrounds Mr. Garfield now puts forward ; :hey have stood there with the noble Sriuness of a mulo ever sinco ; whenever the country asked them about a policy they only answered " the solid iouth." And in those ten years they aave on this platform lost the House, ost tha Senate, and secured the l'reaidency only by the use of the armory and the perjury of ereaturos like Anderson. But, never miud, cries General Garfield; try it again. He reniinds us of ihe crazy fellow who bet he could ump acrosa the Ohio River. He umped once, twice, tbree times, and went soase into the mud overy time. 3ut "onlywait," ho criud, " give me anotber chance and I'll do it." - New York Herald. The Ropubiican Congressional Committee at Washington has followed Bloody-shirt Gorham's advice and is sunding fourth for distribution through he country all the heavy speeches made jy Republicans during the lnst sesson of Congre8S on " Rebel Claims,", ' Crippled Soldiers"and "Confedérate 3rigadiers." Gorham says the party '.must fight on the old issues," and fight hat way the party will to its own undoing. The " old issuos " will be uioldy n t;ad for oven the most excruoiatingly ■ïadical gathering in the Northern States. ïho Republican party however las no botter fare to offer.- Loutitille 'Jourier-Journul. It is the misfortuno of President jfrant that thn least decent people in the country are tho most vociferous advocates of his nomination. Whatever Delano, or Williams, or Baboock, or clkniip muy have dono in the past, it 8 certain that they are passionately in avor of Grant's re eleotion now, and not a man can be naiued who has become unsavory by his part in the disxict riug, the public building ring, the jostal contracts ring, or any other corupt swindle, who is not ardently advoeating tho re election of tho ex-President. - New York Tribune. That horny handod son of toil, Ür. Benjamin F. Butler, who declare hat he owns no nntaxable governinont londs, but who owns many District of Columbia bonds, which are not taxable and which are guaranteed by the governinont, has just had his right to a $25,000 fee coniirmed by a decisión of the United States Supremo (Jourt. For a poor laboring man, living by tho sweat of his brow and ploading his poverty betore thousands of workingmen as a reason for thoir support at tbe polls, $25,000 for ono little job is roally a very fair wago. - I'hiUtdelphia Inq'iirer. This s the conclusión of the whole matter. Good times will come to eaoh individual in tho community just as soon as that individual goesto work and earns at something bis individual share of prosperity, and not before. Practically tho coming of tho era will be ha8tenod more by the sawing of ono cord of wood, or hoeing one acre of potatoes in tho proper spirit, than in writing tons of resolutions and essays, or in making public speeebos until the pflople woary with much litening.Vermont Walchman. Yos, there is something in it. If a Greenbacker hiros a horno and returns only the picture of a horse marked " Tbis is a horso, John Sherman, Socretary of the Treasury," tho stable keepor, if also a Greenbacker, wjauld have to be satisfied, or else deny his own logic and become a grasping capitalist. - Lowell (Mass.) Courier.


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