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- The umin drive ot the Chippew Kiver, 75,000,000 feet, s all coming out - Mr. E. Reynolds, of Quincy, agec 73, cradled tour acres of wheat one da; last week. - Mr. Carleton Tabor, of Sodus Berrieh county, died recently at th residence of Jumes Hogue, at the ag of 101 years. - Mr. Andrew J. Humphrey, Gram Senior Sagamore of tho improved Orde of Ked Men of this State, died at hi bome in Jackson on the UOth. - Mr. William Hathaway, 68 yoars o ftge.rosidiug near liome Centor.Lenawe county, was proatrated by the heat Jtil; 18th, and bas since been delirioua. - Ovid Register : " K. 8. Van Scoy of Esaex, Clinton county, has 300 ucre of wheat thia year, and he cut 3C0 acre of grass, euiploying 100 men for tw days. - There has been rafted out of th Au Sable ltivur this year up to date 17, 928,225 teet of logs, and there are 3,350, 000 feet held over it the booms froui lust year. - John S. Lovejoy, Marshal of Ce dar springt!, Kent county, has resignec in consequence of falling a prey to th wilfB of three frail females whoin h had arrestod. - Henry Diamond, an oíd citien o Flint, was found dead in his chair on the 27th. He was seeu walking on th street 30 minutes before. Hu was 80 years of age. - Kdward Cooper's residenco in Kas Milan, Monroe county, was burned on the 23d uit. with most of ita oontents The loss is almost total. It is believot to be incendiary. - A special election was held in Ogemaw county on the 20th uit. to raise $10,000 to build a court house and jail and to lócate the oounty seat at Wea Branch. The proposition was carriet by 97 majority, out of a total vote o 165. Miss Cook, a young lady 25 years o age, was found dead in her bed at the residence of her father, Albert Cook, in Coldwater, July 29. Sho had been sub ject to fits for overal years past, hik the night previoua to her death she hac three. - A tire at the county farm near Char lotte, Eaton county, destroyed the tooi house, grauary and another stnall build ing with most of the contenta and a large lumber pile. A crazy pauper nauied Isaac Sunderson.who is supposet to have set the fire, was burned ; inaured - A man uamed Russell Day wa drowned at Cross village, Emme couuty, on the 20th, while swimming He is suppoaed to have been taken with cramps. He leaves a wife and two children. He was buried iu Cooper Kalamnzoo county, the liouiu of his párente. A man naiucd Benjamin Badger, a a laborer in the etuploy of Williaiu Conley, was taken with a fit while working in the harvest field, and made soine desperate attempts to daph hia brains out againat a atoue. We are iaformed that the fit was caused by the heat. - Marshall Statetman. - Six Saginaw property-holders objod to giving the Detroit and Buy City Kailroad Company right ot way through that city for the Vassar branch because the railroad will croas or use 25 streets. They auggest setting asido a certain part of the city for the union depots of all roada coming thore. - A Circuit Judge of the Branch and St. Joaeph district is to be elected at the fall electon to fill the vacancy caused by the reaiguation of Edwin W. Kuightley wIiohc. term of office would have expired Decembei 31, 8181. Judge Thompson of Coldwater is now holding the positiun by appointment of the Governor. - Last year a man named Hickoy, IniL who now gives hia name as Harry Jlmstead, was sent to State Prison from Berrien county for 18 ruonths for burjltiry. His time having recently expired, he went to Grand Rapids, wbere lio has just been arrested for atealing some shirts and other articles from a man who had befriended him. During the laat three monthu Joaiab Dilley, of Portland, Ionia county, has ahipped 740 car loada of stavus to Kurope. He is one of the largeat dealers in the State. Ainong his shipments 'ïave been Beveral thousand staven of a mammoth size - 5x12 inches, and ten 'eet long, worth $600 per tbousand. -At Holley, July 30, Miss Grace Murray, daughtur of Charles Murray, was aucidentally shot by her cousin, a xy of about 12 years, who was playing with a revolver. Tbe ball entered the eft Bide of her nose, and paaaing .hrough entered her right eye. She will robubly recover, but with tbe loss of one eye, and a diafigured nose. A farmer uamed Q. Hesselink, near Holland, and a soldier during the ui vil war, aocidentally feil from hia reaper on the lHth, outting and mangling his )ody fearfully. Ho lost tbe thumb of ïis left hand and his right hand was amputated above the wriat. His right eg and side were also badly mangled. - Last fall a young girl named Fiiinean, in Blackman, Jackao county, was soized by a man who tried to ravish her, ut being fruatrated tied the girl to a ree and left her there. He aucceuded n escaping, but on the 20th was idenified, going under the name of Geo. Jorsuy, at Jackson, where he had just een sent to jail for tbree months for abusive language, - During the recent heatod term thou ands of dead fish oame to the surface of he river at Nnshville, Barry county, until the people were compelled to ;ather and bury them, toprotect themiclves from the intolerable Btench l'horo were piokerel, perch, baas, suckers, un -fish, bull-hfads and red-horse, varyng in size from the tiny ininnow to the 2 pound pickeiel. - Franklin NiU, of Uvid, imploaded vith his father and brother in the murler of the negro Thuiston, last spring, iluuded guilty to man-slaughter in the 3hiawassee Circuit on th 29th and was ent to Jackson for one year. C. Gilert Golden and Wosley A. Golden leadod guilty to horea stealing and wore sent to Jackson for three and a ml f and tour and a half years, respectvely. - Mr. Wanen Thwing on tho 16th was standing in front of hia horsen, holdng them by the bit while something about the reaper to wbicü they wero uttached w being adjusted, when hey suddenly took iright and jumped brward, the end of the tongue strikng Mr. Thwing in the center of hia abdombn, takiug hiui ll' his feet and arrying him in that poaition until hey atruck the fence, agaiuat whioh dr. Thwing was hurled with such orce tliut the tongue broke through all the muscles and integuments except he outside skin. Notwithstanding, the octors hope he ia not aeriously hurt. - Marshall KxpounJer. - An attempt is being made to reliiim the inarahes that sweep back 'rom tbe Saginaw River for niany miles, and which are nearly on a level with hut stream. By the aid of a dredging machine, 800 acres have been suroundod with a deep ditoh, and tho dirt lirown up as an embankment, after the manner of the Holland dykes. Four wind-milis are to be set up on the tract, perating four pumps midi, after which t is to be left to dry off, and then lowed and seeded down. If the exeriment succeeds, it will result iu the peedy reclamation of thouaands ot ores of land now utterly worthless.


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