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Marble Works ! - OFAÏMTOIM EISELE, Corner Dotroit & Calharine Sts. - DEALERS IN - Uoiiuinciits &( riivestoncs Manufacturad of Fornign aiui Araeriran URANITE and MABBLK. CUT BUILDING AKD ARTIFICIAL ST0XE Innufactured on short notice. Prices low aad work warrunted to give satisl'uction. IGSÍíyl MR. M. GOLDMAN, ,'ishes to state that he is now loca teil at No. 170 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, where can always bti ound a full aud OOQlplote stock of HUMAN HAIIt GO0DS, ' all descriptions, to wtiich the attention of the "lies ÍS i'npi'i-iiiHy invited. Mti Combines rootcd and worktnl np in evcry yle, by a new and auporíor procesa, for 50 cents Hir ouuce. Iiaditís' and gcn(s' wig.s nudfl to order on short otice. Orden by ïuait sol ited and will receivo prompt tuntion. Ladles and MDtl' cast off fiarnients and wearing )parcl taken iu uxcliangt'. My Motto : Satisfactiou in price and qiality or o puy. M. GOLDMAN, 170 Mirlii„;:in Avenue, Detroit. N. B. - Mr. Goldman has had unlimited ezperince In the human hair business for over 18 yeara. (ÏVE HIM A TKIAL. A DOLLAR SAVED 18 A DOLLAR BARNED ! o NEW GOOD3 ! And pricea LOWKH THAN KVKR. T have pureuased in New York, for cash, and I tim now daily receivin ono of tho ltirgoal aud mout select stocks oí' lirocorieu in Waahtcunw County, cuusiatiDif ol a lul) and well nolucted LINE OF TEAS, AU of tlie new erop - inoluJUng uupowilvm, IiiiperiuiKi Voungr Hisoiis, HfNoiiN, Jupam, oolimt;-, Furiinout., CuuKoni Noii Iiouk, ui. il TwuukafM, Togcther with a full line ofCOPFESS, consisilili- of the tolluwiag bruuda: MOl.'llA, UOV'TJAVA.MAKACAIBO, I.AUUA YHK.SANTO9 nnd KIO, both rousied ud grouud ; a full and well aulected si oek uf SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MÖLASSES, Together witli eveiythinp in the Une tf Pure ÖpictB,('antil fruitM. aud VegetablSB. We luve u full and riiriipli't" line af BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Huaiery. Also, u clioice ttsRortmont of Liidies' and Uentlemen's Underwtnr ('itll tmd examine (ioods und 1'iir.HB and we will buuse BatíBfaotion. KI) W Altü DU FF Y. 14 Muynurd'B tílock," cor. Main and Ann RtiueU Aun Ai i...i. Mich. ÏPilt;-lu-.-r PAsh price paid fur all farm produce. "fcJB RAILROADS. M1CH1UAN OENTRAL KAlLRüAD? MAY 12, 1878. OOIKO WCST. T . a :i.ïif. 7 .TT ilYsPv M. A. il f. M. i' m P H p u Detroit, lea ve, 7 00 9 :t5 4 45 2 50 6 20 9 't ti.T. Junotion, 7 15 10 00, 5 00 3 09 6 3S 10 in ayne Juuction 7 40 10 20 5 "2 3 30 7 10 lo 4'' Yrlanti, 8 lu 10 45 C 00 3 51 '7 36 U 04 Geddes, ; . Ann Arbor, 8 3(1 11 00 C 80 4 05 8 10 11 i belhi, s 44 G 43 - _ Uuïtcr, 8 Sfi b 5a 4 22 8 31 Chdlseu, B ISf . 7 (,8 4 40 8 4.5 Orass l.ake, Si 47 ;a 3 05. 9 7 , , ! i .. ■ I...-1.-..I. ' ltl SOilS 16 8 00 G 00 9 40 lï AlUiou, 11 04 12 48 d ! 6 47 10 SJ 1 SS llaishall, 1 1 50 1 3U 7 15 11 03 1 4', Y. M. -M o Buttle deelt, 12 19 1J5H 7 45 11 36 1 lu Ualesbuig, 2 62 b U8 12 Oï A. M. A.M. Kiilitmazou, 1 IS 2 H8 4 :aj 8 20 12 25 2 SJ I.HWtou, : 1 54 3 08 Í' 0f 1 08 Decatur, 2 11 1 6 2(1 1 2; Dowafriiic, 2 :ifi 5 ij 1 5; - Niles, 3 OS 4 U7 ti SO 2 38' 4 21 Kil, h.uinn. 3 19 Ij 4:: 2 54 Thri-ir Oaks 3 49 7 13 3 28 Now BuühIo, 4 u3 4 67 7 28 ; 3 45 Michigan Cily, 4 30. 5 20' 7 65 4 15 6 j Lke, 5 13 c 02; 8 40 : J 04 6 28 KennlDtftou, C 05 6 50 1 9 IO 5 55 J lii (Jliicago, arrive, i 0 65 7 40 i 10 Sul i 6 4S; 8W OOINOEA8T. lul " lo ii i iUMUí _f__ __p_ L a_ _ _s_ ,A.V. A. la. P.M. V.M. P. U. Chicago, leave, i 7 ixi (I 00 4 00 5 16 l 0 Keiitringlon, I 7 50 9 50 4 00 6 05 9 5(1 Uike, : 8 40 10 30 5 43 6 50 10 82 Michigan City, , 9 2.1 11 10 0 35 i 7 40 11 15 Naw üulTald, 9 47 11 27 C, 1.7 Jl 35 Threc Oaks, 10 02 - 7 Ii; Bm-liiintiri. 10 .!■-' 7 43 Niles, 10 41 12 16 8 12 ■■ ■ i' 1-: Dowapiac, 11 15 8 40 '' I U3 Decatur, 11 39 9 05 1 Si I.awton, n 57 s 2:1 a. m. KiilamaziO, 12 33 1 40 )(i 00 i: (il lu iil 2 1! Ualmborg, 12 52 . 7 09 -'37 Cneki I 27 S 13 j; h 7 w m 3 IS M irah .1 11 , 2 25 : 0 J g 10 il S7 3 4S Albion, 2 S2 3 21 a.m. s 35.1:' 05 4 ld .lackxun, : 3 45 4 'J.'i 5 40 J :i', 12 50 4 5i Oras Lake, 4 U8 G W SI 5ll Chelaea, 4 40 - - :1 10 07 Dexter, 5 00 1 G 47 10 18 Delhi, o 10 (i 55 Auu Arbor, 5 20 5 Ik) I 10 10 33 2 06 6 !S (ediles, 5 28 - - Ypailanti. 5 38 6 24 7 27 I" 45 2 20 6 15 WuvueJunc, 6 02 5 45 7 62 1105 2 44 7 09 (i. T. June, i 6 33 6 15 8 25 II 30 S 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., ! 6 48 6 3u 8 40 11 45 3 35 S 00 Graud Rapids and Kalamazao Exprest! ftrriveat Grand Uapidn 2.20 p. m.f aad leaveb (irand Kapidt 6:1S a. 111. 'üundays excepted. :8uturday and Sumlay eiopted. i Daily. H. JB. LKUYARU, (ien'l Manager, Dettuit. H. C. Wkxtwobth, O. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Takiug effect Monday, July 29, 1878. OOIMe-NOBTH. OOINU SOCTH. Mixed. Mail. Mail. Mixed. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. 6 50 4 00 Toledo 10 00 7 00 G 55 4 03 N'orth Toledo 9 5J 6 55 7 14 4 16 Detroit Junction 9 45 636 7 31 4 27 Hawthoru 34 619 7 46 4 37 Samaría 9 24 604 8 01 4 47 Heola 9 11 6 49 8 11 4 54 Lulu 9 07 6 39 821 501 MonrueJuuctiou 900 5 29 8 49 5 12 Dundee 8 49 502 9 02 5 19 Macou 8 42 448 9 20 5 29 Azalia 8 32 4 9 51 5 44 Milán S 1G 3 58 10 10 5 54 Nora 8 06 3 39 10 35 6 07 Urania 7 53 314 10 34 0 17 Ypsilanti Junction 7 43 255 1120 6 30 Anu Arbor 7 30 230 J. s. HOBBIS.Qen'l BuperlnlendeB. J. M. Asiiley, Jb., AbüI. Supt. DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND SOUTHWESTEKN KA1LKOAD. To tuktj eii.ct May 12, 1878. OOIHO WL8T. QOINU EAPT. Mili.. JSxp. BTATIOKB. . li" A. M. P. M-. p u YpHilanti.... 8:15 7:40, „ Saline :25 8:10 Baukurs 5:15 2:M liridgewater.. 9:47 8:28 i llülsilule ... 6:4 2:40 ManolKwUjr. 10:22 8:48 Manchester.. 8:35 4:" v. m. i Bridgewater 9:00 4:37 Hillsdale 1:00 10:311 j Saline 9:50 i:ü Bunkers 1:10 10:4(1 Ypsilunti.... 10:30 5:2 Traius run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKEU. Sup't, Ypsilanti CANADA SOUTHERN R'Y LINES. The Only Ameiicaa Koute Thniugh Canias. Tnlni louve M. C. U. R. Depot, Detroit, city tm. a.s tullows: Atlantic Expre, daily, 4 00 a. ni., Waguercarto ÏOfttOD. Fasi Day ICxprosB, daily, 12 10 noou, Wagner cr to Xew York and BoátOD. Liu'litnin Kxpri'ss, daily ezcept Sunday, 11 10 Pni., Wanner car to liutlalo and ltochester. Toledo traína leave 7 r0 a. m. except Sunday ; 3 'u p. tu. daily ; G 60 p. ni. exccpt Sunday, Fur Fayetts 6 ;ío p. mu excepi Sunoty. A l-'or iufonuatiou and tickets apjly loG. W Hhuplcas, agent M.C. E. R., Aun Arbor. W. K. MUIS, (en'l BlMUgOT, St. Tliuwas, Ool. M. (. KOACH, Cass. Agent, Detroit. I'ÜANK B.SMOW, lien. Pass. aud Ticket AgtDetroit. 1N8UKANGH CÜMPANÏ. Capital, - ■ $3,00),0(M). Assets Jan 1, 1876, 6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, 53 44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Ke-Insurance Renorve, $ 4, 735, 092. 86Nnt Surplus over Liabilities, including Re -Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, Aun Arboij (Hnn wcek in your owu town. $5 outfit frec. n n No risk. Reader, if you waut a busines l I Int wlnch p.T8ons of either eex can maKt i) U U grcat pay all the they work, wle lor particular to H. Sc Co. , Portland"F! TI fi (TI luini.-sa you can nege in. 3 to $ UU I Per day mado by any worker of eítne' nPill I sex.rightintheirownlocalitie. ar LJJU llicularsand Bample worth $j ' [inprore your apare time at thi business. Aaarc áTissON iL Co.. Portland, Muine.


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