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- The new freight depot at ypsilanti is completad. - Regular meeting of the Council next Monday evening. - Company A's "team" went to the Jackson "shoot" yesterday. - The Anu Arbor Band give a dance at Belief Park this evening. - Chelsea dealers claim to have purchased 375,000 Ibs. of wool this season. - Dr. Ely Cook, of Saline, died of consumption on Monday last, aged 67 years. - D. Cramer, Esq., will speak at Spnngport, Jackson County, Aug. 6. I. O. O. F. - Too lunch rain the farmers say for finishing up the wheat harvest and getting in the oats. - E. B. Abol, of Bach & Abel, is off for a vacation, and will Bpend soma time at Saratoga. - The Ypsilanti Commercial has been nated as the tax-sale advertising paper for the current year. - Hoftstetter & Horn are making good progreas with the adilition to the First ward school building. - A píate gla83 front is benig put in tha o ld Sondheim store, east side of Maiu atiuet, now occupied by " Little Mack." - Real estáte agenta report an unuaual dedoraaud for houses " to rent." More sales Üiiui usual are also beiug made. - Burglars attempted to enter the house of Jacob Shaw, South Univeisity avenue, ou Sunday last, but were frightoned away. - The Chelsea Herald says : " There is soaroely a bushei of whortleberries to be gathered in this section the country." - The meeting of creditora of L. C. Risdou, appointed to choose an assignee in bankruptcy, has been adjourned until September 10. - D. Gramer, Esq., and family, spent Wednesdny in Toledo, enjoying the benefit of that complimentary on railroad subscription. - Harry B. Parsons, late an assistant in the Laboratory, is to take a position in the partment of Agricultura at Washington. - The YpBilanti Commercial is publishing letters from E. Sampsoii, of the Lodeman party. No. 2 left the party still on ship-board. - To-morrow, at 9 a. m., Justice Frueauff proposes to try Fredk. Stollsteitner, charged with an assault and battery on Adolph Kirn. - John H. Wade, of Ohelsea, has compromised with his creditors, paid them 75 cents on the dollar, and obtained their receipts in full. - E. O. Freer has gone East, on business and pleaBure cnmbined: to visit frieuds and gobble a "little fortune" left him by a rich uncle. - The New York creditors of C H. Millen & Sou, not satisried with the conditious of the assignment, have flled a petition in bankruptcy sgainst them. - Spitzley Bros., of Detroit, are the successful bidders for the Ypsilanti school house. Price, Í2o,700, which leaves $8,300 for heating apparatus and furniture. - John Clair was tried on Wednesday, before Justice Beahan and a jury, on that charge ot keeping his saloon open on Sunday, found guilty, and sentonced to 30 days in jail. - Prof. A. Winchell, of thia city, was one of the leeturers at the Lakcside Sunday School Eucampment (uear Saudusky, ü.), which cloeeci its session o Wednesday evening. - No inconsiderable damage ha been dono to the wheat erop, the harvest haviug lagged for want of help. And yet able bodied trampa go niarching on : begging trom house to house. - The emancipatiou celebration yesterday drew large delugations of colored people to tina city. The procession was large, and a good time was had at the park and in visiting the University. - The re8idence of Mrs. E. M. Farrand, South Iugalls street, was aearched by burglars while the occuptmts ware viaiting Barnum's "greatost show on earth." Nothiug of value reported missing. - Ou Monday the Building Committee roted to order three more statues for the Court House,- one to be paid for by subscription, and the Board of Supervisors to be asked to pay tor the other two. -Charlea M. Jones has been appoiuted Teller of the First National Bank, via W. A. Tolchard, resigned. Mr. Jones has been the efficiënt and popular book-keeper ot the baak for a number of years. - S. B. ilcCracken, formerly of this city, twt for many years residing in Detroit, haa launched out as a greenback speaker. Mac always had inore crotchets than he could couut on lus fiugers aud toes. - William Deubel, of this city, owner of the Ypsilanti milis, ia now manufacturing the "New Procesa" flour. A sample package bas been tested by the good wife of this iteniizer and won commendation. - Vigilaut Fire Company have adrertised an excursión to Toledo for Suuday, August 11. The bill says that Sunday has been selected so that " everybody eau go without losing a day's work." Fare for rouud trip, $1.25. - The city reservoirs adjoining the Court House square are to be connected with the new County reservoir, so as to get the over4ow. f200 is what Mr. McPherson has coritraoted to raake the counections for. - John Dolan, of Daxter, caught his right heel on his front door step, 3uly 25, and feil to the sidewalk, "doubling his right leg under Mm, breaking the main bone between the calf ind ankle joint." So Bays the Leader. - Pólice Commissioner Dewitt C. Wheeler, of New York, well known to many of the business men of this city, has been adjudicated an involuntary bankrupt. Liabilities, $150,000, nearly all on account of indorseraents. - In Justice Frueauff's court on Monday the case of the People vs. W. B. Vaughn was tried by a jury : charge, assault aud battery apon a Polish woman ; verdict, guilty ; fine 11 and costa, the latter being $19.58. Appealed. - Judge Lawrence discovered a colored mau named Joseph Artes holding a prayer meeting in his barn on Tuesday afternoon. He was captured by the pólice and returned to jail from which he was released during the tay. Insane. - Gen. Clark has a postal from C. A. Chapín, Corunna, saying that Judge Kiugsley, reported dangerously Hl, is better. He expects to be able to briug the J udge here. His legión ' ohl friends will be glad to have hiui among tbem once more. - That excursión of the Montgomery Hiües to this city comes off next Thursday. Ihe KDights of Pius V., and probably auother Detroit military corapany will accompany the Moütgomery boys. In the evening " üolleeu Bawn" will be played at the Opera House. - In Justice (Iranger's court on TueBday a 'uit was tried in which Wm. A. Clark, City Kecorder, wus piaintiff, and Joha Louey, kwlc-dnver, was defeudaut. Clark claimed 0 cents, the ordinauce fee for issuing a license. Tbe jury disagreed,- standing n'vo de'ondant and one for plaintiff. - As Mrs. Chapman and daughter, of Uuadilla, were driviug into Dexter on Tuesday, their horse took fright at the 11:30 a. m. expross goiug west, ran away, upsot the buggy, l"d threw out both inm ates. Misa Chapman tad her torearm broken near the wrist, and th mother aud daughter were considerably truiaed. Judge Huntington held a short term of "ie Circuit Court yesterday and adjourned to September 6. We understand that no jiew der was made in the case of the Keïe"ts of the University vs. S. H. Douglas. "■ K. Gibsou, of Jackson, having declined to "tie as commissioner there will of course be '"rest" until some further order of court is toade. - This item carne from a Sharon correspondent just a day too late for last week's Arous : Fish are dying in Sharon mill-pond (Kiver Eaisin). Mr. Kirkwood, the miller at that place, buriad thirty large pickerel at one time. It is estimated that at least a wagon load of large flsh have died within the past ten days. Excessive heat is supposed to be the cause. - The Toledo and Ann Arbor Hailroad Company give an excursión to Put-in-Bay on Tuesday next, Aug. 6. Train will leave from the dspot, foot of Washington Btreet, at 6 a. m., and on arrival at Toledo the steamer Chief Justice Waite will take the excursionista down the Maumee and to the fashionable resort of the season. Fare for the round trip, 81.60. - The Saline Standard says that Gov. Ashley, President of the Toledo and Ann Arbor Eailroad, proposes to put in a "Y" and build a depot at the Crossing of the Detroit, Hillsdale and Southwestern Bailroad, and give Ypsilanti and Saline the same trains and rates that Ann Arbor will have, provided the citizens of Ypsilanti and Saline will contribute $4,500. - Horace Carpenter, Esq., living on Washtenaw avenue, having been absent for some days returned on Friday last to fiud that glars had entorod and thoroughly overhauled his house. Nothing was diacovered inissiug oxcept a few napkin rings. The neighbors of Mra. E. J. Bliss, also living on Washtonaw avenue, diacovered un opon door ou Sunday, and an iuvestigation disclosod tha fact that burglais had been thore. Hrs. Bliss being away iiom home at the tiino the amount of plunder taken eoulj iiot be determiued. - Ia 1877 W'ashtcnaw county raised 1,184,000 bushels of wheat on 5,410 acres, or 21 bushels to the acre. Five couuties report a larger number of acres, but ouly two counties, Clinton and üakland, figure up more bushels. Clinton'a report is, 50,423 acres and 1,200,433 bushels, - 23 bushels to the acre. üaklaud's ögures ore, 02,340 acres and 1,330,C04 bushels, - 21 bushe's to the acre. In May, 187S, Washtenaw had öü,027 acre3 of wheat ou the grouud, Callioun, Jacksou, Kalamazoo, and Oakland reporting a larger breadth. The showing in coru aud oats was equally favorable tor our county. Washtenaw reported 12,632 producers.more than.three and a half times the number reported by auy other county. These flüurea are from the table compiled at the office of the Secretary of State from the Supervisors' returns made in May last.


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