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THE BAST. A bimi for the punishment of trampa has passed the New Hampshire Hohpo of Representativos. It proides for punishment by lmpriponmout from iifteen monlhs to fivo years, the foimer penalty being provided for any person proved a tramp. Miss Abbï üodassa Smtth, ono of the famouB "Smith sisters," of Glastonbury, Ct., is dead. She was 81 years old. Only one of the sisters (Julia) is now living. There were üve of them, aud all were active io temporáneo and anti-slavery work. The most notablo f eaturo in the history of Abby has Been hor resistance to tho payment of taxos on theground of non-representation. THE WEST. East St. Louis, 111., was the scène of two violent disturbauces on the 23d of July. In tho forenoou a e.inguinary riot camo noar being precipitated on account of an attempt, on tho part of a railroad company, to lay a track tbrough tho town. A bcdy of citizeus, headed by Mayor Bowman, attacked the werking party, and. after somo fighting, in wLich no one was aeriously hurt, drove them off, heaped up the ües that were to be used in laying down tho track, tatoratcd them with coaloil, applied a match, and reduced them to aehes. In tho afternoon there was a froh outbreak of tho old feud between the Wilder and Bowman faetions, during which over a hmulred thots were fired, and Feveral persons woundeel. It i said wbidt; had a good deal to do with the origin of the latter disturbance. Reports from Iudian sources say that Sitting Buil lately visited the Sioux at Standing Rock agency, and romained there in disguise several days. It is addod that eight different banda of Sioux are pledged to join in a general war whenever tho tignal is givoi), the bands now in Canada coming over to open the Lall The discovery of rich placer deposite in the Rold-bearing streams of Arizona is turning a lively tide of immigration to that promising Territory. Chicago was visited by a terriüc rainstorm a few nights ago, which flooded the basements and cellars of many building, damagicg property to the amount of $50,000. Advices from Oregon report that the hostile BanncckB and Piutes have separated. Tbc former are fleeing the country, while the latter are making for their agency. A San Francisco dispatch enys : ' ' They are dismissiug the volunteers in Oregon, except Sperrj's company, at Pendletcn. The war is considere! over, though there may bo one fight before tho Jndians reach the reservation." Intelligence bas beei receirid at Yankton, Dakot, from the Mennonitc Sfcttlement, forty miles north of there, of a cloud-burst in that región, by which a large porticn of tho country was submergec and seven persons drowned. The est brauch of the Ycrinillin river, ordinarüy about two rods wide, was filled to a width of over a milc and a depth of from ten to thirty feet. Much destruction of property is reported. THE SOUTH. WiisoN Howchins. livÍDg rear JFluvanna Court Honse, Ya.,mnrdcredhiswife mother-in-law and one child, and then him nelf. A pon 7 years old, who saw bis father at tack the mother, took the baby out of the oradle and fled to a place of safety. Ddbing an effray iu the streets o Nashville, Tenn., between Samuel Hicks and Edwin, Nathaniel, Jere and Jones Baxter, son f Judge Natbaniel Baxter, Democratie nomi nee for re-election as Judge of the Circuit Court, Eicks and Jones Baxter were fatall; shot and the other two Baxters slightly wounded Yellow fevtr bas made its appearance in New Orleans in an extremely virulent form. At a picnio in Lewis county, Ky., Thomas and William Blankenshipwerestabbed to dtath by Daniel and Joseph Morgan. In the melee ten or fifteen persons were wounded. A dispatch from Foi t Clark says : "Mexicana from Las Vacas. Mexico, fired fifty hots into the town of San Felipe, Texas, inretaüation for having been pursuc d the day before by Capt. Kelley, United States army, who took from them some stolen stock. Great excitemeni prevails. Parson Potter, of frontier fame, shot arjdwouaded aGreaser while in the act of etealing bis borfes. Escobedo is condemned to be' shot, hut it don't give peace on the border. ' THE PRESIDENTIAI, INVESTIGAT1ON. Tho Potter pub-conimittee, consistitg of Bepresentatives Potter, Butler, Hiscock, and Springer, met at Atlantic City, N. Y., on the 23d of July. Representativo Danford, of Ohio, was the first witness examined. Ho tcstified that he was a member of the Morrison eommittce that visited New Orleans, and there met James E. Anderson aud talked to him about East Feliciana; Anderson said it was the worst bulldozed parish in tho State, and related how be had been shot at one night by concealed assassins. He spoke of having put in circulatiqn tho stcry that duiing the per'iod of registration he carne to New Orleans and informed the Republican committer, including Gov. Kellogg, that his parish was going Democratie, the colored voto being Isrgely on that side, and that ho had been advised by Kellogg and the Ropublican conimittee that ho should either not return to the parish at all or come away and rnake euch a protest as would throw the parish out. He said he had put tho story in circnlation in the hope that tbe Democratie committeo would make him an offer of mouey, and when hy tbe offer of money ho bad them good and fast he would exposé the autbors and blow them sky-high. The witness did not hear Anderson question the truth of tbe protest. Ho. WtltjIAM D. Kellky, of Pennsylvania, testified before the cemmittee on July 24. Said he visited New Orleans to witness the Beturning Board count at the request of President Grant. A committee of distinguished Democrats proposed to the Republican "visiting statetmen" tbat the two bodies of vieitors organize and particípate in the business of the ReturniDg Board, but the Republicana declined, on the ground that they were thee as private citizens, with no official power. Witness said lie never heard any couversation airong the Republican committee involving an interference with tho official duties of tbe Retnrning Board; never hcard of any suggestion to manipúlate the parishes, nor tbat aflidavits were signed uith fictitious names Cortlandt Parker, of New Jersey, was the next witnesp. Ho tesfifled thst ho visited New Orleans solely at the request of Pre sdent Grant. He did nor, whilo in Louisiana, hear doubt s ihrown on the protest made by Anderson as to East Feliciana, or that it was interlioed, or tbat Anderson wisbed to withdraw it Representativo Eugcne Hale, of Maine, testified that all the Republican vieitorn maintaiued the position that they should be carefnl to abstain from any attempted infiucnc,9 on the Returning Board. Witness thought if Hayes was elected Presideiit, Packard was elected Governor of Louisiana.... Ex-Congresfman J. Hale Sypher, of Louisiana, teetified that ho was in New Orleans duriiig the sittings of the Returning Board, ard tbathe wa shown by Weber the alleged Shfrman letter to Weber and Anderson, and had no doubt of its genuineness. WitneRB did not rfad it carefully, and ctuld not swoar positively ither as to the handwriting or the substsreo of the documert, hut believed tbe copy that has been printed is correct Secretary Sherman was called to the stand, aud testified that he went to New Orleans at the solicitation of President Grant. On his way he ttopped at Columbus and saw Gov. Hayes. Baid bis conversation with Haycn ■ general about the election, all Ihen being in the dark. The c xamination of Secretary Sherman was resumed on the 25th. The witness Btated that, whilo in New Orleaua, ho was never, privately or alone, with any member of the Returnicj, Board ; that he treated the niembcr tl e samo as he would havo treated any other court or tribunal bofore which he ap peared as a witnest or advocate. He denied emphatically the truth of the tfstimony of James E. Anderson and E. L. Weber, and certain conversationg alleged to havo taken place between them and him (Sbeiman): fa d he never suggested to thufe men payment for any services that thty might reDder in connection with the Returning Board, or iu any other way, nor was any promiso of roward ov n intimatcd. In regard to the cclebrated "Shfrnan letter" to Anderson and Weber, the Secretary asetrted positively that he did not write if, although "there were things in it that he would have written to these or any other nion who wero encaged in the performance if their duty." In reply to a question, Mr. Shern: in said that whüe in New Orleans ho wrote a letter to Mr. Hayes, in which he faid: Tho iictioM of the RrtiirrtiDR lïoard bas thiiB far been opi-n itid fair, and only coüflriiie ihe e'iieral r Kult ae known before. We are now coketiug t-tt inony as to the bulldozed parichop. Il Bef mi more like a history of heil tlian of ctvlUzcd and Chrislian commnniticp. The meanl adoptad are aimost incredible, bnt were fearfutly cft'octive upon the ignorint and suprrstitious peopie. Thatyou would have recrivf-d. at a fair election, a lar(íe majonty in Ix)uÍHiina, no hoiioet man can question ; tbat yon did not rrcr ivo a roajority is eqnaily clear; Int that inliruidatfon of every kind and rjuturn provided again&t by LotiiRiana law did eLter into and control tho eifction in moro eiectin polls than would chance the ret uit and give jou (lie vote, I beheveas nrmlyas I write this. The truih is palyaüle that you uht to have the vote of Loiiisianu, Mld wp ijelieve tbat yoi) wtll hvc It by n honest md fnir retnrn accorSinK lo the letter and spirit of hc law of I .tiiiisi:;!-;.. Very truly yoars. J( BH PHEBMAN. Tbis letter was dated Nov. 23, 1876, and on Sov. 27 Qov. Hayos responded as f ollows : I .-uu ftreatly obliffed for your letter of the 23d. l'ou Jee!, I am snre, ae I do about thie wholo busiíesí. A fair Glection would h&Yfl giveu us about orty electora] rotes at the South - at least that ïuauy - but ive are rtct to allow our friendg to t' cUul ono outrago and iranil byjRnotllcr. Therè ninst be iotïimn "crooked" on our mrt. Iet Mr Tilden iave the place by violoiice, intEnlidation and frnucl ratberthan nndertako lo prevent it by raeans tl; it will not bear the pevrrPHt scrutiny. I appreciate he work doing by the Republicana who havo gone Soulh, and am cppccially proud to acknowlcdgr Ilic loïiorable conduct of thosft men froni Ohio. The D moerats made a nalstake in sendlng so many exLtr publicaná. New couverts are proverbially bittor and HDfair toward those they have recrntly lef t. R. B. Hayes. The witnoss was interrogatod by Oen. Butler in regard to the part he and the President played in the appointment of certain Louisiana Repnbltoans to orneo. The Secretary replied : " Yon treijch on delicate ground. 1 ought not to teil you what tho President said to me, or what I said to tho President." Gen. Butler - "I don't ask you for Cabinet secreta, Lmt I have come to the conclusión Ihat there oughl to be no secret in a free Government." Tho Secretary- "I will givoyou Iho exact faets when we reach Washington." Gen. James A. Garfield was the next mtneai examined, but nothing of ituportance was elicitcd. He was qnestioned at length as to the testimony of E. L. Weber, denying the general statements of the witness in regard to evento in Louimana in connection wilh the visitiug Republicans. Many of his statements were utterly inconsistent with truth. Ex-CONORESSMAN J. HaTjE SïrHEB was again before tho ommittee on the 2fltb. The witnoss said that, to the best of his reoollection, he thought tnat when Wobor showed bim tho Bberman letter it was in tho handwriting of John Sbermun, and was, therefore, genuino. Mr. Potter atked whether the allegations of fraud and intirridation wero not mide after the electioa, and the witness replied aflirniatively. The charges of intirnidatiou were mado by tho Uepublicans in the parishes where thcir vote had fallen off. Mr Iliscock asked whetber the Demócrata sought toconciliato the coloree! peopie to voto their ticket. A. - Yes, in various wayp. They did as you do in New York - buy voterp. They were very alftctionate to (hem. The Democrats organized a tinification movemeut, for tho purposo of givitig negroes equalities with the whites in the street-cars atid in the public schools, outstripping ns and beatiDg us a little Ex-Congreseman Frank Mcrey, of Ijouisiana, was the next witness. Was one of the Republican counsel before the Ilelurning Buard. Said the f act of intimidation in the bulldozed parishes was col dlepnted. From personal inspection, was s.itistied Eliza Pinkston had been dangerously woimded. She was carried into the room of the lleturning Board on a sofa. The impression prevailed that this exhibition would have a good effect, and his own impressiou was it wov.ld to an excellent thing to do in f urthorance of tLe cause. Witnss said on the face of the ictuins Nicholls aiid tbc Tilden o!3tors had the majority ; that the Beturning Board threw out enough votes to elect Packard, and after thia threw out 1,512 votes to elect the Hajcs elector. This comistión of thirgs was discussed by prominent politicians, the visiting statesmen and the Bepubliean counsel. Witness made somo figuriug ae to what resulta woulc be produced if cerlam parish returns wero thrown out. The result of the calculation was pent to Florida so as lo come to tho knowledge of the Florida oflicials. Ex-Conoressman Morey was calloí before the committee sgaia on July 27. The witness said that he had one or two interviews with the President, at great length, durinf whicli thewitnes8 argued that the ithdrawa of troops from Now Orleaus and not mainttiming the Packard Government would bo the destruction of tho Eepublican party in the Bouth. The President took the position that the Bepublican party could no 'orjgcr retain that policy which had lost New York to the Republicans, and the party had bc come weaker in consf quenco, therefore the gcod of the Bepublican party demanded change. The President treattd tbe subject as of national coccern .... Ex-Senator Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, was thenextniiness. He tentifkd that he visited Now Oileans at the invitation of Mr. Hewitt, to witntss the count of the BctUTiiing Board, in company with other gentlemen similarly invited. The visitors were not present when the t oard rttired for dcliberalion ; they did not seo the compilation of Ihe returns by which the board arrived at reernlte, nor did he know whether any ailidaits ]resEiited to the board were read at all. 91Ü8 closfd the sittings of the committee at Atlantic City. E Gov. John M. Palmeb, who was Chairrcan of the Democratie Vifiling Commit. tce at New Orleana during the Beturning Board count, testifled 'boforo the Potter committeo at New York on July 29. Witness found from statements of Louisiana colorcd men that msny of the parishes had been diaturbed. Their echool money had been used up, and the Democratie politicians had made many promites to teem to vote the Democratie ticket. The Demccrats had made extiaordinsry (fforts to capture the colcred vote. Witness had a conference with Gen. Garfield, in which he urged the coalition of tbe two delegations so as to lay the facts beforo the country. The plau of tho board was to lay aside all ditputed parishes and take up tho undispntcd ones. Ou the 28th of November witaess abked the board when Ihe returns from any parit-n wei e pol'ei that he be giveii the result, but they wouid not do o uutil they were completed. Witnes atked permission of GeD. Wells to enter the compiJ room. Witness thought some Eepublicans had secess to that room. He thoi'gathesawMr. Hale coming out of tbere. If witness was asked if the election in Louibiana was fair, he .rould say not. The sense of the peopie there w&s that Tilden and Nicholls were elected. He said to Gov. Wells and Gen. Anderson that the Tilden electors were chocen, but that thoy might, on a fair conRidiration of the question, come to a different c i clusion, but tnat tbis conclnsion should be firrived at in evidenco that could be cleaily put before the public The committee then adjourned until the 12th of August. WASHINGTON. It is stateil from WashiDgton that the Postoflice Dopartment has virtually acceded to the requost of Secrotary ghermau to undertake the transportaron of gold coin for the Government. It will be necessary to put up tlie gold in four-pound packages avoirdupois, which will, therefore contain about $1,000, tho postage upon which, at third-class mail rates, will be C4 cents. The present express charges aro in the neighborhood of t5 per $1,000. The Commissioner of Agriculture has appointed Prof. Low, of Ithaca, N. Y. ; Prof. H. J. Detmars, of Chicago ; Dr. Dyer, of Ottawa, 111 ; Dr. J. W. Vojles, of New Albany, Ind. , Dr. Albert Dunlap, of Iowa City. Jowi ; Dr. 1 1 ii s. of Kansas ; and Dr. Saliiion, of Ashville, N. C, as examicers to investígate the origin of, and devise a remedyfor, the nog cholera. Some -workingmen engagecl in excavatiug for tho foundation of the Bureau of Engraving, at 75 cents a day, were driven off by a party of labarers, a few days ago. A Washington dispatch says : " The Mexiean question has been the chief topic discuseed by the Pretidont and Cabinet during the past few weeks, and it is gravely statcd by persons who pretend to know what is goinfr op, and who are iuterested in frontier affairs, that a war with the sister republic is teriouyly contemplated." A vory dangerous $100 connterfèit noto on the Pittsñeld National Bank, PitUfield, Mass., has just been difcovered by the National Bank Bedemption División of th Troasuiy Department. POLI TI CAI. The Republican State Central Comcnittces of Alabama, Arkansas, and North Carolina havo met and formally resolved that it is inexpedient to nominaie State tickets at the prosent titro In the Texas Democratie CouvoLtiou, wbich met at Anstin, there weie 1,500 delegues, and it rcqnirtd a two-tlirds vote to nomínate. T hc re were two proniineu: caudiilates before the convention for Goveruor - Hubbard and Tbrockmortoii. A fier billoting for nearly a wfí'k vithíll4L t ífecting a nomination, a compromise was lTecti:d and the "dark horeo" canre in, in the hhape of P. M. Itobertí", Chief Jastico of the Stito Supremo Court, who wan chofen by acclamation . . . .The Stato Conveiition ( f tho National Greciiback party of Ohio wss held at Colnmbus, Ohio, on tl;o 23 J of July, about 250 delegates being present. Bobert Shilling, of Cleveland, presided. The following State ticket was nomiuated : Suretary of State, Andrew Itoy, Jackson county; Jadge "f the üupremu Court, Chilton A. Whi e, Brown couuty; member of the Boardof Public Works,J. K. Fallis, Lucas county. Ex-Attorney GenbraIí Williajis, in an interview with a New York reporter the othcr day, expressed the opinión that Gen. Grant would be renominated for President by the Bepublicans Tho Natiouals, of New York, ho)d their Btate Convention at Syracuse Juy 28-4. Tho convention was larg ly attended. (üdeon J. Tucker was nominated for Judge of the Court of Appeals. GENEKAI.. Miunee Waiu-.en, the well-known dwrrf, is no more. Ihe little thing died in cnild-birth, at Fall Biver, Mas The Navy Department at Washington bas rocontly roceived a communication. from which it appearn that 5)r. Ji mes Gordon Bcnnett contcmplates a doublo oxpodition to the North pole, one vessel going by way of Behring's traits, end another by way of Hpitzbergen. He han been in consultation with Petennan, he greal Oorman geographer, and other Arctic experts abroad, and now proposos to fit lia well-lmown yacht, the Dauntless, for au Arctio expeditioii, putting in her an auxiliary engino, ecrew, and otherwise making her compete for au oxpedition by way of Hpitzborgon. L'ho Jeannette is on her way to San Francisco and will pas through Behring'a straitu early icxt year. The owner will spend not lees than tl20,000 on the Jeaunetto expedition Advices from Mexico report tho capturo of Gen. iscobodo by Diaz troops An Aracri can echooner recoutly encouutered a Japar.eee junk, loaded with corpuea, about 100 miles north of San Frauclíco. Not a living soul was on board. The junk had evidently lrifted from Japaneee waters- the voyagera, eome of whom were dressed in rich cluthiiig, Ij ing oí starvation .... The Comniissiouor of Agriculture at Washington reporte that the woolclipof 1878 is about 3 per cour. groater than that of last year. A lettek from Wilkesbarre, Pa,, to ;he New York Tribune eays preparations aro being niado for a 8iniultauooui strike a!l over ;ho oountry- ou tlio railroads, at the rm'Dcs, nnd m many of tho largost manuf acturiug es:ablishments. The 15th of August is the day agreed upon, according to tho Tribune correspondent, for tho inauguration of tho strike A shocking tragedy was enacted near tho vilage of Rookford, Canada, a few days ago. A yonng man named James Smith murdered his tather and sinter by clubbing them with a wooden pump handlc. and thon committcd suifiiii; by banking himsolf Intolligenee has been réceived of tho loss of the bark Palestino, of Baltimoro, near Albaco, West Indie?. There were ton persons on board, all of whom were drowned. A society calling itself " The Gran il National Clan of Knightsof Labor," vrhich has beon in session in Philadelphia, claims a membership of 874,000. California has MI. 000; Pennnylvania. 98,000; Indiana, 73,000; Ohio, 64,000; Ncrth Carolina, 62,000; Now York, 49,000; Colorado, 6,000, etc. The recent turf meeting at Cleveland, Ohio, witneesed a rcmarkablo racing event. The celebrated horse Rarus trotted three ïnile heats, without a fkipor a break, in2:14a, 2:15 and 2:14. Tbe race was the fabteet three consecutivo heats on record, bealing Goldsmith Haid's 2:16, 2:15. 2:15 at Buffalo, in 1876. by 2% eeconds. Thiin Rarns has in qne race ïowered tho record for a first heat, third heat and three consecutivo hoats. FOKKIGN. The betrotbal of the Duke of Connaught, Qaeen Victoria'u third son, with the Princoss Marie Louise of Prussia, daughter of Prince Frederick Charles, hae been officially announced in the British Parliamcnt Capt. Bogardus ha again defeated Capt. Pennell, ihe Euglish pigeon-shot, in a match for f1,000 a side. The Turks have evacuated aud the RussianB occupied tho fortrees of Shumla A London dispatch announces the death oi Sir Hastings Reginald Yelverton, Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom. The British Embassy at Constantmoplo has receivcd official reports of the continued wanton destruction of Musfulman life anc property, in tlie Phillipopolis district, by the Bulgarians and Russians Fourteen cbi'ldron aud three teachers were lately drowned by the capsizing of a boat on "the river Black water, near the town of Bailieborough, Irc land The seesion of the Woman'ii-liights Congress oponed at Paris ou the 26th of July. M. Martin, MuniciDal Coiuisolor of Paris, and Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, of Boston, were electcd Presidenta of the Congreas. At a banquet giveii in London last week to Lorde Beaconsfield and Salisbury, the former, replying to a toast, awarded Lord Salisbury the greater share of merit in the labore at Berlín. He brought back from Beilin the conviction th&t neither the Crimean nor the last war would ever have occurred if England had spoken out firmly. RtpoUing the assertion of llr. Gladstone that the Turkish couvention was an insano convention, Lord BeacODbfield spoke of Mr. Gladstoue as a sophiatical rhetorician, inebrialod with the exuberacco of his own verboaity and ogotistical imagination London bas jusl had a most prilliant wedding, the contracting parties being 8ir Arthur Paget and Miss Miunio Stevens, of New York The Marquis of Lome, Queen Victoria's son-in-law, will suc;eed Lord Duffe; iu aa Governor General of Canada. . . . A bale of cotton, entertd by tho Memphis Cotton Exchange, has been awarded the ürst premium at the Paris Expositiou. The Auetriaaa croseed the Bosnian frontier with a powerful army, on tho 29th of July, meeting with no opponition. With this movement the pacifloatiou and regonoration of that disti acted country will f airly eoinnience.


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