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Maj. E. A. Burke was the last witness examincd at New Orleaus by the Potter committee. Bnrke teBtified that he was sent to Washington in January, 1877, by Gov. Nicholls, to represent the iuterests of tho Nioholls Government. His insiructions wero to represent to the President the state of affairs in Louisiana in the interest of the said Government, and to keep Nicholls posted in regard to matters transpii-ing at Washington. The witness produced a number of telegrams to Nicholls showing the state of affairs ut Washington, and then the following : WOBMLÏï's, Feb. 17. E. A. Burke, Esq.: Mt Dkak Sib : In answer to yonr noto of this morniHg I beg to say that I sec no objection to your couierriBg with Hon. Bandall Gibson on the subject dieciused between s. Very truly, 8TANLET MATTIIEW3. u.he witness thon read tho following : WiLLtBD's, Washington, Fob. 18 1877 Hon. stanh y Matthews : My Deab Sib: In accordance with your request I called several times to tubmit a Mnieni"oí the pointe whicb, if under6tood, would doubtlets aid in the solution of our State affairs. Tho notes indorsed represent the policy and detennination of the NjchoLs Government. Ab to the quostion heretoiore discuestd, every member of the G.-verument and our people arepledged to the faithful carryinfi out of the sanie in caae the NlchollR Government Bhonld be acquiceccd Jn. Should the only government in the State which oommandK tho respect and BUüport of tbe poople bo overtiirown, of course Öov. Nicholls' power to preservo peaco or order ceases, and the possibility of rtmitting the State to anarchy and cach parlsh thereof to tho control of local lactions inuBt rest elsewhere. Iïeapectfully yours, E. A. Bcbke. The following telegram was then read [Confldential.] Washington, Feb. 26, 1877. To Gov. F. T. NichoUs : We havo been one week organizing a forcé to compel guarantce securing your Governnicnt. We had a conference to-day and to nightwith Sherman, MaltJiews, Denoiaon, Garflold and Foster. We ansure pcace, order, protjetion of law to white and black, no persecutiou for past politica! conduct, and no iminuuity for criiue. Oq the other hftud thfy agree by a gradual procees to adopt siich methode M wijl reduit in your fuïl posjes&ion of the Government of the State by the withdrawal of the troops aud non-interference. As to lbo Setate it is po cioee and party lines are go tightly drawn that our frieode believo that if Kellogg and a Democrat preeent eredentials on the 4th of March ihöre Is reat dangcr of Kellogg being pcated. Couid we agree aa a part of luis arrangement to Iet the longterm St-natorship remaiu now and ca)l an extra Benpion about the loth of March to elcct the sbort-tc m Senator, deferrini; the lonu-teru Senator until the ( xtra setHion couïd el eet 1 Our lt-auiug Si-uators aRSurc UB thu Kellogg's admiss'on can be prevonted until the extra oension of our Legislature can eiect. Tbis arraugemeut would not Dreveut the immediate election of Lustls as the short-term Senator. There may be favorable action immediflttly, Gibson is Blek. E. A. BüBxn, John Eliis. Wh. L. I.ktv. The witness said he visited the House of Kepresentatives and Mr. Ellis there stated to him that he had recoived a letter fn;m Lamar, stating that ftlfttthews, Foster, and friends of H&yes had mudo a ttalcmeut in regard to what they believcd to be Uayes' views ou tho Southern qnextion, and what wonld be hi course towui'4 i'aokard. Ho (Kllie) (hoiifjlit it necesary to go to Oolumbus, Ohio, with a view to verify the tattment that had been miuk'. Elliit ötiited that he had oommuuicated tiic mbstance of the statement to Gov. Nicholls, and ha 3 telegraphed to Hayen, nsking if ho had been f tirly represented by thoso claümng to be }iíb friends. The witness disagrecd with EUÍ3 and telegraphed to N;cholls, stating that the ultímate solution of tho Louihiana question to the bonefic of hi (Nicholls') Government reBted more with the stroug, powerftil leaders of the ltepubücau party than with Hayes. The witness then suggested a conferenco of gentlemen who feit that they represent! d the views of Mr. Hayes with thope representing Lonisiana, so that thcro should be no miutuiderotanding, and, on this snggestion, the conference at Wormley'd Hotel waB held the ïiext night, the 2fith of February. There woro present in this conference Mestrs. Mstthews, Garik-Id, Fostor, 8hermau, Goorge Carter, Lcvy, Ellis and the yv'itness, and, as thero waB no poison actively represeuting Houth Carolina, they iuvited Mr. Wattersou, of Kentucky, to be present in tho interectsof that 8tate. The conferonce was hel i in Mr. Evarts' room, but that gentleman was not present. Tho condition of affairs in Louisi&na whb thoroughly discussed. Tho Loiiisiana representaUves read a statement of the policy t f tho Nicholls Governmeiit. Upon the other hand, the moet positive assuracces were given by Matthews, ShermaD, Garfield and FosUsr, neither of whom, hoivever, stated that he was authorized by Hayes to spcak, but thoy spoko from their knov.ledge of his views, from their past associations and from the fact that they were con versant with his views upon thatquestion. They aBsumed to guarantce tbat tho poMcy indicated in the dispatcb authorized ly President Grant would be carried om by Mr. Hayes. A number of dispatebea iwe here read, in eferenco to the guárantela of the protection of law to white and black in Louisiaua, aud the niderstaudiug that uo Sunator be elected for ho long term until the extra eession. Then ho followiag telegrama werc road : Washinoton, D. C, Fob. 27, 1877, In an interview with the President this morning, n the courpe f a couvcriation on tbe subject of jDiiisiiiitji affairs, he cttatect to mo that as Roon as Presidontial eoimt was ihmhed, and tho reeult rfflctally declared. it was liis intantion to notify Gen. Augur tbat 1he military orticrs istued for tbe ïurpo.HO of preserving tbe status quoof tho politici lituatiou woro rescinded, ( xcept uo far fts to simply ■pquire the uto of the troops when neceBsary for .bo prrsoi vaüoii of iho public pcace. He authorized mo to coniuinnicate tbie deularation to Mr. KIHh, of he Iouifiiana dclcgation. Stanley Matthíws. a ti-ue oopy : Wm. L. Levy, . E. A. BURKE. Washington, March 1, 1877. Gov. Nichoixs : We havo authorizïd tho ntatement of the Presiden t concernlng lüiJtary orders in writltitf and conflrnied by tbe President to be Hcnt to four different part;es. WO have the guaranters of Sheiman, Dennison, TattbewH, and Fot-tcr ropreonting the views of (iiv. IlayrB conllrniiug tho niatters euhiuítted to the oauijUB with the action of the caunus coniraittnd ;o writing, copies íxchanftod and satiBfactory, aud written jssuranceft froni ÜaycH that he ík correctly representod by hia frijnde berp, Foster and M.iitlu'Vi s, froiii whoju wo have 'writtén giiarantfCB. E. A. Burke, IÍ J. ErLIH, WlLLlAM M. LEW. Nrw Obt-kns, La., March 1, 1877. E, A. Burlre, AVaehington : Fuily nnderstood. No c-Ioction of Senators until the lüih. F. T. Nicholls. [Oonfidential.] Washington, D. O., March 3, 1677. F. T. Nlchoilfl, New Orleans : Gen. Sberuian, in converfiation, paid: Jf Teil NichoUb for ïüe, go slow," txplaining that Hayes would havo ftreat difllculliCH to overeóme, but that your luattcrs apieared to be working in the riftht direction. Gen. Shernian Baid tbat Augur wonld not interfere wilb the extcution of the procesa of courts. E. A. Btjrkk. Washington, March 4, 1877. Gov. Hicho'ls, New Or.eane: Wc have had an interview with President Haycp. He aesures un tiiat bÍB poiicy will be concüiatory, aud rf questa tbat opportuuity be allowed bim to remove the tlifficully and prepare the way. He aeenis anxious and earneet iü the projier directlon. K.T. Giuson. E. A. Bueke.


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