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Theodosia Burr

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[From Col. Whecler's Address Before the North CaroJiüa HJBtcrical Society.} The beauty and accomplishmenta, as well as the social position of Theodosia Burr Altton, her eventiul life and her premature and tragic death, have thrown around her uamo a spell of romance and sjmpathy which recent eventa have grently enhanced. After her marriage in New York (in Jannary, 1801), at the age of 18, she acoompanied her ünsband to South Carolina, where she residid for severnl years, interrupted by occasional visita to the home of her father. Her last voyage commenced in December, 1812, when, with iuipaired health. at the request of both her husband (at tuis time tke Governor of South Carolina) and her father, she embarked from Charleston for New York in a small pilot-boat veseel, called the Patriot. Prora that day she has never been heard from. By niany it was conjectured that the vessel had foundered in a gale of wind at sea and all had perished. By others it has been stated that the vessel was captured hy piratos, and all on board mnrdered. Similar statements have appeared in the public prints, and a painful obscurity resta upon the fate of chis unfortunate and lovely lady. But a recent discovery has been made iu our State which dissipates this obsenrity and makes certain the modo of her untimely end. A few nionths ago the late Prof. Pool showed me an exquiaite photograph of the originpl painting of Theodosia Burr. nowin possession of hisbrother, Dr. W. G. Pcol, who now residt s near Elizabeth City, of which he gave the following accounï: "Dr. Pool is a nativo and resident near Elizabeth City, in Eastern North Caolina. Some eight orten years since he visited, in his professional capacity, a family near Cape Hatteras, and, althongli they were in moderate circumstances, he observed hanging on the wall an exquisite oil-painting of a beautifnl woniiin. On icquiiy he discovered that this had been found, with some other articlcs, by the man of the houae (now about 80 years of age), when a youth, on a vessel that had been wrecked near Cape Hatteras in a furious storm that occurred in the winter of 1812 or 1813. The vessel was a small one, and all on board were drowned." This picture was presented to Dr. Pool, and from this the photograph was taken. This settles beyond all question the manner of ihe death of the loved and lost Theodosia. It was near that dreaded Cape HatteraB - bo of ten before and since the death place of the f earless and the gallant - vnttx the wild foam of the Atlantic for her winding sheet and the flerce north wind for her requiem, did this gentle spirit wing its flight to another world.


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