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- Charles Kitson and Lawrence Hoban have goue to the " old country." - That case of assault and battery against Frederick Stolsteimer has been settled. - On Monday last the T. & A. A. E. received its first oar load of wheat for Toledo. - James O. liash, of Ann Arbor towQ, has lost a span of horses : either stolen or strayed. - Latest advices from Corunna give' some encouragement that Judge Kingsley will recover. - Prof. Watson has returned from Wyoming full in the faith that he saw Leverrier's Y alean. - The school coniiected with Zion Church (Germán) ïndulged in a picnic on Wednesday nlternoon. - Oeo. W. Cook has been appointed special policeman at the T. & A. A. K. depot, to serve without coat to the city. - Tho Battle Creek sharpshootists will take part in the schuetzenfest to be held in this city on Monday.and Tuesday next. - A new tin root is to be put on Firemeu's Hall, under the supervisión ot Aldermen Hutgel, McDonald, and 'fremain. - To-day Jerry Ivylie and James Carroll are to be examined befoie Justice Uranger on a charge of breaking into a building at Belief l'ark. - On Tuesday afternoon Frank Fay, of Scio, had a foot taken off by a threshiug machine at work on the farm of Daniel Seyler, of Lodi. - Lieut. Charles H. Ludlow has been elected Financial Secretary of Compauy A, vice Wn. A. Hatch whoae term of enlistment bas espired. - Miss Bertha Baur, of Ann Arbor town, a gradúate of our High School, has gone to Cincinnati, Ohio, as teacher in an ürphan Asylum. - G. W. Halford, 01 the Toledo Sunday Journal, aïso conaected with the American Mercantile Agency, was in the city the first of the week. - Miss Hattie M. Swathei, of thia city, was ailvertised in the Manchester Enterprise to give readings in thar village on Friday evening, August 2. - C K. Backus, ma Daging editor of the Detroit Post and Tribune, with hls wife and boy, speut last yumtïiy at the residente of hls father in this city. - Adam PfeiSe, siloun-koeper near the depot, has been convtctod in Justitie Grauer's court of violating the Kunday ordinance, and tiued $10 and coats. - Company A ia arraaging to give an excursión to Toledo and Put-in-Bay some day next week, probably on Thursday. lt is safe to uarantee a good time. - V. E. Walker has completad the hrick culvert at the juuotion ot Liberty and Second 3tieeta, and tlie Counoil has allowed lus bill ïor the same at $419.72. - 14 arrests iu July : disorderly conduct, 2; druuk aud diaorderly, 4 ; vagrancy, 5 ; violation of tlie Suuday oidiuance, 1 ; violatiou of the Sunday ordinance, 2. - In conversation with two farmers of Salem a day or twu they expressed great confiücnce that the wheat erop of that town would average trom 27 to 30 bushels per acre. - Manchester Enterprise : "Peter Weinette tlireshed thirty acres of wheat for Mark Dewey, on Friday last, which yielded 4Ü busiiels to the acre. Who can beat that f" - Hsury Fleming, son of Patrick Fleming, of Dexter, reoeutly lost a part of the third ringer of his lelt hand. Got it caught in the cog wheels oï a reapor he was helping to move. - Mrs. E. J. Bliss, whose house on Washtenaw avenue the Añoras Iaat week repurted burgtarized, has rotumed home, made au ex:iuiinatlont and miases nothing but two nupkiu riugs. - Fiütsen citizens have petitioned the Council tur a lamp at the corner ot Washington and Second streets. A lamp 13 also asked for at the corner ui Washington aud Ingalls streeta - The Uompany A boys came out a little bühiuil in that shoot at Jacksou. Their score was 84. The Tecumseh boys took the prize rifle on a score of 123. The Ypsilantians scored 102. - The next meeting of the Washtenaw Couuty Pomological Society vvill be held at Firemen's Hall, in this city, Tueaday, Aug. 1'. The topic of discussion will be : " The Apple and its Uultivatiou." --Samuel G. Adams, an old resident of Dexter, died at the residence of Horace Lathrop, near the toll gate on South Main street in this city, on August 1, aged 62 years. Congestión of the lungs. - Francis Stofflet, late publisher of the Times, a daily and after that a semi-weekly advertising sheet of this city, has struck a richer lead : a school at Monee, III., with a sulary ot $70 a iuouth. - üeorge P. Brown, late Superintendent of Public Schools at Indiauapolis, lud., and uow eugaged in the book trade at Toledo, ha9 reuted the residence of Seth Thompson, on División street, and will lócate his family herf. - At Dexter July 28, in Justice Fage's court, Johu N. Priester plead guilty to a charge of sellmg iiquor on Sunday and wa3 Bnsd 126 and costs, or 34.29. Which will mutenally reduce the profita of that day's business. - Manchester Ent$rpriw : "W. B. Osborn, of Sharon, thinks he has the ' boss ' flock of aheep. He info'rms us that the 170 averaged ten pounds each of washed wool. He received '28 cents a pound tor the wool and is happy. - üexter Leader : " Joseph Condón, well knowu in thia village, was busy threshiug on VV'ednesday (July 31j. In the evening he complained of not feeling very well and retired oarly. He died about one o'clock Thursday morniug. - On Weduesday mornm,,' Watson Gesr, of Superior burst a blood vessel on his right leg uear the ankle, in the vicinity of a chronic sore, and betore he could reach his physician, seven miles away, carne near bleeding to Seath. - Iu Justice Granger's court on Monday a jury rendered a verdict of guilty against Daniel Maroney, of Northtield, a man over 50 years old, charged with an iudecent assault upon a little girl 10 years old. Fined $60 and oosts, and an appeal takeu. - We Siiw a farmer in town a day or two ugo who coraplained that he hadn't room to store his grain, and must either enlarge his storage or sell hls wheat before he could bin liis oats. And that farmer is uot alone. With such a erop to sell, even at 90e. or 'Jöc. a buslel the average farmer of Washtenaw County ia better off than the middle man or the mechauio. - On Friday last the delegates from tliis city to the Democratie Congressional Convention at Adrián went by the T. & A. A. and M. S. Riilroads, spent nearly n've hours in Adrián and returned the sume day, reaching home about 7 p. m. If an arrangement of timetables could make thut possible every day Ann Arbor and Adrián could affard to be neighborly. - Judging from the number of houses reported entered and searched by burglars, with "nothing missing," one would be led to suppoM that the marauders are either very paiticular, are practicing, or are idiots bent on misohiei instead uf plunder. In one instance a paisley shawl, a black lace shawl, a fine Slik dress, solid silver spoons, and other valuables were left untouched, and the only articles missed were two napkin rings and a lady's pin. In other houses family clething und stores have been overhauled and left. - The annual harvest picnic of the Sharon farmere is to be held in the grove of David G. Rosa on Wednesday next, August 14. The address will be given by Hon. S. H. Row, of Lansing, a Sharoner born, and Pixley and Grannis are expected to furnish the music. - The go and return faro from the several stations in this county on the M. C. B. B. for tho State fair to be held in Detroit Sept. 16- 20 is as follows : From Ypsilanti, 90c ; Geddes, SI. 00 ; Ann Arbor $1.15 ; Foster's, $1.20 ; Delhi Mills, SI. 30; Scio, $1.86; Dexter, f 1.40; and Cholsea, $1.05. - Ou Friday last Newton Felch, ot the Fifth ward, recoived a letter saying that his son Leroy was in the hospital at Ludington, Pa., having had the left limb so injured by a railroad accident as to rnake amputation necessary, and his recovery doubtful. Mr. Felch immediately went to Ludington, but his son died before his arrival. He returned home on Friday with his remains. - A man giving his name as Wilson, and j claiming to be takiug orders for enlarging and coloring photographs, tood board a few days ago with J. M. Cole, on Fifth street, stayed from Saturday until Monday noon, and then "vamooaed the ranche " without paying his bill. Mr. Cole says that two other parties have served him the same trick within a few weeks. Such fellows will bear'watching. - The Montgomery Rifles carne from Detroit to this city yesterday accompanied by the Knights of Pius'V. and some 500 friends. Company A met the Rifles and Knights at the depot and escorted them to Relief Park. They made a fine appearance. The day was a beautiful one - thougli a little hot- and the visitors seemed to enjoy themselves. In the evening "Colleeu Bawn" was played at the Opera House. - According to the report the Recorder made to the Council on Mouday eveuing the conditiou of the several funds is as follows : Balances unexpeoded : First ward, $42.86; Secondward, $345.62; Contingent, $4,005.11; Cemetery, $24.38. Overdrawu: General, $3,231.37 ; General Street, $309.29; Third ward, $469 70; Fourth ward, $210,30 ; Fittb wara, $145.25 ; Sixth ward, ÏG0.70 ! Firemen's, $635. - On Saturday atteraoon last the barn of Lawreuce Horrigan, in Webster, about two miles north of Dexter village, was burned, together with a horse, farm implemento, and his entire erop of wheat, which included several stacks near the barn. Loas estimated at #2,500. The Washtenaw Mutual had an insurance of ÏUO on barn and $2,000 on contents, stock iticluded, aiid outside Btacks. Ungin of lire uot knuwn. - Ou Wednesday night of last week, July 31, Henry Smith, a farmer residiug iu the town of Pittsfield, aged Ó0 years, committed suicido by shootmg. Two shots took eifect, one in the breast and the other in the head. The deceased was iusaue. Ou Monda}', Kliza gmith, widow of the deceased, was brought to this city, ivnd on a heiirmg before Judge Harriman adjudged insane anti an order made oommittiug hbr to the asylum at Pontiac. - On Thursdny of last week Deputy-Sheriff Case, of Manchester, brcught William Milieu, sou of l'hilo B. Millen, to this city, and on a hearing the sume eveniug before Judge Harrimm he wus adjudged insane and ordered committed to the nev insane asylum at Poutiac, where he was taken by Sheriff Case on Friday. His insauity i.s attributed to a sunstroko roceived some two years ago and to the excessive use of tobáceo. - The T. & A. A. 11. excursión to Put-inBay, which carne oft on Tuesday, wasn't a great success financially, though a very pleasant ail'air. Not more thau 60 excursionista left this city, and the uumber was increased en route to but 180. The Milán people "vvont back on it" (report says) because the faro was withiu 10 cents of the Aun Albor rate. lt takes some society or association. and the persistent work of the members and expectant beneficiaries to work up a successful excursión. Excursions don't work themselvea up. - Csome time during the first part of last week- day not known- the house of Mrs Giregg, east side of south State street, was enteieil by burglars and thoroughly ransackeJ. Entrancfa was effected by pryiug up a window, aud oncé in the marauders took their time to it, as the cigar stubbs scattered through the house showed. As each room was locked up each door had to be broken open. Trunks and drawers and closets were searched, and the coutents scattered around the rooms. As Mis. Uregg and Mrs. Bliss, who occupied a number of the rooms, were both absent the lady in charge of the house is unable to teil what or how much was taken. She knows only of a revolver, which Mrs. (iregg had shown her, and of the inside keys which were evidently fouud after breaking open the doors.